Author: Samuel Bernard, ?-1807 Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Jehovah is our strength,
And He shall be our song
We shall o’ercome at length
Although our foes be strong.
In vain does Satan then oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes.
2. The Lord our refuge is
And ever will remain;
Since He has made us His
He will our cause maintain.
In vain our enemies oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes.
3. The Lord our shepherd is;
He knows our every need,
And since we now are His,
His care our souls will feed.
In vain do sin and death oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes.
4. Our God our Father is;
Our names are on His heart;
We ever will be His,
He ne’er from us will part.
In vain the mightiest powers oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes. Used With Tune: ST. JOHN (Parish)
Jehovah Is Our Strength