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Hilary of Poitiers

267 - 367 Hymnal Number: d95 Author of "Rejoice, the year upon its way" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Hilary, Hilarius Pictaviensis, Saint, Bishop, and, according to St. Augustine, "the Illustrious Doctor of all the Churches," was born of heathen parents of an illustrious family and great wealth, at Poictiers early in the fourth century. He received, as a heathen, an excellent classical education, so that St. Jerome says of him that he "was brought up in the pompous school of Gaul, yet had culled the flowers of Grecian science, and became the Rhone of Latin eloquence." Early in life he married, and had a daughter named Abra, Afra, or Apra. About 350 he renounced, in company with his wife and daughter, the Pagan religion of his family, and became a devout and devoted Christian. After his baptism he so gained the respect and love of his fellow Christians, that in 353, upon a vacancy occurring in the see of his native town, he was, although married and a layman, elected to fill it, and received ordination as Deacon and Priest, and consecration as Bishop, "by accumulation," no uncommon occurrence in those days. From that time he was virtually, though not formally, separated from his wife, and lived a very ascetic life. Soon after his consecration he received a visit from St. Martin of Tours (who became thenceforward his devoted disciple), and distinguished himself by his unsparing opposition to the Arian heresy, which had gained many powerful adherents in Gaul at that time, obtaining for himself thereby the title in after years of "Malleus Arianorum," the hammer of the Arians. In 356 he was sent by the Emperor Constantius to Phrygia in exile, in consequence of a report made against his moral character by the Arian Council held at Beziers in Languedoc, over which the Arian leader, Saturninus, Bishop of Aries, presided, whose excommunication for heresy Hilary had some time before secured. His exile lasted until 362, when he returned to Poictiers by the Emperor's direction, though without his sentence of banishment being formally annulled. In spite of his consequent want of permission to do so, he left Poictiers towards the end of the same year, and spent two years in Italy, whence he was again sent back to Gaul in 364 by the new Emperor Valentinian, in consequence of his denouncing Auxentius, the Bishop of Milan, where Hilary was at that time resident, as having been insincere in his acceptance of the creed of Nicaea. Hilary lived for some three years after his final return to Poictiers, and died Jan. 13, 368, though his Saint's Day (which gives his name to the Hilary term in our Law Courts) is celebrated on the following day, in order, probably, not to trench upon the octave of the Epiphany. St. Hilary's writings, of which a large number are still extant though many have been lost, travel over a vast field of exegetical, dogmatic, and controversial theology. His principal work in importance and elaboration is his “Libri xii. de Trinitate," directed against the Arian heresy, while in his “Commentarium in Matthaeum " we have the earliest commentary on that gospel. The best edition of his works is that of Constant, originally published by the Benedictines, at Paris, in 1693, and reprinted, with some additions, at Verona, in 2 vols., by Scipio Maffei, in 1730. St. Hilary was a sacred poet as well as a theologian, though most of his writings of this character perished, probably, in his Liber Hymnorum, which is one of his books that has not come down to us. It seems to have consisted of hymns upon Apostles and Martyrs, and is highly spoken of by Isidore of Seville in his De Officio Ecclesiastico. All that we have remaining are some lines of considerable beauty on our Lord's childhood (Dom Pitra's Spicilegium Solesmense, Paris, 1862), which are attributed, probably with justice, to him, and about 8 hymns, the attribution of.which to him is more or less certainly correct; Daniel gives 7, 4 of which:— “Lucis Largitor splendide"; "Deus Pater ingenite"; "In matutinis surgimus"; and "Jam meta noctis transiit"; are morning hymns; one, "Jesus refulsit omnium," for the Epiphany; one, “Jesu quadragenariae," for Lent; and one,"Beata nobis gaudia," for Whitsuntide. Thomasius gives another as Hilary's, "Hymnum dicat turba fratrum”. Written as these hymns were in the first infancy of Latin hymnody, and before the metres of the old heathen Latin poets had been wholly banished from the Christian service of song, or the rhyming metres, which afterwards became so general and so effective, had been introduced into such compositions, they can scarcely be expected to take very high rank. At the same time they are not without a certain rugged grandeur, well befitting the liturgical purposes they were intended to serve. Containing as they also do the first germs of Latin rhymes, they have great interest for all students of hymnody, as thus inaugurating that treatment of sacred subjects in a form which was to culminate presently in the beautiful Church poetry of the 12th century. [Rev. Digby S. Wrangham, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Hilary, St., pp. 522, i., and 1570, ii. Isidore of Seville and Jerome both speak of Hilary as a hymn writer, but it is by no means certain that any of his genuine hymns have survived. Mr. E. W. Watson, in his St. Hilary of Poitiers, Select Works, 1899 (Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. ix.), discusses the subject in his Introduction, pp. xlvi.-xlviii., and concludes that none are genuine. He thinks that the recently discovered Liber Hymnorum (see p. 1570, ii.) may have been compiled in Hilary's time, but that he cannot be accepted as the author of any of the surviving hymns in that collection. Canon A. J. Mason in the Journal of Theological Studies, vol. v., April, 1904, pp. 413-432, thinks that the recently discovered hymns are genuine, collects many parallel passages from the undoubted works of Hilary, and is indeed inclined to attribute also the "Lucis largitor splendide " and the "Hymnum dicat" (see pp. 522, ii.; 642, i., ii.) to St. Hilary. A later article by the Rev. A. S. Walpole (vol. vi., p. 599, July, 1905), while accepting the newly discovered hymns, and the "Hymnum dicat," adds various reasons against accepting the other hymns attributed to Hilary by Daniel (see p. 522, ii.). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Nicolaus Decius

