Author: Henry Scott Holland, 1847 - 1918 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #343b (1958) Lyrics: 1 Judge eternal, throned in splendor,
Lord of lords and King of kings,
With thy living fire of judgment
Purge this land of bitter things;
Solace all its wide dominion
With the healing of thy wings.
2 Still the weary folk are pining
For the hour that brings release,
And the city's crowded clangor
Cries aloud for sin to cease;
And the homesteads and the woodlands
Plead in silence for their peace. A-men.
3 Crown, O God, thine own endeavor;
Cleave our darkness with thy sword;
Feed the faint and hungry heathen
With the richness of thy word;
Cleanse the body of this nation
Through the glory of the Lord. A-men. Topics: The Church Year Epiphany; The Propagation of the Gospel; Church Life and Work City, Nation, World Languages: English Tune Title: RHUDDLAN
Judge eternal, throned in splendor