Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16 First Line: Jesus, the Son of God, who once Lyrics:
Jesus, the Son of God, who once
for us his life resigned,
Now lives in heav’n, our great High Priest,
and never-dying friend.
Through life, through death, let us to him
with constancy adhere;
Faith shall supply new strength, and hope
shall banish ev’ry fear.
To human weakness not severe
is our High Priest above;
His heart o’erflows with tenderness,
his bowels melt with love.
With sympathetic feelings touched,
he knows our feeble frame;
He knows what sore temptations are,
for he has felt the same.
But though he felt temptation’s pow’r,
unconquered he remained;
Nor, ‘midst the frailty of our frame,
by sin was ever stained.
As, in the days of feeble flesh,
he poured forth cries and tears;
So, though exalted, still he feels
what ev’ry Christian bears.
Then let us, with a filial heart,
come boldly to the throne
Of grace supreme, to tell our griefs,
and all our wants make known:
That mercy we may there obtain
for sins and errors past,
And grace to help in time of need,
while days of trial last.
Heb. 4:14-16: Jesus, the Son of God, who once