1485 - 1541 Person Name: Nikolaus Decius Hymnal Number: d73 Author of "O Lamb of God all blameless" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Decius, Nicolaus (Nicolaus a Curia or von Hofe, otherwise Hovesch, seems to have been a native of Hof, in Upper Franconia, Bavaria, and to have been originally called Tech. He became a monk, and was in 1519 Probst of the cloister at Steterburg, near Wolfenbüttel. Becoming favourable to the opinions of Luther, he left Steterburg in July, 1522, and went to Brunswick, where he was appointed a master in the St. Katherine and Egidien School. In 1523 he was invited by the burgesses of Stettin to labour there as an Evangelical preacher along with Paulus von Rhode. He became preacher at the Church of St. Nicholas; was probably instituted by the Town Council in 1526, when von Rhode was instituted to St. Jacob's; and at the visitation in 1535 was recognized as pastor of St. Nicholas'. He died suddenly at Stettin, March 21, 1541, with some suspicion of being poisoned by his enemies of the Roman Catholic faction (Koch, i. 419-421, 471, 472; ii. 483; Allg. Deutsche Biography, iii. 791-793).He seems to have been a popular preacher and a good musician. Three hymns are ascribed to him. These are versions of the “Sanctus," the "Gloria in excelsis," and the "Agnus Dei." The second and third are noted under these Latin first lines. He is also said to have composed or adapted the melodies set to them.      [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jean Tisserand

? - 1494 Hymnal Number: d132 Author of "Ye sons and daughters of the King" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Died: 1494, Par­is, France. A Fran­cis­can monk, Tis­ser­and found­ed an or­der for pen­i­tent wo­men. He is al­so said to have writ­ten a wor­ship ser­vice com­mem­o­rat­ing Fran­cis­cans mar­tyred in Mo­roc­co in 1220. Lyrics: O FILII ET FILIAE, Rex coe­les­tis, Rex glor­i­ae O Sons and Daugh­ters, Let Us Sing! Young Men and Maids, Re­joice and Sing

