Author: Peter Abelard, 1079-1142; Richard Sturch, b. 1936 Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 This is the night, dear friends, the night for weeping,
when powers of darkness overcome the day,
the night the faithful mourn the weight of evil
whereby our sins the Son of Man betray.
2 This night the traitor, wolf within the sheepfold,
betrays himself into his victim’s will,
the Lamb of God for sacrifice preparing,
sin brings about the cure for sin’s own ill.
3 This night Christ institutes his holy supper,
blest food and drink for heart and soul and mind;
this night injustice joins its hand to treason’s,
and buys the ransom-price of humankind.
4 This night the Lord by slaves shall be arrested,
he who destroys our slavery to sin;
accused of crime, to criminals be given,
that judgement on the righteous Judge begin.
5 O make us sharers, Saviour, of your Passion,
that we may share your glory that shall be;
let us pass through these three dark nights of sorrow
to Easter’s laughter and its liberty. Topics: Maundy Thursday; Maundy Thursday Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:23-26 Used With Tune: FELIX
This is the night, dear friends, the night for weeping