Author: J. G. Olearius, 1611-84; F. E. Cox, 1812-97 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When afflictions sore oppress you,
Low with grief and anguish bowed,
Then to earnest prayer address you;
Prayer will help you, through the cloud,
Still to see your Savior near,
Under ev'ry cross you bear;
By the light His Word doth lend you,
Prayer will joy and comfort send you.
2 None shall ever be confounded,
Who in God will freely trust;
Though they be by woes surrounded,
God's a Rock to all the just.
Though you deem He hears you not,
Still your wants are ne'er forgot;
Cry to Him when storms assail you,
Let your courage never fail you.
3 Call on God, knock, seek, implore Him,
'Tis the Christian's noblest skill;
He who comes with faith before Him
Meets with help and favor still:
Who on God most firmly rest
Are the wisest and the best;
God will with such strength inbue them,
Ne'er shall any foe subdue them.
4 Learn to mark God's wondrous dealing
With the people that He loves;
When His chast'ning hand they're feeling,
Then their faith the strongest proves.
God is nigh, and notes their tears,
Though He answers not, He hears;
Pray with faith, for though He try you,
No good thing can God deny you.
5 Ponder all God's truth can teach you,
Let His word your footsteps guide;
Satan's wiles shall never reach you,
Though he draw the world aside.
Lo! God's truth is thy defense,
Light, and hope, and confidence:
Trust in God, He'll not deceive you,
Pray, and all your foes will leave you. Topics: Persistent Faith; Lent 2 Scripture: Luke 11:9-13 Used With Tune: FREU DICH SEHR
When Afflictions Sore Oppress You