Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: John 3:16 First Line: We love to sound yoiur praises To lift our hands above Lyrics: We love to sound your praises, To lift our hands above,
To sing how grace amazes, To celebrate your love.
Yet, God, your world is grieving; Is your heart breaking, too?
May we cry out, believing Laments can honor you.
Like Jeremiah, crying For cities that were lost,
We see the children dying Who know war’s awful cost.
Each day repeats the story; Sin takes its toll again.
How can we sing your glory When our hearts break with them?
The scope of sin is broader Than what the late news tells;
Rejecting living water, We dig our broken wells.
In gods of our own making We look for joy each day;
O God, is your heart breaking When we all turn away?
O God, you came to save us In Christ, your suffering Son.
In his death you forgave us; In his life, joy is won!
And when this world is suffering, When songs of grief abound,
May we work for your kingdom, Till alleluias sound!
Topics: Confession, Prayer of; Justice; Lament; Peacemaking Used With Tune: PASSION CHORALE
We Love to Sound Your Praises