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Will M. Ramsey

1872 - 1939 Person Name: W. M. R. Hymnal Number: 172 Author of "He Whispers Sweet Peace to Me" in Songs Of The Church William Morgan Ramsey Born: Au­gust 24, 1872, Bel­ton, Tex­as. Died: March 12, 1939, Lit­tle Rock, Ar­kan­sas. Buried: Rose­lawn Ce­me­te­ry, Lit­tle Rock, Ar­kan­sas. Will was the son of Charles Crump Ram­sey and Mar­tha Ann Fran­ces Burns. He mar­ried twice, to Vir­gie Ce­lem­ma Stat­ton and Will­ie Man­na­sas Law­ing. Ramsey moved with his fa­mi­ly to north­west Ar­kan­sas as a child. He stu­died mu­sic in Nor­mal schools un­der Eph­ra­im Hil­de­brand, Ste­phen Os­lin, and Ben­ja­min Un­seld. He be­gan teach­ing shape notes and sing­ing while still a teen­ag­er, and be­came well known in sing­ing schools through­out the Am­er­i­can South. He went on to be­come pre­si­dent and own­er of the Cen­tral Mu­sic Com­pa­ny in Lit­tle Rock. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

D. K. P.

Hymnal Number: 23 Author of "Angry Words" in Songs Of The Church

James Wells

Hymnal Number: 286 Author of "Living By Faith" in Songs Of The Church

D. E. Dortch

1851 - 1928 Person Name: D. F. Dortch Hymnal Number: 704 Composer of "[When we in the judgment stand]" in Songs Of The Church Born: March 5, 1851, The­ta, Ten­nes­see. Died: No­vem­ber 9/11, 1928, Ten­nes­see. Buried: Rose Hill Cem­e­te­ry, Co­lum­bia, Ten­nes­see. Dortch was teach­ing mu­sic in Mau­ry, Ten­ness­ee, in 1880, and was work­ing as an evan­gel­ist by 1886. His works in­clude: Tid­ings of Joy (Co­lum­bia, Ten­nes­see: 1878) National Tid­ings of Joy (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Na­tion­al Bap­tist Con­ven­tion of Amer­i­ca, 1878) Gospel Mel­o­dies, with Will­iam Dale & Charles Pol­lock (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Cum­ber­land Pres­by­ter­ian Pub­lish­ing House, 1890) Spirit and Life, with Ed­mund Lo­renz (Day­ton, Ohio: Chris­tian Pub­lish­ing As­so­ci­a­tion, 1893) Choice Songs (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Na­tion­al Bap­tist Con­ven­tion of Amer­i­ca, 1894) Gospel Voic­es (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: South-West­ern Pub­lish­ing House, 1895) Gospel Voic­es No. 3 (Co­lum­bia, Ten­nes­see: Da­vid E. Dortch, 1902) Hymns of Vic­to­ry, Parts 1 and 2 (Co­lum­bia, Ten­nes­see: Dortch Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1905) Happy Greet­ings to All (Char­lotte, North Car­o­li­na: Dortch Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1916) © Cyber Hymnal™ (

Ray Overholt

Person Name: R. O. Hymnal Number: 507 Author of "Ten Thousand Angels" in Songs Of The Church

V. O. Fossett

1904 - 1964 Hymnal Number: 91 Composer of "[Soul you are drifting along on the tide]" in Songs Of The Church Died: December 20, 1964. Buried: Laurel Land Memorial Park, Dallas, Texas. A native of DeKalb County, Alabama, Fossett attended his first Gospel Music School at age 12. At age 16, he attended Thomas Mosley’s Normal School. By age 19, he began singing and playing in a quartet. By 1937, he was teaching in High Point, North Carolina, where he married Katherine Strother. Three years later, he joined the Chattanooga, Tennessee, office of the Stamps-Baxter music publishers. Fossett’s works include: Fossett’s Inspirational Melodies (Dallas, Texas: Stamps-Baxter Music & Printing Company, 1952)

A. P. Bland

Hymnal Number: 194 Composer of "[We read of a place that's called heaven]" in Songs Of The Church

