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Hymnal, Number:gs1922

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Elizabeth Codner

1824 - 1919 Hymnal Number: d81 Author of "Even me, even me" in Glory Songs CODNER, Elizabeth (née Harris) was born in Dartmouth, Devon in 1823. Croydon, Surrey, 28 March 1919. She was interested in the mission field from an early age, and two of her early publications were entitled The Missionary Ship (1853) and The Missionary Farewell (1854) relating to the Patagonia Mission (later the South American Missionary Society). She married William Pennefather at the Mildmay Protestant Mission in London, and edited the mission’s monthly Woman’s Work in the Great Harvest Field. At age 17, she was editing a magazine for the Patagonia Mission, later the South American Missionary Society. She died in Croydon, Surrey on 28 March 1919. NN, Hymnary

Bernard Barton

1784 - 1849 Hymnal Number: d144 Author of "Walk in the light, so shalt thou [and you shall] know" in Glory Songs Barton, Bernard, commonly known as the "Quaker Poet," was born in London Jan. 31, 1784, and educated at a Quaker school at Ipswich. In 1798 he was apprenticed to Mr. S. Jesup, a shopkeeper at Halstead, Essex, with whom he remained until 1806, when he removed to Woodbridge, Suffolk, and entered into business with his brother, as a coal and corn merchant. On the death of his wife at the end of the first year of their married life, he proceeded to Liverpool, where he acted as a private tutor for a short time. He returned to Woodbridge in 1810, where he secured an engagement in the local bank of the Messrs. Alexander. This appointment he held for 40 years. He died at Woodbridge, Feb. 19, 1849. During the same year his daughter published his Poems and Letters, with a Memoir. His poetical works were numerous, including:— (1) Metrical Effusions , 1812; (2) Poems by an Amateur, 1818; (3) Poems , 1820; (4) Napoleon, and other Poems, 1822; (5) Poetic Vigils, 1824; (6) Devotional Verses founded on Select Texts of Scripture, 1826; (7) A Widow's Tale, 1S27; (8) New Year's Eve, 1829; (9) The Reliquary, 1836; (10) Household Verses, 1845. A complete list of his works is given in Joseph Smith's Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, Lond., J. Smith, 1867, vol. i. pp. 196-200. From these works about 20 pieces have come into common use as hymns. These are found principally in the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, on the one hand, and various American Unitarian collections on the other. The best known are, “Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace," and "Walk in the light, so shalt thou know." From his Devotional Poems, &c, 1826, the following have passed into the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878:— 1. Fear not, Zion's sons and daughters. Gracious Promises. This is part of a poem on Isaiah xliii. 1, “Fear not, Jacob, tabulated." 2. Hath the invitation ended? Invitation. 3. See we not beyond the portal? Present vision Imperfect. This is part of the poem on 1 Cor. xiii. 12, “Dim and dark our present vision." 4. Those who live in love shall know. Peace. 5. Would'st thou share this benediction! Poor in Spirit. In addition, there are also in various collections:— 6. Around Bethesda's healing wave. Consolation. This is on pp. 182-185, in his Napoleon, and other Poems, 1822, in 10 stanzas of 6 lines. A cento therefrom is given in a few American hymnals, including Mr. Beecher's Plymouth Collection, No. 746, as, "The waters of Bethesda's pool." 7. There is a life more dear. Spiritual Life. From the Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 96, into Kennedy, 1863, No. 1177, with the omission of stanza v. 8. Say not the law divine. Spiritual Law. Also from the Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 34, into various American hymnals, generally Unitarian, as the Hymn and Tune Book, Boston, 1868, No. 342, &c, where, however, it is rewritten from an irregular metre to S.M. This had previously appeared in Hedge and Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, U.S., 1853. Other hymns, given in great part in American Unitarian collections, are annotated under their respective first lines. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Barton, Bernard, p. 116, i. Other hymns in common use:— 1. God made the country, yet in scenes. Country Life. This begins with stanza iii. of a poem "Addressed to a Friend in London" in The Reliquary, 1836, p. 83. 2. Lamp of our feet! whereby we trace. Holy Scriptures, published in The Reliquary, 1836, p. 116, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in its full form, and also abbreviated as (1) "Word of the ever-living God"; and (2) "Word of the everlasting God." In extensive use. 3. There is a Friend more tender, true. Jesus, the Friend. This begins with stanza iii. of "But yet, however cheerless seem," in his Poems & Letters, 1853, p. 254. 4. Walk in the light! So shalt thou know. (Walking in the Light.) Published in his Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 242, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is found in many modern collections, and is one of the most popular of his hymns. 5. We journey through a vale of tears. Heaven Anticipated. In his Poems & Letters, 1853, p. 193. Of these hymns, Nos. 3, 5, are of an earlier date than the Poems & Letters of 1853; but we have failed to find them in Barton's earlier works. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

