Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #54 (1752) Scripture: Psalm 32 Lyrics: 1. O Blessed Man, whom God forgives,
And covers all his Sin;
2. To whom the Lord imputes no Guilt,
Who's free from Guile within.
3. While I refus'd to own my Crime,
The Horror in my Brest,
Dry'd up my Bones; I roar'd all Day,
And found no quiet Rest.
4. For Day, and Night, thine awful Hand,
Heavy upon me beat;
My Moisture dry'd, as Ground that's parch'd,
With Summer's scorching Heat.
5. I then resolv'd no more to hide,
My Sin, but freely own
My Fault to God; and thou forgav'st
The Guilt of what I'd done.
6. The Godly hence, in Season, shall
To Thee pour out his Soul;
Then tho' great Water-Floods should rage,
None over him shall rowl.
7. Thou art my hiding Place, where I,
From Harm, shall shelter'd be;
With Songs of thy Deliv'rance, thou
Shalt round encompass me.
Second Part
8. I'll thee instruct, and teach the Way,
How thou may'st wisely live:
And safe Direction, in thy Walk,
My watchful Eye shall give.
9. Be n't like the Horse, or Mule, which ne'er
Submit to Reason's sway;
Whose Mouths with Bitt, and Reins, we rule,
And force them to obey.
10. The Wicked, by their Wickedness,
Their Sorrows multiply;
But Mercy shall encompass them
Who on the Lord rely.
11. Let then the righteous ones be glad,
And in the Lord rejoice;
Let ail, that are upright in Heart,
Triumph with joyful Voice.
Languages: English
O Blessed Man, whom God forgives