Author: Frances Ridley Havergal, 1836-1879 Meter: with refrain Appears in 102 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Master, whose I am,
purchased Yours alone to be,
By Your blood, O perfect Lamb,
shed so willingly for me:
let my heart be all Your own,
Let me live to You alone.
2 Jesus, Master, I am Yours;
keep me faithful, keep me near,
shine on all my days and hours,
all my homeward way to cheer.
Jesus! at Your feet I fall;
be my Lord, my all-in-all!
3 Jesus, Master, whom I serve,
though so feebly and so ill,
strengthen hand and heart and nerve
all Your bidding to fulfil;
open now my eyes to see
all the work You have for me.
4 Jesus, Master, will You use
one who owes You more than all?
As You will! I would not choose;
only let me hear Your call.
Jesus, let me always be
in Your service, glad and free. Used With Tune: HEATHLANDS Text Sources: Alt.: Compilers of Praise!, 2000
Jesus, Master, whose I am