Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Lord, plead my cause against my foes Topics: Angels; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Brotherly Love; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Christ Betrayal of; Christ Crucifixion and Death of; Christian Charity; Christians Conflicts of; Christians Persecuted and Sorrowing; Deliverance From Foes; Faith Blessedness of; God the judge; Heart Evil, Hard, and Stubborn; Ingratitude to Man; Judgments On Righteous; Missions Influence of; The Poor God Remembers; Praise For God's Righteousness; Prayer confidence in; Prayer Imprecations in; Retribution Threatened; Salvation Prayers for; Salvation Thanksgiving for; Thanksgiving In Public Worship; The Wicked Character of; The Wicked Persecuting; The Wicked Prayers for Punishment of; The Wicked Self-Destroyed Scripture: Psalm 35 Used With Tune: [Lord, plead my cause against my foes]
God the avenger of wrong