Author: Henry John Pye Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #57 (1908) Lyrics: 1 In His temple now behold Him,
See the long-expected Lord;
Ancient prophets had foretold Him,
God has now fulfilled His Word;
Now to praise Him, His redeemed
Shall break forth with one accord.
2 In the arms of her who bore Him,
Virgin pure, behold Him lie,
While His aged saints adore Him,
Ere in perfect faith they die:
Halleluiah! Halleluiah!
Lo! th'Incarnate God most high.
3 Jesus, by Thy presentation,
Thou who cam'st in lowly mien,
Make us see our great salvation,
Make our hearts all pure within;
O present us in Thy glory
To Thy Father, pure and clean. Topics: The Church Year Presentation Languages: English Tune Title: DULCE CARMEN (Salzburg)
In His temple now behold Him