Athelstan Riley

1858 - 1945 Hymnal Number: d109 Author of "The praises of that saint we sing" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Riley, John Athelstan Laurie, M.A., s. of John Riley, Mytholmroyd, Yorks, was born in London, Aug. 10, 1858, and educated at Eton and at Pembroke College, Oxford (B.A. 1881, M.A. 1883). He has been since 1892 a member of the House of Laymen of the Province of Canterbury. He was one of the compilers of The English Hymnal, 1906, and contributed to it seven translations from the Latin (34, 185, 193, 195, 213, 242, 321, with No. 97 previously published), and one from the Greek, beginning, "What sweet of life endureth," from Iiola rod fiiov, p. 899, i., and the following originals:— 1. Come, let us join the Church above. Martyrs. 2. Saints of God! Lo, Jesu’s people. St. Bartholomew. The initials of the lines form the acrostic Saint Bartholomew; it is really a general hymn for Apostles. 3. Ye watchers and ye holy ones. Universal Praise to God. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

John Cawood

1775 - 1852 Hymnal Number: d48 Author of "Listen to the wondrous story" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. John Cawood was born in 1775, at Matlock, Derbyshire, where his father carried on a small farm. He enjoyed very limited educational advantages. At the age of eighteen he occupied a menial position. But seeking every opportunity of self improvement, and aided by those who interested themselves in his behalf, he was enabled in 1797 to enter S. Edmund Hall, Oxford, and obtained his B.A. in 1801, and his M.A. in 1807. He was ordained in 1801, and most of his life in the ministry was spent as perpetual Curate of S. Ann's Chapel of Ease, Bewdley, Worcestershire. He died in 1852. He published several prose works, but no volume of hymns or poems. His son says, "My father composed about thirteen hymns, which have one by one got into print, though never published by himself, or any one representing him." --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ======================= Cawood, John, M. A., born at Matlock, Derbyshire, March 18, 1775. His parents being in humble circumstances, he received in childhood but a limited education, and at 18 was engaged in the service of the Rev. Mr. Cursham, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. Three years' study, however, under careful direction, enabled him to enter St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, in 1797. Obtaining his degree in 1801, he took Holy Orders, and became successively Curate of Ribsford and Dowles, and Incumbent of St. Ann's Chapel of Ease, Bewdley, Worcestershire. He died Nov. 7, 1852. His hymns, 17 in all, were never published by himself. Of these 9 were included in Cotterill's Selection, 8th ed., 1819, Nos. 268-276. Most of these have passed into other collections. These are :— 1. Almighty God, Thy word is cast. After a Sermon. 2. Hark! what mean those holy voices? (1819.) Christmas. 3. Begin a joyful song. (1819.) Christmas. 4. Behold yon wondrous star. (1819.) Epiphany. 5. Trembling with tenderest alarms. (1816.) Finding of Moses. 6. In Israel's fane, by silent night. (1816.) Samuel. 7. King o'er all worlds the Saviour shone. (1819.) Good Friday. 8. Christians, the glorious hope ye know. (1819.1 Plea for Missions. 9. Hark! what mean those lamentations. (1819.) Missions. In addition, Dr. Rogers pub. in his Lyra Britannica, 1867, from the author's manuscript:— 10. A child of sin and wrath I'm born. (1820.) Infant's Prayer. 11. The Sou of God, in worlds on high. (1822.) Christ's Humility. 12. Blessed Father, Great Creator. (1837.) Holy Trinity. These details are from the S. MSS., amongst which there are 5 hymns yet unpublished. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Benjamin Webb

