Author: Margaret Clarkson, 1915- Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: John 3:16 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, life of all the world,
source and sum of all creation,
Son of God and Son of man,
only hope of our salvation,
Living Word for all our need,
life you give is life indeed!
2 Life of freedom, gladness, truth,
all our guilt and fear transcending;
life that leaps beyond the grave,
God's own life that knows no ending;
life eternal, gift unpriced,
freely ours in Jesus Christ!
3 Yours is life that makes us stand
firm for truth, all wrong defying;
yours the strength by which we strive,
on your holy arm relying;
yours the war we wage on sin,
yours the power by which we win.
4 Jesus, life of all the world,
you are Lord of every nation;
by your Holy Spirit's power
make your Church your incarnation
till our lives of truth and grace
show our world your human face! Topics: Church Body of Christ; Eternal Life; Gladness / Happiness; Holy Spirit Power of; Jesus Christ Word; Jesus Christ Son of Man; Jesus Christ Son of God; One Life in Christ Mission; Strength; Truth Used With Tune: GROSSER GOTT
Jesus, life of all the world