Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P39a (1766) Lyrics: 1 Thus I resolv'd before the Lord,
"Now will I watch my Tongue,
"Lest I let slip one sinful Word,
"Or do my Neighbour Wrong."
2 And if I'm e'er constrain'd to stay
With Men of Lives profane,
I'll set a double Guard that Day,
Nor let my Talk be vain.
3 I'll scarce allow my Lips to speak
The pious Thoughts I feel,
Lest Scoffers should th' Occasion take
To mock my holy Zeal.
4 Yet if some proper Hour appear,
I'll not be over-aw'd,
But let the scoffing Sinners hear,
That we can speak for GOD.. Topics: Health prayed for; Mortality of man; Patience under afflictions; Pleading without repining; Prudence and Zeal; Resignation; Submission to sickness; Tongue governed; Vanity of Man as mortal; Zeal and Prudence Scripture: Psalm 39:1-3 Languages: English
Thus I resolv'd before the Lord