1819 - 1885 Hymnal Number: d100 Author of "Sing we triumphant hymns of praise, new hymns" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Benjamin Webb (b. London, England, 1819; d. Marylebone, London, 1885) originally translated the text in eight stanzas, although six only appear in Lift Up Your Hearts. It was published in The Hymnal Noted (1852), produced by his friend John Mason Neale. Webb received his education at Trinity College, Cambridge, England, and became a priest in the Church of England in 1843. Among the parishes he served was St. Andrews, Wells Street, London, where he worked from 1862 to 1881. Webb's years there coincided with the service of the talented choir director and organist Joseph Barnby, and the church became known for its excellent music program. Webb edited The Ecclesiologist, a periodi­cal of the Cambridge Ecclesiological Society (1842-1868). A composer of anthems, Webb also wrote hymns and hymn translations and served as one of the editors of The Hymnary (1872). Bert Polman ================== Webb, Benjamin, M.A., was born in London in 1820, and was educated in St. Paul's School; whence he passed to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1838, B.A. 1842, M.A. 1845. Ordained by the Bishop [Monk] of Gloucester and Bristol he was Assistant Curate of Kemeston in Gloucestershire, 1843-44; of Christ Church, St. Pancras, 1847-49; and of Brasted, Kent, 1849-51; at which date he was presented to the P. C. of Sheen in Staffordshire, which he held until 1862, when he became Vicar of St. Andrews, Wells Street, London. In 1881 the Bishop [Jackson] of London collated him to the Prebend of Portpool in St. Paul's Cathedral. Mr. Webb was one of the Founders of the Cambridge Camden, afterwards the Ecclesiological Society; and the Editor of the Ecclesiologist from 1842 to 1868, as well as the General Editor of the Society's publications. His first appearance in print was as joint editor of Bishop Montague's Articles of Inquiry in 184; in 1843 he was joined with Mr. J. M. Neale in An Essay on Symbolism, and A Translation of Durandus; in 1847 he put forth his valuable work on Continental Ecclesiology; in 1848 he was joint editor with Dr. Mill of Frank’s Sermons, for the Anglo-Catholic Library, and with the Rev. J. Fuller-Russell of Hierurgia Anglicana. After the decease of his father-in-law (Dr. Mill), he edited Dr. Mill's Catechetical Lectures, 1856; a second edition of Dr. Mill's Christian Advocates Publications on the Mythical Interpretation of the Gospels, 1861; and of Dr. Mill's Sermons on our Lord's Temptation, 1873. He was also one of the editors of the Burntisland reprint of the Sarum Missal. One of his most valuable works is Instructions and Prayers for Candidates for Confirmation, of which the third edition was published in 1882. Mr. Webb was one of the original editors of the Hymnal Noted, and of the sub-Committee of the Ecclesiological Society, appointed to arrange the words and the music of that book; and was also the translator of some of the hymns. In conjunction with the Rev. Canon W. Cooke he was editor of the Hymnary, 1872, for which office his habitual reconstruction and composition of the words of the anthems used at St. Andrew's, Wells Street, as well as his connection with the Hymnal Noted, eminently qualified him. His original hymns contributed to the Hymnary, 1871 and 1872, were:-- 1. Assessor to thy King. St. Bartholomew. In the Hymnary, 1872. 2. Behold He comes, thy King most holy. Advent. Originally written to be sung in St. Andrew's Church, Wells Street, as an anthem to the music of Schumann's Advent-lied, and afterwards published in the Hymnary, 1872. 3. Praise God, the Holy Trinity. Hymn of Faith. Originally written for use in St. Andrew's, Wells Street, and subsequently in the Hymnary, 1872. 4. Praise the Rock of our salvation. Dedication of a Church. Published in the Hymnary, 1872. Mr. Webb's authorised text is in the Westminster Abbey Hymn Book, 1883. 5. Ye angel hosts above. Universal Praise to God. In the Hymnary, 1872. He died in London, Nov. 27, 1885. [Rev. William Cooke, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Contractus Hermannus

