Hymnal: Voices Together #161 (2020) Meter: First Line: I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew Lyrics: 1 I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
he moved my soul to seek him, seeking me.
It was not I that found, O Savior true,
no, I was found of thee.
2 Thou didst reach forth thy hand and mine enfold,
I walked and sank not on the storm-vexed sea.
‘Twas not so much that I on thee took hold
as thou, dear Lord, on me.
3 I find, I walk, I love, but, oh, the whole
of love is but my answer, Lord, to thee!
For thou wert long beforehand with my soul,
always thou lovedst me. Topics: Conversion and New Life; Faith Journey; God Faithfulness of; God Presence of Scripture: Deuteronomy 4:29-31 Tune Title: FAITH
I Sought the Lord