1811 - 1873 Person Name: William Mercer, 1811-1873 Scripture: Ephesians 1:3 Translator of "How brightly shines the Morning Star!" in Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New Mercer, William, M.A., born at Barnard Castle, Durham, 1811, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A., 1835). In 1840 he was appointed Incumbent of St. George's, Sheffield. He died at Leavy Greave, Sheffield, Aug. 21, 1873. His principal work was:—-
The Church Psalter and Hymn Book, comprising The Psalter, or Psalms of David, together with the Canticles, Pointed for Chanting; Four Hundred Metrical Hymns and Six Responses to the Commandments; the whole united to appropriate Chants and Tunes, for the use of Congregations and Families, by the Rev. William Mercer, M.A. . .. Assisted by John Goss, Esq…., 1854; enlarged 1856; issued without music, 1857; quarto edition 1860; rearranged edition (Oxford edition) 1864; Appendix 1872.
For many years this collection was at the head of all the hymn-books in the Church of England, both in circulation and influence. Its large admixture of Wesleyan hymns, and of translations from the German gave it a distinct character of its own, and its grave and solemn music was at one time exceedingly popular. To it Mercer contributed several translations and paraphrases from the Latin and German, the latter mainly from the Moravian hymn-books; but his hymn-writing was far less successful than his editing, and has done nothing to increase his reputation.
-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
William Mercer