1013 - 1054 Hymnal Number: d41 Author of "Triumph all ye cherubim" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Hermannus Contractus (also known as Herimanus Augiensis or Hermann von Reichenau) was the son of Count Wolverad II von Altshausen. He was born 18 February, 1013 at Altshausen (Swabia). He was a cripple at birth, but intellectually gifted. Therefore his parents sent him to be taught by Abbot Berno on the island of Reichenau. He took his monastic vows here and died on Reichenau 21 September, 1054. He was a mathematician, astronomer, musician, chronicler, and poet, among other things. He is frequently credited as the author of "Alma Redemptoris Mater" and "Salve Regina" Dianne Shapiro, from Schlager, P. (1910). Hermann Contractus. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved October 13, 2014 from New Advent: ================================== Hermannus Contraecus, so called because of his crippled condition, is also known as Hermann of Vöhringen, Hermann of Reichenau, and Hermann der Gebrechliche. He was the son of the Count of Vöhringen in Swabia, and was born on July 18, 1013. He entered the school of St. Gall, circa 1020, and soon developed, although so young, an intense interest in his studies. It is said of him that he rapidly mastered Latin, Greek, and Arabic. History, music, mathematics, philosophy, and theology engaged his attention, and in each study he attained marked success. Some go so far as to say with confidence that he translated Aristotle's Poetics and Rhetoric from the Arabic, but the statement is disputed by others. At thirty years of age he removed from St. Gall to the monastery of Reichenau, where he remained to his death, Sept. 24, 1054. His name is associated with several hymns of historical importance, and notably the following:— 1. Alma Redemptoris, Mater quae pervia coeli. 2. Rex omnipotens die hodierna. 3. Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia. 4. Salve Regina. 5. Veni Sancte spiritus, Et emitte. 6. Veni Sancte spiritus: Reple. 7. Victimae Paschali. The conclusions arrived at in annotations of these hymns concerning their respective authorship will be found somewhat adverse to Hermannus's claims with regard to Nos. 2 and 4, and positively against him with respect to Nos. 3,5 and 7. Some of these conclusions will be found to be utterly opposed to those of Duffield on the same hymns in his Latin Hymn-Writers, &c, 1889, pp. 149-168. This difference of opinion arises mainly out of the fact that the manuscript at St. Gall and at the British Museum were not examined by Duffield, and are much older and more important than any of those with which he was acquainted. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix I (1907)

Christoph von Schmid

1768 - 1854 Person Name: J. C. von Schmid Hymnal Number: d66 Author of "O come, little children, [O] come, one and [come] all" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Johann Christoph von Schmidt DT Germany 1768-1854. Born at Dinkelsbuhl, Bavaria, Germany, the oldest of nine children and son of a civil servant who worked for the Teutonic Order, he received private lessons in the monastery and attended Catholic Latin school for two years, then attended the Dillingen high school, afterward tutoring for a wealthy family. He enrolled in the Episcopal University in Dillingen and studied philosphy for two years, then theology for four years. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1791. He served as parish vicar in Nassenbeuren, then chaplain at Seeg. In 1796, when he was placed as the head of a large school in Thannhausen, where he taught for many years. From 1816-1826 he was parish priest at Oberstadion in Wurttemberg. In 1826 he was appointed Canon of the Augsburg Cathedral. In 1832 he was administrator for the school system for Swabia and Neuburg. In 1837 he was raised by Bavarian King Ludwig I to personal nobility, a knight of the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown. In old age he received numerous honors, and his 80th birthday was a public holiday in Augsburg. The University of Prague awarded him the title of Doctor of Theology. In addition to being an educator, he was also a prolific author and writer of children’s stories. He would often read his stories to the school children after classes. His stories became very popular and were translated into 24 languages. His general theme in story writing was to awaken a practical piety in children. Wrote 40 story books for children. He also wrote poetry. His most famous work: “A basket of flowers”. He died of cholera at Augsburg, Germany. In 1857 his autobiography was published. John Perry

