Author: Mary Nelson Keithahn Hymnal: Time Now to Gather #7 (1999) Meter: D Scripture: Matthew 27:27-31 Lyrics: We sang our glad Hosannas,and waved our branches high,but some were silent, frowning,as Jesus rode on by.They sought a royal Saviorbut did not understanda king could rule by loving,instead of by command.We heard an angry Jesusin Temple courts declare,"Be gone, you moneychangers!This is a house of prayer."Though many came for healingand stayed to hear his word,still others, hostile, plottedand thus his death assured.We served him at the tablewith wine, unleavened bread."The one who will betray menow eats with me," he said.His friends would not believe him,but one by one that night,as soldiers came to take him,they scurried out of sight.We saw a suffering Jesusalone, without a friend,and heard the voices shoutingabuse until the end.We wept as we stood watchingLove's light grow dim and die,and cried, "Why did this happen?God, tell us, tell us why!"We buried him, not knowingthat on the third day morn.a risen Christ would greet usand hope would be reborn.Though evil had extinguishedthe life that burned so bright,the love of God would triumphlike dawn that ends the night. Topics: Holy Week Palm/Pssion Sunday; Jesus Holy Week events Languages: English Tune Title: HOLY WEEK
We Sang Our Glad Hosannas