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Hymnal, Number:sh1835

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Alas! and did my Saviour bleed?

Hymnal: SH1835 #324 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Alas! and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? Remember, Lord, thy dying groans, And then remember me. Languages: English Tune Title: REMEMBER ME
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The Lord is ris'n indeed

Hymnal: SH1835 #324b (1854) Meter: First Line: The Lord is ris'n indeed, And are the tidings true? Lyrics: 1. The Lord is risen indeed, And are the tidings true? Yes, we beheld the Savior bleed, And saw him living too. 2. The Lord is risen indeed, Then hell has lost his prey, With him is risen the ransom seed, To reign in endless day. 3. The Lord is risen indeed, Attending angels hear; Up to the courts of heaven with speed, The joyful tidings bear. 4. Then make your golden lyres, And strike each cheerful chord; Join all ye bright, celestial choirs, To sing our risen Lord. Languages: English Tune Title: INTERCESSION (Moffett)
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Far from our mortal cares retreating

Hymnal: SH1835 #325 (1854) Meter: D Lyrics: 1. Far from mortal cares retreating, Sordid hopes and vain desires, Here our willing footsteps meeting, Every heart to heaven aspires. From the fount of glory beaming, Light celestial cheers our eyes, Mercy from above proclaiming, Peace and pardon from the skies. 2. Who shall share this great salvation? Every pure and humble mind, Every kindred, tongue, and nation, From the stains of guilt refined. Blessings all around bestowing, God withholds his care from none, Grace and mercy ever flowing From the fountain of his throne. Languages: English Tune Title: FOUNT OF GLORY
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Jesus, my all, to heav'n is gone

Hymnal: SH1835 #326 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, He whom I fix my hopes upon; His track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow way, till him I view. 2. This is the way I long have sought, And mourned because I found it not; My grief a burden long has been, Because I was not saved from sin. 3. The more I strove against its power, I felt its weight and guilt the more; Till late I heard my Savior say, "Come hither, soul, I am the way." Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I love the Lord: This note above all others raise, My Jesus hath done all things well. Languages: English Tune Title: HOPEWELL
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Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing

Hymnal: SH1835 #327 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Come, thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above; Praise the mount—I'm fixed upon it— Mount of thy unchanging love 2. Here I raise my Ebenezer; Hither by thy help I'm come; And I hope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. 3. O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, O take and seal it; Seal it from thy courts above. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We are on our journey home; Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Jesus smiles and bids us come. Languages: English Tune Title: OUR JOURNEY HOME
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Yes, my native land, I love thee

Hymnal: SH1835 #328 (1854) Meter: 8.7.4 Lyrics: 1. Yes, my native land, I love thee, All thy scenes I love them well; Friends, connections, happy country; Can I bid you all farewell; Can I leave you, Can I leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell; (Repeat previous 2 lines) 2. Home! thy joys are passing lovely! Joys no stranger heart can tell! Happy home! 'tis sure I love thee! Can I, can I say farewell? Can I leave thee, can I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell; (Repeat previous 2 lines) 3. Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure, Holy days and Sabbath bell. Richest, brightest, sweetest treasure! Can I say a last farewell? Can I leave you, Can I leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell; (Repeat previous 2 lines) 4. Yes, I hasten from you gladly, From the scenes I loved so well! Far away, ye billows, bear me; Lovely, native land, farewell! Pleased I leave thee, Pleased I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell; (Repeat previous 2 lines) 5. In the deserts let me labor, On the mountains let me tell How he died—the blessed Savior— To redeem a world from hell! Let me hasten, Let me hasten, Far in heathen lands to dwell; (Repeat previous 2 lines) 6. Bear me on, thou restless ocean; Let the winds my canvas swell— Heaves my heart with warm emotion, While I go far hence do dwell. Glad I leave thee, Glad I leave thee, Native land, Farewell! Farewell! (Repeat previous 2 lines) Languages: English Tune Title: MISSIONARY FAREWELL
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Thou art passing away

Hymnal: SH1835 #329 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Thou art passing away, thou art passing away, Thy life has been brief as a midsummer day; Thy forehead is pale, and thy pulses are low, And thy once blooming cheek wears the ominous glow. 2. Thou art passing away from the beautiful earth, Thy much loved abode, and the land of thy birth; From its forests and fields—from its murmuring rills, From its beautiful plains and its herbage crowned hills. 3. Thou art passing away from thy kindred and friends, And the last chain that bound thee, the spoiler now rends; And thy last tones are falling on loves listening ear, And now in thine eye shines the fond, parting tear. 4. Thou art passing away, as the first summer rose, That awaits not the time when the winter wind blows, But hasteth away on the autumn's quick gale, And scatters its odors o'er mountain and dale. 5. The light of thy beauty has faded and gone, For the withering chills have already come on; Thy charms have departed—thy glory is fled; And thou soon wilt be laid in the house of the dead. 6. Thou shalt soon be consigned to the cold, dreary tomb, The lot of all living—mortality's doom: Thou shalt there sweetly rest in the calmest repose, Undisturbed by life's cares, and unpierced by its owes. 7. "Who, who would live always away from his God? Away from yon heaven, the blissful abode, where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains, And the noontide of glory eternally reigns?" Languages: English Tune Title: THOU ART PASSING AWAY
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Father, who in the olive shade

Hymnal: SH1835 #330 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Father, who in the olive shade, When the dark hour came on, Didst with a breath of heavenly aid, Strengthen thy son; 2. Oh, by the anguish of that night, Send us down blest relief, Or to the chastened let thy might Hallow this grief. 3. And thou that, when the starry sky, Saw the dread strife begun, Didst teach adoring faith to cry, Thy will be done. 4. By thy meek spirit, then of all, That e'er have mourned the chief, Blest Savior, if the stroke must fall, Hallow this grief. Languages: English Tune Title: OLIVE SHADE
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Lord of the worlds above

Hymnal: SH1835 #330b (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of thy love, Thine earthly temples are; To thine abode my heart aspires, With warm desires, to see my God. 2. The sparrow for her young, With pleasure seeks her nest; And wandering swallows long To find their wonted rest; My spirit faints with equal zeal, To rise and dwell among thy saints. 3. O happy souls, that pray Where God appoints to hear! O happy men, that pay Their constant service there! They praise thee still; and happy they, That love the way to Zion's hill. Languages: English Tune Title: AMHERST

Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish

Hymnal: SH1835 #331 (1854) Meter: 11.10 Lyrics: 1. Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish; Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. 2. Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure, Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying, "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure." 3. Here see the bread of life; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above; Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow but Heaven can remove. Languages: English Tune Title: COME, YE DISCONSOLATE [2]


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