B. B. Edmiaston

1881 - 1955 Hymnal Number: d33 Author of "I shall sing for evermore" in Glory Songs Benard Bates Edmiaston Born: Ju­ly 16, 1881, Ben­netts, Bax­ter Coun­ty, Ar­kan­sas. Died: De­cem­ber 2, 1964, Bronte, Tex­as. Buried: Fair­view Ce­me­te­ry, Bronte, Tex­as. Bernard was the son of Da­vid W. Ed­mi­as­ton and Geor­gia Ann Flu­ty, and hus­band of El­la Al­len. He stu­died mu­sic un­der Ru­fus Tur­ner, Frank­lin Ei­land, W. H. Law­son, Ber­ry Mc­Gee, Em­mett Dean, G. W. Fields, John Her­bert, and ma­ny oth­ers, and taught sing­ing schools for at least 38 years. He wrote and pub­lished songs through the Trio Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, Wa­co, Tex­as, and was di­rec­tor of the South­ern De­vel­op­ment Nor­mal School of Mu­sic in W­aco. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

Thomas Benton

Hymnal Number: d9 Author of "Away to war for Jesus" in Glory Songs

James W. Gaines

1880 - 1937 Hymnal Number: d5 Author of "I know my Lord will be true" in Glory Songs Born: January 23, 1881, Hiram, Kaufman County, Texas. Died: June 3, 1937, Oakville, Tennessee. Buried: Edmondson Cemetery, Southaven, Mississippi. In 1900, Gaines was living in Kauffman, Texas. He worked with the Trio and/or Quartet Music Companies in Waco, Texas, and married Laurel Life around 1904. Their daughter Mia was born in Texas around 1906, and their son Charles Life Gaines in Missouri around 1907. The family moved to Tennessee by World War I, when Gaines was drafted for military service. After the war, he ran a music publishing company in Memphis, Tennessee. His works include: The Gospel Messenger (Memphis, Tennessee: J. W. Gaines Music Company, 1931) Revival Tidings (Memphis, Tennessee: Gaines Music Company, 1932)

George W. Sebren

1882 - 1940 Hymnal Number: d70 Author of "A Savior's love" in Glory Songs Sebren, George Washington. (Belmont, Sabine Parish, Louisiana, March 8, 1882--January 26, 1940, Asheville, North Carolina). He was the son of Richard Henry and Sarah Jane Sebren. As a small boy he attended singing schools taught by T.J. Lites. He moved with this family to Sabine County, Texas, before he was twelve years old. He attended two sessions of Southern Development Normal, with F.L. Eiland as principal, also one normal under J.L. Moore and one under J.B. Vaughan. He later attended three sessions of the Southern Development Normal at Waco, Texas, under Dr. J.B. Herbert and his associates, graduating from that school in 1906. He also studied at Landon Conservatory of Music, Dallas, Texas, and under D.A. Clippinger, eminent voice teacher of Chicago. He was first principal and teacher of the vocal department of the Southern Development Normal College of Music. He wrote hundreds of songs--both words and music--which have been published in many different books and sung throughout the South. His activities as a singer and teacher took him into every state in the South. He trained and led the first Vaughan Quartet, was teacher of voice and other subjects in the first six annual sessions of The Vaughan School of Music (founded 1909), in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. In his teaching work he was associated with Dr. J.B. Herbert, Emmet S. Dean, B.C. Unseld, E.T. Hilderbrand, and others. Among the songs he written are "My Song of Praise" (better known as "I'm Going Along O'erflowing with Song"), "Be Cheerful All Along," and "I'm on the Right Side Now." He edited and published twelve gospel song books, one quartet book and two books on rudiments of music. He is the author of Ten Lessons in Singing, incorporated in Vaughan's School Songs, used in the public schools in the state of Tennessee. At the time of his death he was active in broadcasting gospel quartets, teaching singing and continuing his composing of sacred songs while operating a bookstore at the same time. He had a thriving business in school books. He was also tenor soloist and music director at several churches in the area. He is buried at Calvary Church, Fletcher, N.C., near Asheville. --Knippers, Ottis. (1937). Who's Who Among Southern Singers and Composers. Lawrenceburg, Tenn.: James D. Vaughan; and a letter from Dr. Herbert Sebren (son) to William J. Reynolds, 22 September 1985. DNAH Archives.