J. W. von Goethe

1749 - 1832 Person Name: Goethe Hymnal Number: 428 Author of "Purer Yet and Purer" in Songs Of The Church Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, son of Johann Caspar Goethe, a lawyer at Frankfurt-am-Main; was born at Frankfurt Aug. 28,1749, and died at Weimar, March 22, 1832. The greatest German poet of his day, and one of the most famous literary men of his own or any age, his sympathies were Classical rather than distinctively Christian; and as he himself said (Conversations with Eckerman, January 4, 1827), he wrote no poems suited for use in public worship. A few pieces, principally from his well-known dramatic poem of Faust (pt. i. 1808; pt. ii. pub. posthumously, 1832), are found under his name in one or two Unitarian hymn-books. Good translations of both parts of Faust have been published by Dr. John Anster, Bayard Taylor, Sir Theodore Martin, and others; while a very large number of other persons have published translations of the first part. No attempt has accordingly been made to notice any translations except those in the hymn-books. i. From Faust, pt. i., 1808. i. Christ ist erttanden! Freude dem Sterbliche. Easter. The chorus of angels on Easter Day. Translated as “Christ has arisen! Joy to our buried Head," by Dr. F. H. Hedge, in his Supplement to Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, U.S., 1853, No. 836. A free version is also noted under A. C. Cox, No. 4. ii. Die Sonne tönt nach alter Weise. Praise. The Song of the three Archangels in the Prologue in Heaven. Translated as "The sun is still for ever sounding," by Dr. F. H. Hedge, as above, 1853, No. 190. iii. Verlassen nab ich Feld und Auen. [Evening]. Faust's Soliloquy on entering his study with the dog, Translated as "O'er silent field and lonely lawn," as No. 21 in W. J. Fox's Hymns & Anthems, 1841, repeated in English and American Unitarian collections. ii. Miscellaneous. iv. Des Maurers Wandeln. Written for the Freemasons' Lodge at Weimar, of which he became a member in 1780, and included in his Werke, 1828, vol. iii. p. 61, entitled "Symbolum." Translated as "The Mason’s ways are A type of Existence," by T. Carlyle, in his Past and Present, 1843, p. 318. Included,beginning "The future hides in it" (st. ii.), as No. 854 in Dr. Hedge's Collection, 1853, as above. Two pieces are also found in collections under his name, viz.:— 1. Without haste! without rest, in Hymns of the Ages, Boston, U.S., 3rd Ser., 1865, p. 76, and repeated as "Without haste and without rest," in Stopford Brooke's Christian Hymns, 1881, &c. It is suggested by " Wie das Gestern Ohne Hast, Aber Ohne Hast, Drehe sich jeder, Urn die eigne Last," in Goethe's Zahme Xenien, 2nd Ser., 1823 (Werke, 1828, iii. p. 245). 2. Rest is not quitting The busy career. [Rest]| This is part of a piece beginning "Sweet is the pleasure Itself cannot spoil." No. 853 in Dr. Hedge's Collection, 1853, as above, marked as by " J. S. Dwight." There does not appear to be any equivalent poem in Goethe's Werke. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, (1907) =========================== Goethe, J. W. von, p. 441, i. The Exeter Unitarian Hymns, Psalms and Anthems, of 1863 and 1884, contains the several additional hymns from Goethe, the translations in each case being by the Rev. T. W. Chignell. Some of the versions are very free, and the distinctively Christian character of the translations is only very faintly present in the originals. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Wilhelm Hey

