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Hymnal, Number:dwi21790

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Showing 371 - 380 of 426Results Per Page: 102050
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The last Judgment

Appears in 33 hymnals First Line: The Lord, the sovereign sends his summons forth Lyrics: 1 The Lord, the sovereign sends his summons forth, Calls the south nations, and awakes the north; From East to West the sounding orders spread Thro' distant worlds and regions of the dead; No more shall atheists mock his long delay; His vengeance sleeps no more; behold the day. 2 Behold the Judge descends; his guards are nigh, Tempest and fire attend him down the sky; Heaven, earth and hell, draw near; let all things come To hear his justice and the sinners' doom; But gather first my saints (the Judge commands) Bring them, ye angels from their distant lands. 3 Behold my covenant stands forever good, Seal'd by th' eternal sacrifice in blood, And sign'd with all their names, the Greek the Jew That paid the ancient worship or the new, There's no distinction here, prepare their thrones, And near me seat my favourites and my sons. 4 I, their almighty Saviour and their God, I am their Judge; Ye heavens proclaim abroad My just, eternal sentence, and declare Those awful truths, that sinners dread to hear; Sinners in Zion, tremble and retire; I doom the painted hypocrit to fire. 5 Not for the want of goats or bullocks slain Do I condemn thee; bulls and goats are vain, Without the flames of love; in vain the store Of brutal offerings that were mine before; Mine are the tamer beasts and savage breed, Flocks, herds, and fields, and forests where they feed. 6 If I were hungry would I ask thee food? When did I thirst, or taste the victim's blood? Can I be flatter'd with thy cringing bows, Thy solemn chatterings and fantastic vows? Are my eyes charm'd thy vestments to behold, Glaring in gems, and gay, in woven gold? 7 Unthinking wretch! how could'st thou hope to please A God, a spirit, with such toys as these? While with my grace and statues on thy tongue Thou lov'st deceit, and dost thy brother wrong; In vain to pious forms thy zeal pretends, Thieves and adulterers are thy chosen friends. 8 Silent I waited with long-suffering love, But didst thou hope that I should ne'er reprove? And cherish such an impious thought within, That God, the righteous would indulge thy sin? Behold my terrors now; my thunders roll, And thy own crimes affright thy guilty soul. 9 Sinners, awake betimes; ye fools, be wise; Awake before this dreadful morning rise; Change your vain thoughts, your sinful works amend; Fly to the Saviour, make the Judge your friend; Lest like a lion his last vengeance tear Your trembling souls, and no deliverer near. Topics: God the judge; Hypocrites and hypocrisy; Incarnation and sacrifice of Christ; Judgment Day; Obedience better than sacrifice; Profession false; Saints Reward at last; Sins of tongue; God the judge; Hypocrites and hypocrisy; Incarnation and sacrifice of Christ; Judgment Day; Obedience better than sacrifice; Profession false; Saints Reward at last; Sins of tongue Scripture: Psalm 50
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The Nativity of Christ

Appears in 123 hymnals First Line: Behold, the grace appears! Lyrics: 1 Behold, the grace appears! The promise is fulfill'd; Mary, the wondrous virgin, bears, And Jesus is the child! 2 To bring the glorious news, A heavenly form appears: He tells the shepherds of their joys, And banishes their fears. 3 Go, humble swains; said he, To David's city fly; The promis'd infant, born to-day Doth in a manger lie. 4 With looks and hearts serene, Go, visit Christ, your King; And strait a flaming troop was seen: The shepherds heard them sing. 5 Glory to God on high! And heavenly peace on earth; Good will to men, to angels joy, At the Redeemer's birth! 6 In worship so divine, Let saints employ their tongues; With the celestial host we join, And loud repeat their songs. 7 Glory to God on high! And Heavenly peace on earth, Good will to men, to angels joy, At our Redeemer's birth. Scripture: Luke 2:10
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The Gospel Feast

Appears in 38 hymnals First Line: How rich are thy provisions, Lord Lyrics: 1 How rich are thy provisions, Lord! Thy table furnish'd from above! The fruits of life o'erspread the board, The cup o'erflows with heavenly love. 2 Thine ancient family, the Jews, Were first invited to the feast: We humbly take what they refuse And Gentiles thy salvation taste. 3 We are the poor, the blind, the lame; And help was far, and death was nigh! But at the gospel call, we came, And every want receiv'd supply. 4 From the high way that leads to hell, From paths of darkness and despair, Lord, we are come with thee to dwell, Glad to enjoy thy presence here. 5 Our everlasting love shall flow, To him who left his blest abode, And fought these darksome realms below, To bring us wanderers back to God. Scripture: Luke 14:16-23
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Prayer for National Deliverance

