Author: J. Ellerton Hymnal: Hymnal for Church and Home (2nd ed.) #162 (1928) Lyrics: 1 O Father all creating,
Whose wisdom, love, and power
First bound two lives together
In Eden’s primal hour,
To-day to these Thy children
Thine earliest gifts renew,--
A home by Thee made happy,
A love by Thee kept true.
2 O Savior, guest most bounteous
Of old in Galilee,
Vouchsafe to-day Thy presence
With these who call on Thee;
Their store of earthly gladness
Transform to heavenly wine,
And teach them, in the tasting,
To know the gift is Thine.
3 O Spirit of the Father,
Breathe on them from above,
So mighty in Thy pureness,
So tender in Thy love;
That guarded by Thy presence,
From sin and strife kept free,
Their lives may own Thy guidance,
Their hearts be ruled by Thee.
4 Except Thou build it, Father,
The house is built in vain;
Except Thou, Savior, bless it,
The joy will turn to pain;
But naught can break the marriage
Of hearts in Thine made one,
And love Thy Spirit hallows
Is endless love begun. Topics: Marriage Languages: English Tune Title: [O Father all creating]
O Father All Creating