Hymnal: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs #XXXV (1792) Meter: Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20 First Line: Behold, the grain of wheat that dies Lyrics: 1 Behold! the grain of wheat that dies
Yet lives in nature's womb;
Matur'd by death, to life arise,
A type of things to come.
2 This Isr'el saw in ancient days,
When dedicate to heav'n,
The first ripe sheaf, with songs of praise,
To God, their God was given:
3 Here dwelt their opes for time to come,
That he who blest that fruit,
Would bring the future harvest home,
A harvest like the root.
4 Hail! first begotten from the dead!
The church first born are thine—
Thine at thy coming. Then the head,
The head of man divine.
5 (Lord of a harvest yet to come)
The rest of earth shall reap;
And gath'ring his unnumber'd home,
One feast forever keep. Topics: The Shadow of the Law, reflecting the Body, which is Christ Languages: English
First Fruits