Appears in 24 hymnals First Line: From foes, that round us rise Lyrics: 1 From foes, that round us rise, O God of heaven, defend, Who brave the vengeance of the skies, And with thy saints contend. 2 Behold, from distant shores, And desert wilds they come, Combine for blood their barbarous force, And through thy cities roam. 3 Beneath the silent shade, Their sacred plots they lay, Our peaceful walls by night invade, And waste the fields by day. 4 And will the God of grace, Regardless of our pain, Permit secure that impious race, To riot in their reign? 5 In vain their secret guile, Or open force they prove; His eye can pierce the deepest veil, His hand their strength remove. 6 Yet save them, Lord, from death, Lest we forget their doom; But drive them with thine angry breath, Through distant lands to roam. 7 Then shall our grateful voice Proclaim our guardian God; The nations round the earth rejoice, And sound the praise abroad. Topics: Patience under affliction; Patience under affliction Scripture: Psalm 59
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The Frailty and Shortness of Life

Appears in 164 hymnals First Line: Lord, what a feeble piece Lyrics: 1 Lord, what a feeble piece Is this our mortal frame! Our life how poor a trifle 'tis, That scarce deserves the name! 2 Alas, the brittle clay That built our body first! And every month and every day, 'Tis mouldering back to dust. 3 Our moments fly apace, Our feeble powers decay, Swift like a flood our hasty days Are sweeping us away. 4 Yet, if our days must fly, We'll keep their end in sight, We'll spend them all in wisdom's way, And let them speed their flight. 5 They'll waft us sooner o'er This life's tempestuous sea; Soon we shall reach the peaceful shore Of blest eternity. Topics: Afflictions without rejection; Death the effect of sin; Frailty of Man; Funeral psalm; God Eternal and Man mortal; Life short and feeble; Man his vanity as mortal; Mortality of man; Old age death; Psalm for Funeral; Saints Reward at last; Afflictions without rejection; Death the effect of sin; Frailty of Man; Funeral psalm; God Eternal and Man mortal; Life short and feeble; Man his vanity as mortal; Mortality of man; Old age death; Psalm for Funeral; Saints Reward at last Scripture: Psalm 90:5
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Safety in public Diseases and Dangers

Appears in 113 hymnals First Line: He that hath made his refuge God Lyrics: 1 He that hath made his refuge God, Shall find a most secure abode; Shall walk all day beneath his shade, And there at night shall rest his head. 2 Then will I say, "my God, thy power "Shall be my fortress and my tower; "I that am form'd of feeble dust Make thine Almighty arm my trust." 3 Thrice happy man! thy Maker’s care Shall keep the from the fowler’s snare; From Satan's wiles, who still betrays Unguarded souls a thousand ways. 4 Just as a hen protects her brood, From birds of prey that seek their blood, The Lord his faithful sains shall guard And endless life be their reward. 5 If burning beams of noon conspire To dart a pestilential fire; God is their life, his wings are spread To shield them with an healthful shade. 6 If vapours with malignant breath Rise thick, and scatter midnight death, Israel is safe: the poisoned air Grows pure, if Israel’s God be there. Pause. 7 What though a thousand at thy side, Around thy path ten thousand dy'd, Thy God his chosen people saves Amongst the dead, amidst the graves. 8 So when he sent his angel down To make his wrath in Egypt known, And slew their sons, his careful eye Past all the doors of Jacob by. 9 But if the fire, or plague, or sword, Receive commission from the Lord, To strike his saints among the rest, Their very pains and deaths are blest. 10 The sword, the pestilence, or fire Shall but fulfil their best desire; From sins and sorrows set them free, And bring thy children, Lord, to thee. Topics: Angels guardian; Pestilence preservation in it; Preservation in public dangers; Psalm for the Lord's day; Angels guardian; Pestilence preservation in it; Preservation in public dangers; Psalm for the Lord's day Scripture: Psalm 91:1-7
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Christ reigning in Heaven, and coming to Judgement

Appears in 137 hymnals First Line: He reigns; the Lord, the Saviour reigns! Lyrics: 1 He reigns; the Lord, the Saviour reigns! Praise him in evangelic strains: Let the whole earth in songs rejoice, And distant islands join their voice. 2 Deep are his counsels and unknown; But grace and truth support his throne; Though gloomy clouds his way surround: Justice is their eternal ground. 3 In robes of judgment, lo, he comes, Shakes the wide earth and cleaves the tombs, Before him burns devouring fire, The mountains melt, the seas retire. 4 His enemies with sore dismay, Fly from the sight, and shun the day; Then lift your heads, ye saints, on high, And sing, for your redemption's nigh. Topics: Angels all subject to Christ; Christ first and second Coming; Christ his majesty; Glory and grace promised; God the judge; God his vengeance and compassion; Grace and glory; Incarnation; Jehovah reigns; Angels all subject to Christ; Christ first and second Coming; Christ his majesty; Glory and grace promised; God the judge; God his vengeance and compassion; Grace and glory; Incarnation; Jehovah reigns Scripture: Psalm 97:1-5
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Abounding Compassion of God; or, Mercy in the midst of Judgment

