Author: T. Olivers, 1725-1799 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #24 (1917) Lyrics: 1. The God of Abraham praise,
Who reigns enthroned above,
Ancient of everlasting days,
And God of Love:
Jehovah, Great I Am,
By earth and heaven confest;
I bow and bless the sacred name,
For ever blest.
2. The God of Abraham praise,
At whose supreme command
From earth I rise, and seek the joys
At His right hand:
I all on earth forsake,
Its wisdom, fame, and power;
And Him my only portion make,
My shield and tower
3. The God of Abraham praise,
Whose all-sufficient grace
Shall guide me all my happy days,
In all my ways.
He calls e'en me His friend,
He calls Himself my God,
And He shall save me to the end,
Through Jesus' blood.
4. He by Himself hath sworn,
I on His oath depend;
I shall, on eagles' wings upborne,
To heaven ascend:
I shall behold His face,
I shall His power adore,
And sing the wonders of His grace
For evermore.
Topics: Adoration Of God; God Adoration of; The Godhead Adoration and Praise; God Condescension of; God Eternity of ; Self-Denial; Jehovah; Heaven Hope of; Hope Of Heaven Languages: English Tune Title: LEONI
The God of Abraham praise