Author: Rhabanus Maurus, 776-856 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Worship #577 (2006) Meter: First Line: Creator Spirit, heav'nly dove Lyrics: 1 Creator Spirit, heav'nly dove,
descend upon us from above;
with graces manifold restore
your creatures as they were before.
2 To you, the Comforter, we cry;
to you, the gift of God most high,
true fount of life, the fire of love,
the soul's anointing from above.
3 In you, with graces sevenfold,
we God's almighty hand behold;
while you with tongues of fire proclaim
to all the world God's holy name.
4 Your light to ev'ry sense impart,
and shed your love in ev'ry heart;
your own unfailing might supply
to strengthen our infirmity.
5 Keep far from us our cruel foe,
and peace from your own hand bestow;
upheld by you, our strength and guide,
no evil can our steps betide.
6 Teach us to know the Father, Son,
and you, of both, to be but one;
that through the ages all along
your praise may be our endless song.
7 Praise to your eternal merit,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Topics: Education; Invocation; Pentecost, Holy Spirit; Vocation, Ministry; Education; Invocation; Pentecost, Holy Spirit; Trust, Guidance; Vocation, Ministry Languages: English Tune Title: VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS
Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove