Author: Charles Wesley (1707-88) Hymnal: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #714 (1986) First Line: But can it be that I should prove Lyrics: 1 But can it be that I should prove
For ever faithful to thy love,
From sin for ever cease?
I thank thee for the blessèd hope;
It lifts my drooping spirit up,
It gives me back my peace.
He lives, He lives,
I know that my redeemer lives.
2 In thee, O Lord, I put my trust,
Mighty and merciful and just;
Thy sacred word is passed;
And I, who dare thy word receive,
Without committing sin shall live,
Shall live to God at last.
3 I rest in thine almighty power;
The name of Jesus is a tower
That hides my life above;
Thou canst, thou will my helper be;
My confidence is all in thee,
The faithful God of love.
4 Wherefore, in never-ceasing prayer,
My soul to thy continual care
I faithfully commend;
Assured that thou through life shalt save,
And show thyself beyond the grave
My everlasting friend.
Topics: The salvation soldier Faith and trust Languages: English
He lives, He lives