1789 - 1854 Person Name: Johann Hey Hymnal Number: 70 Author of "Can You Count the Stars?" in Songs Of The Church Hey, Johann Wilhelm, son of H. A. Hey, pastor at Leina, near Gotha, was born at Leina, March 26, 1789. He studied at the Universities of Jena and Göttingen, became in 1811 licentiate in theology, and, after varied tutorial work, was appointed in 1818 pastor at Töttelstadt, near Gotha. In 1827 he became court preacher at Gotha, where his preaching attracted large audiences, but being regarded as a Pietist, was in 1832 appointed superintendent of Ichtershausen. He died at Ichtershausen, May 19, 1854 (Koch, vii. 262-266; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 344-345; MS. from Pfarrer Ortlob of Leina). Hey's poems were mostly written for children. The best known are his Fabeln für Kinder, with illustrations by Otto Speckter, of which the first fifty appeared at Hamburg, 1833, the second fifty in 1837. Since then they have passed through a large number of editions in German, and have been several times translated into English. At the end of each series is a "Serious Appendix," containing religious and moral songs. The whole of these two Appendices have been translated into English as Hymns and Poems for Little Children. Translated from the German. London, 1853. Also in the Fifty Fables, 1867, and Other Fifty Fables, 1869, translated by Sophie Klingemann, and published by F. A. Perthes at Gotha. Very few of Hey's hymns are suited for Church use. Those which we have to note are:— I. Hymns for Church Use. i. Wenn auch vor deiner Thür eimnal. Christian Charity. First published in Knapp's Christoterpe, 1835, p. 68, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, as the fifth hymn of a series on the words "Behold I stand at the door and knock," Rev. iii. 20. In Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, No. 2412 (1865, No. 2146), it was altered to "Christ! wenn die Armen manchesmal," and this form passed into the Württemberg Gesang-Buch 1842, and other recent collections. The only translation is, "Ah, Christian! if the needy poor," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 3rd Ser, 1858, p. 30 (1884, p. 152). ii. Wenn je du wieder zagst. Passiontide. On Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. First published in Severin Vater's Jahrbuch für häusliche Andacht, Gotha, 1824, p. 173, as No. 9 of the "Reminiscences of the sufferings of Jesus; for the Quiet Days of the week before Easter," in 9 stanzas of 8 lines, with the motto "Not my will, but Thine be done." Included in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833; Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1850 and 1865, &c. Translated as:— Whene'er again thou sinkest. A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 26, and repeated, abridged, in Psalms & Hymns, Bedford, 1864, and in Holy Song, 1869. II. Hymns for Children. All those to be noted appeared in the Appendix to the 2nd Series of his Fabeln für Kinder, Hamburg, 1837. iii. Alle Jahre wieder, kommt das Christus Kind. Christmas. 1837, p. 31, in 3 st. The translations are: (1) "The blessed feast of Christmas," in Hymns & Poems, 1853, p. 81. (2) "Every year that endeth," by Sophie Klingemann, 1869, p. 31. (3) "As each happy Christmas," by Mrs. H. K. Spaeth, as No. 33 in the Little Children's Book, Philadelphia, 1885. iv. Aus dem Himmel ferne. God our Father. 1837, p. 7, in 4 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "From the glorious heav'n above," in Hymns & Poems, 1853, p. 49. (2) "From the glorious heaven," by Mrs. Sevan, 1859, p. 139. (3) “From the angels' dwelling," in Dr. F. Silcher's Song Book for the Young, Nelson, 1868, No. 1. (4) "From His heaven above," by Sophie Klingemann, 1869, p. 7. (5) "From the far blue heaven," as No. 676, in the Tribute of Praise, Boston, U.S., 1873. v. Glöcklein klingt, Vöglein singt. Thanksgiving. 1837, p. 17 (in the ed. 1886, n.d., as part of Sonnentchein, Sternelein),in 5 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "The bells they ring, The birds they sing," in Hymns & Poems, 1853, p. 63. (2) "Bells do ring, birds do sing," in Silcher's Song Book, 1868, No. 9. (3) "Bells are ringing, Birds are singing," by Sophie Klingemann, 1869, p. 17. (4) "Church bells ring," by Mrs. H. R. Spaeth, in Little Children's Book 1885, No. 72. vi. Weisst du wie viel Sternlein stehen. God's care of His creatures. 1837, p. 20, in 3 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "Canst thou sum up each brilliant star." In Hymns & Poems, 1853, p. 67. (2) "How many stars are shining," by Mrs. Bevan, 1859, p. 144. (3) "Can you tell the countless number," by Sophie Klingemann, 1869, p. 20. (4) "Canst thou count the stars that twinkle," in the Rev. C. S. Bere's Children's Choral Book, 1869, p. 4, repeated as No. 425 in the Universal Hymn Book,1885. vii. Wen Jesus liebt Der kann allein. Love of Christ. 1837, p. 37, in 4 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "They who love Jesus alone can be gay," in Hymns & Poems, 1853, p. 90. (2) "The love of Christ makes ever glad," by Sophie Klingemann, 1869, p. 37. (3) "Whom Jesus loves," by Mrs. H. R. Spaeth, in Service & Hymns for Sunday Schools (Southern Lutheran), Philadelphia, 1883, p. 178. (4) "Whom Christ holds dear," by Prof. M. H. Richards, as No. 98 in the Little Children's Book, Philadelphia, 1885. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Virgil O. Stamps

1892 - 1940 Person Name: V. O. Stamps Hymnal Number: 240 Arranger of "[When the Savior calls I will answer]" in Songs Of The Church


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