Friedrich von Spee

1591 - 1635 Hymnal Number: d46 Author of "Hark, in the night The god of might" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Spee, Friedrich von, son of Peter Spee (of the family of Spee, of Langenfeld), judge at Kaisers worth, was born at Kaisersworth, Feb. 25, 1591. He was educated in the Jesuit gymnasium at Cologne, entered the order of the Jesuits there on Sept. 22, 1610, and was ordained priest about 1621. From 1613 to 1624 he was one of the tutors in the Jesuit college at Cologne, and was then sent to Paderborn to assist in the Counter Reformation. In 1627 he was summoned by the Bishop of Würzburg to act as confessor to persons accused of witchcraft, and, within two years, had to accompany to the stake some 200 persons, of all ranks and ages, in whose innocence he himself firmly believed (His Cautio criminalis, sen de processibus contra sagas lib, Rinteln, 1631, was the means of almost putting a stop to such cruelties). He was then sent to further the Counter Reformation at Peine near Hildesheim, but on April 29, 1629, he was nearly murdered by some persons from Hildesheim. In 1631 he became professor of Moral Theology at Cologne. The last years of his life were spent at Trier, where, after the city had been stormed by the Spanish troops on May 6, 1635, he contracted a fever from some of the hospital patients to whom he was ministering, and died there Aug. 7, 1635. (Koch, iv. 185; Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii., 1887, p. 193,

Heinrich Theobald Schenk

1656 - 1727 Person Name: H. T. Schenk Hymnal Number: d129 Author of "Who are these like stars appearing" in The St. Cecilia Hymnal. 4th ed. Schenk, Heinrich Theobald, son of Simon Schenk, pastor at Heidelbach, on the Schwalm, near Alsfeld, Hesse, was born at Heidelbach, April 10, 1656. He entered the Padagogium at Giessen, in 1670, and then pursued his studies at the University (M.A. 1676). In 1676 he returned to the Padagogium, as one of the masters; and was, from 1677 to 1689, "præceptor classicus." On Dec. 27, 1689, he was ordained as Town preacher and "definitor," at the Stadtkirche in Giessen. He died at Giessen, April 11, and was buried there April 15, 1727…The registers at Giessen give the date of his funeral, but not of his death; but say, that at his death he was aged 71 years less 10 days, which would rather suggest April 21 as the date of his birth.) Only one hymn is known by him, but it is a hymn which is found in almost all recent German hymn-books; and, through translations, in many recent English collections. It is:— Wer sind die vor Gottes Throne. Eternal Life. This is found in the Neuvennehrtes Gesangbilchlein, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1719, No. 362, p. 341… It is a beautiful hymn on the Church Triumphant (i.-xiii.), and on the aspirations of the Church Militant to attain the same victorious glory. Translated as:— 1. Who are these like stars appearing. By Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841, p. 89, being a very good translation of st. i.—vi., ix.-xi., xiv.-xvii., xx. This has come into extensive use in the cento adopted in Alford's Psalms & Hymns, 1844; and repeated in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861; being the trs. of st. i., iii.-v., ix. Other centos are found in Rorison's Hymns & Anthems, 1851, &c. Other forms may also be noted:— (1) "Lo! a multitude appearing." This, in T. Darling's Hymns for Ch. of England, 1874, is based on Miss Cox's st. i., iv., v., with two additional stanzas. (2) "Who are these in dazzling brightness. Bearing the victorious palm." 2. Who are these in light adoring. By A. T. Russell, as No. 145 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851 ; being a tr. of st. i., iv., xi., xv. 3. Who are those before God's throne, What the crowned host I see. This is a good tr. of st. i.-vi., ix., x., xiv., xvii., xx., by Miss Winkworth in herLyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 207 Other translations are:— (1) "Who are those before God's throne, What the countless." By J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1859, pt. i., p. 307; and his Memoir & Remains, 1869, p. 267. (2) " Who are those round God's throne stand-ing." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 90. (3) "What is this host that round the throne." By Miss Warner, 1869, p. 20. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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