DeWitt Clinton Huntington

1830 - 1912 Person Name: D. W. C. Huntington Hymnal Number: d99 Author of "Over there" in Glory Songs Rv DeWitt Clinton Huntington USA 1830-1912. Born at Townsend, VT, one of nine siblings, he attended Syracuse University, NY, and was ordained a Methodist Episcopal minister in 1853. He married Frances Harriett Davis in 1853, and they had three children: Charles, Thomas, and Horace. After her death in 1866, he married Mary Elizabeth Moore in 1868, and they had a daughter, Mary Frances. He pastored in Rochester, NY, (1861-71 & 1876-79), Syracuse, NY, (1873-76), Olean, NY, (1885-89), Bradford, PA, (1882-85 & 1889-91), and Lincoln, NE, (1891-96), where he became a Methodist District Superintendent of relief work. At his pastorate he also personally designed and oversaw construction of a brick sanctuary seating over 1100 people. A depression in 1893 caused him to forego salary for a number of months while pastoring. As things improved, he designed an addition to the church that was finally built two decades later. He was prevailed upon to serve as Chancellor of Nebraska Wesleyan University (1898-1908), at first without pay, and asked more than once to stay after desiring to retire. In 1908 he became Chancellor emeritus and assumed the role of professor of English Bible & Ethics. He also wrote several books, one titled, “Is the Lord among us?”. Another: “Half century messages to pastors and people”. Another: “A documentary history of religion in America since 1877”. He also served on the boards of the local telephone company and Windom Bank. He contracted pleura-pneumonia and died in Lincoln, NE. A Lincoln, NE, street is named for him, as is an elementary school. He was opposed to football, thinking it had no place in a proper Christian institution, but football was re-instituted at the college after his death. John Perry

Ada Powell

Hymnal Number: d143 Author of "Wait but a little while, my comrade" in Glory Songs

Eliza Holmes Reed

1794 - 1867 Person Name: Eliza Reed Hymnal Number: d92 Author of "[O] Why not tonight" in Glory Songs Reed, Eliza, née Holmes, was born in London, March 4, 1794; married to the Rev. Andrew Reed in 1816; and died July 4, 1867. Mrs. Reed entered fully and earnestly into her husband's extensive charitable works. Her publications include Original Tales for Children; and The Mother's Manual for the Training of her Children, 1865. Her hymns, 20 in all, were contributed to her husband's collection, and were republished with his in the Wycliffe Chapel Supplement, 1872. They are only of average merit, and have not attained to a marked position. They include:— 1. Gracious Lord, as Thou hast bidden. Holy Baptism. 2. I would be Thine, 0 take my heart . Dedication of Self to Christ. 3. 0 do not let the word depart. The Accepted Time. 4. 0 that I could for ever dwell. Communion with God Desired. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Emmett S. Dean

1876 - 1951 Editor of "" in Glory Songs Born: June 29, 1876, Con­e­cuh Coun­ty, Al­a­ba­ma. Died: October 8, 1951, Wa­co, Tex­as. Buried: Oak­wood Cem­e­tery, Wa­co, Tex­as. A Meth­od­ist, Dean taught sing­ing schools for 40 years, wrote some 500 songs, and for four years head­ed the Trio Mu­sic Com­pa­ny. With Frank­lin Ei­land and Ho­mer El­li­ott, he found­ed the South­ern De­vel­op­ment Nor­mal Mu­sic School in Wa­co, Tex­as.


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