1749 - 1813 Hymnal Number: d50 Author of "Joy of my heart, O, let me pay" in Sursum Corda Muzzarelli, Alfonso, S.J., was b. at Ferrara, Aug. 22, 1749, entered the Society of Jesus 1768, d. at Paris May 25, 1813. He was the author of many theological works, the best-known being Il Mese di Maria, 1785. This work gives a four-line stanza for each day of the month of May, the first of these beginning—
Lasciate, 0 Vergine. [B. V. M.] (Turin ed. 1842, p. 16). From these stanzas. the Rev. F. W. Faber made a very free version, as " Joy of my heart! O let me pay." In a letter of March 13, 1847, enclosing the autograph of his translation (now at the Oratory in London), he speaks of it as merely reflecting the original. It was printed as a leaflet for the Month of Mary, 1847, and was included in the Rev. J. B. Morris's version of The Month of Mary, by Father Muzzarelli (2nd ed. 1848, p. 16. I am indebted to the Rev. V. Hayles of the London Oratory for pointing out the above facts.) It is in the St. Wilfrid's Hymns, 1849, p. 13, Jesus and Mary, 1849, p. 83, and recently in the Arundel Hymns, 1902, and many others.
[Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)
Alfonzo Muzzarelli