Author: John Morison Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #123 (1961) Lyrics: 1 The people that in darkness sat
A glorious light have seen;
The light has shined on them who long
In shades of death have been,
In shades of death have been.
2 To hail thee, Sun of Righteousness,
The gath'ring nations come;
They joy as when the reapers bear
Their harvest treasures home,
Their harvest treasures home.
3 For thou their burden dost remove
And break the tyrant's rod,
As in the day when Midian fell
Before the sword of God,
Before the sword of God.
4 To us a Child of hope is born,
To us a Son is giv'n,
And on his shoulder ever rests
All pow'r in earth and heaven,
All pow'r in earth and heaven.
5 His name shall be the Prince of Peace,
The Everlasting Lord,
The Wonderful, the Counsellor,
The God by all adored,
The God by all adored.
6 His righteous government and pow'r
Shall over all extend;
On judgment and on justice based,
His reign shall have no end,
His reign shall have no end.
7 Lord Jesus, reign in us, we pray,
And make us thine alone,
Who with the Father ever art
And Holy Spirit,one,
And Holy Spirit, one.
Amen. Topics: Christ, The Lord Jesus; Christ First Advent of; Christ Conqueror; Christ Deity of; Christ Kingly Office of; Christ Messiah; Christ Name of Scripture: Isaiah 9:2 Languages: English Tune Title: LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN
The people that in darkness sat