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Scripture:Luke 24:13-49

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Showing 31 - 40 of 428Results Per Page: 102050

Christ Has Risen

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:13-29 First Line: Christ has risen while earth slumbers Used With Tune: TRANSFORMATION
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He dies! the friend of sinners dies

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 646 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:34 Lyrics: 1 He dies! the friend of sinners dies; Lo! Salem's daughters weep around; A solemn darkness veils the skies; A sudden trembling shakes the ground. 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree: The Lord of glory dies for men: But lo! what sudden joys we see, Jesus, the dead, revives again! 3 The rising God forsakes the tomb; Up to his Father's court he flies; Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. 4 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell How high our great Deliverer reigns; Sing how he spoiled the hosts of hell, And led the tyrant, Death, in chains. 5 Say, Live forever, glorious King, Born to redeem, and strong to save! Where now, O Death, where is thy sting? And where thy victory, boasting Grave? Topics: Christ Resurrection and Ascension; The Dying Christ
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Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts

Author: Ray Palmer (1808-1887) Meter: Appears in 566 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:29 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, thou light of life, thou fount of grace: from the best bliss that earth imparts we turn unfilled to seek thy face. 2 Thy truth unchanged has ever stood; thou savest those that on thee call: to those that seek thee thou art good, to those that find thee, all in all. 3 We taste thee, O thou living bread, and long to feast upon thee still; we drink of thee, the fountain-head, and thirst our souls from thee to fill. 4 Our restless spirits yearn for thee, where'er our changeful lot is cast, glad when thy gracious smile we see, blest when our faith can hold thee fast. 5 O Jesus, ever with us stay; make all our moments calm and bright; chase the dark night of sin away; shed o'er the world thy holy light. Topics: The Church Celebrates Holy Communion; Longing Used With Tune: MARYTON Text Sources: 12th century
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Open My Eyes, That I May See

Author: Clara H. Scott Meter: Irregular Appears in 245 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:31 Refrain First Line: Silently now I wait for thee Lyrics: 1 Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me; place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see; open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine! 2 Open my ears, that I may hear voices of truth thou sendest clear, and while the wave notes fall on my ear, everything false will disappear. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see; open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine! 3 Open my mouth, and let me bear gladly the warm truth everywhere; open my heart, and let me prepare love with thy children thus to share. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see; open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine! Topics: Jesus Christ Glory; Aspiration; Holy Spirit Illuminator; Holy Spirit Lifegiver; Submission; Witnessing Used With Tune: SCOTT

Alleluia! O Sons and Daughters

Author: Jean Tisserand (15th cent.); John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Meter: 8.8.8 with refrain Appears in 193 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24 First Line: O sons and daughters, let us sing! Lyrics: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 1 O sons and daughters, let us sing! The King of heaven, the glorious King, o'er death and hell rose triumphing. Alleluia! 2 That Easter morn, at break of day, the faithful women went their way to seek the tomb where Jesus lay: Alleluia! 3 An angel clad in white they see, who sat, and spoke unto the three, "Your Lord goes on to Galilee." Alleluia! 4 That night the apostles met in fear; amidst them came their Lord most dear, and said, "My peace be on all here." Alleluia! 5 When Thomas first the tidings heard, how they had seen the risen Lord, he doubted the disciples' word. Alleluia! 6 "My piercèd side, O Thomas, see; behold my hands, my feet," said he; "not faithless, but believing be." Alleluia! 7 No longer Thomas then denied; he saw the feet, the hands, the side; "You are my Lord and God," he cried. Alleluia! 8 How blest are they who have not seen, and yet whose faith has constant been, for they eternal life shall win. Alleluia! 9 On this most holy day of days, to God your hearts and voices raise in laud and jubilee and praise. Alleluia! Topics: Easter (season); Easter (second Sunday); Thomas Used With Tune: O FILII ET FILIAE Text Sources: Latin
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"Abide with us"

Author: John M. Neale Appears in 99 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:29 First Line: The day, O Lord, is spent Lyrics: 1 The day, O Lord, is spent; Abide with us, and rest; Our hearts' desires are fully bent On making thee our guest. 2 We have not reach that land, That happy land, as yet, Where holy angels round thee stand, Whose sun can never set. 3 Our sin is sinking now, Our day is almost o'er; O Sun of Righteousness, do thou Shine on us evermore! 4 The grace of Christ our Lord, The Father's boundless love, The Spirit's blest communion, too, Be with us from above. Topics: Abide with Me; Benediction; Close of Service Used With Tune: NEALE
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Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

Author: Wipo of Burgundy, d.1048; Jane E. Leeson, 1809-1881 Meter: D Appears in 87 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:34 First Line: Christ the Lord is ris'n today Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is ris'n today; Christians, haste your vows to pay; Make your joy and praises known At the Paschal Victim's throne. For the sheep the Lamb has bled, Sinless in the sinner's stead. Christ the Lord is ris'n on high; Now he lives, no more to die. 2 Christ, the Victim undefiled, God and sinners reconciled, When in fierce and bloody strife Met together death and life. Christians, on this happy day Raise your hearts with joy and say: "Christ the Lord is ris'n on high; Now he lives, no more to die." 3 Say, O wond'ring Mary, say What you saw along your way. "I beheld the glory bright Of the risen Lord of light, Empty tomb and angels seen Where Christ's body once had been. Christ my hope, raised gloriously, Makes his way to Galilee." 4 Christ, who once for sinners bled, Now the first-born from the dead, Throned in endless might and pow'r, Lives and reigns for evermore. Hail, eternal Hope on high! Hail, O King of victory! Hail, our Prince of life adored! Show us mercy, gracious Lord. Topics: Easter Vigil ; Easter Season Resurrection; Faith; Jesus Christ; Joy; Lamb Of God; Paschal Mystery; Praise; Reconciliation, Atonement, Forgiveness; Redemption; Struggle; Thanksgiving, Gratitude; Victory over Sin and Death; Worship and Adoration Used With Tune: VICTIMAE PASCHALI Text Sources: Victimae paschali laudes

Alleluia No. 1

Author: Donald Fishel (1950-) Meter: 8.8 with refrain Appears in 57 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:44-53 First Line: Jesus is Lord of all the earth Refrain First Line: Alleluia, alleluia! Give thanks to the risen Lord Topics: Thanksgiving; Easter (season) Used With Tune: ALLELUIA NO. 1
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"The Lord is risen indeed!"

Meter: Appears in 51 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:34 Topics: Jesus Christ Adoration; Ascension of Christ; Christ Ascension; Christ Resurrection; Exaltation of Christ
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Abide, O Dearest Jesus

Author: Josua Stegmann; August Crull, d. 1923 Meter: Appears in 35 hymnals Scripture: Luke 24:29 Lyrics: 1 Abide, O dearest Jesus, Among us with Thy grace That Satan may not harm us Nor we to sin give place. 2 Abide, O dear Redeemer, Among us with Thy Word, And thus now and hereafter True peace and joy afford. 3 Abide with heav'nly brightness Among us, precious Light; Thy truth direct and keep us From error's gloomy night. 4 Abide with richest blessings Among us, bounteous Lord; Let us in grace and wisdom Grow daily through Thy Word. 5 Abide with Thy protection Among us, Lord, our Strength, Lest world and Satan fell us And overcome at length. 6 Abide, O faithful Savior, Among us with Thy love; Grant steadfastness and help us To reach our home above. Amen. Topics: Adoration Close of Service Used With Tune: CHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN


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