Appears in 468 hymnals First Line: My soul, repeat his praise Lyrics: 1 My soul, repeat his praise, Whose mercies are so great; Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. 2 God will not always chide; And when his strokes are felt, His strokes are fewer than our crimes, And lighter than our guilt. 3 High as the heavens are rais'd Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of his grace Our highest thoughts exceed. 4 His power subdues our sins, And his forgiving love Far as the east is from the west, Doth all our guilt remove. 5 The pity of the Lord To those that fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel; He knows our feeble frame. 6 He knows we are but dust, Scatter'd with every breath: His anger like a rising wind Can send us swift to death. 7 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower! If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. 8 But thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure; And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure. Topics: Afflictions gentle; Angels praise the Lord; Compassion of God; God goodness and mercy; God his universal dominion; God mercy and truth; Goodness of God; Mercies common and special; Mercies spiritual and temporal; Afflictions gentle; Angels praise the Lord; Compassion of God; God goodness and mercy; God his universal dominion; God mercy and truth; Goodness of God; Mercies common and special; Mercies spiritual and temporal Scripture: Psalm 103:8-18
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God's conduct of Israel, and the Plagues of Egypt

Appears in 65 hymnals First Line: Give thanks to God, invoke his name Lyrics: 1 Give thanks to God, invoke his name, And tell the world his grace; Sound through the earth his deeds of fame, That all may seek his face. 2 His covenant which he kept in mind For numerous ages past, To numerous ages yet behind In equal force shall last. 3 He swore to Abraham and his seed, And made the blessings sure: Gentiles the ancient promise read, And find his truth endure. 4 "Thy seed shall make all nations blest, (Said the Almighty voice) "And Canaan's land shall be their rest, "The type of heavenly joys. 5 (How large the grant! how rich the grace! To give them Canaan's land, When they were strangers in the place, A small and feeble band! 6 Like pilgrims through the countries round Securely they remov'd: And haughty kings that on them frown'd Severely he reprov'd. 7 "Touch mine anointed, and mine arm "Shall soon avenge the wrong: "The man that does my prophets harm Shall know their God is strong." 8 Then let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the church in fear; Israel must live through every age, And be th' Almighty's care. Pause I. 9 When Pharaoh dar'd to vex the saints, And thus provok'd their God, Moses was sent at their complaints, Arm'd with his dreadful rod. 10 He call'd for darkness: darkness came Like an o'erwhelming flood; He turn'd each lake and every stream To lakes and streams of blood. 11 He gave the sign, and noisome flies Through the whole country spread; And frogs in baleful armies rise About the monarch's bed. 12 Through fields and towns and palaces The tenfold vengeance flew; Locusts in swarms devour'd their trees And hail their cattle slew. 13 Then by an Angel's midnight stroke The flower of Egypt dy'd; The strength of every house was broke, Their glory and their pride. 14 Now let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the church in fear; Israel must live through every age, And be th' Almighty's care. Pause II. 15 Thus were the tribes from bondage freed, And left the hated ground; Rich with Egyptian spoils they fled, Nor was one feeble found. 16 The Lord himself chose out their way, And mark'd their journies right, Gave them a leading cloud by day, A fiery guide by night. 17 They thirst; and waters from the rock In rich abundance flow, And following still the course they took Ran all the desert through. 18 O wondrous stream! O blessed type Of ever-flowing grace! So Christ our rock maintains our life And aids our wandering race. 19 Thus guarded by th' Almighty hand, The chosen tribes possest Canaan the rich, the promis'd land, And there enjoy'd their rest. 20 Then let the world forbear its rage, The church renounce her fear; Israel must live through every age, And be th' Almighty's care. Topics: Covenant of Grace unchangeable; Egypt's Plagues; Faithfulness Of God; God Faithfulness; Israel saved from Egypt and brought to Canaan; Mercies and Truth of God; Covenant of Grace unchangeable; Egypt's Plagues; Faithfulness Of God; God Faithfulness; Israel saved from Egypt and brought to Canaan; Mercies and Truth of God Scripture: Psalm 105
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Israel punished and pardoned; or, God's unchangeable Love

Appears in 42 hymnals First Line: God of eternal love Lyrics: 1 God of eternal love, How fickle are our ways! And yet how oft did Israel prove Thy constancy of grace! 2 They saw thy wonders wrought, And then thy praise they sung; But soon thy works of power forgot, And murmur'd with their tongue. 3 Now they believe his word, While rocks with rivers flow; Now with their lusts provoke the Lord, And he reduc'd them low. 4 Yet when they mourn'd their faults, He hearken'd to their groans; Brought his own covenant to his thoughts, And call'd them still his sons. 5 Their names were in his book, He sav'd them from their foes; Oft he chastis'd, but ne'er forsook The people that he chose. 6 Let Israel bless the Lord, Who lov'd their ancient race; And christians join the solemn word, Amen to all the praise. Topics: Communion with Saints; Conversion of Jews and Gentiles; Israel punished and pardoned; Love of God unchangeable; Saints punished and saved; Saints conducted to heaven; Communion with Saints; Conversion of Jews and Gentiles; Israel punished and pardoned; Love of God unchangeable; Saints punished and saved; Saints conducted to heaven Scripture: Psalm 106:43-48


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