Hymnal: WHSP1742 #49 (1742) Lyrics: 1 Lamb of God for sinners slain,To thee I feebly pray,Heal me of my grief and pain,O take my sins away.From this bondage, Lord, release,No longer let me be oppressed:Jesus, Master, seal my peace,And take me to thy breast.2 Hast thou not invited allWho groan beneath their sin?Weary I obey thy call,And come to be made clean:Give my burdened conscience ease,O grant me now the promised rest:Jesus, Master, seal my peace,And take me to thy breast.3 Wilt thou cast a sinner outWho humbly comes to thee?No, my God, I cannot doubt,Thy mercy is for me:Let me then obtain the grace,And be of paradise possessed:Jesus, Master, seal my peace,And take me to thy breast.4 Full of pain and sin am I,I ever bear my shame,Waiting till my Lord pass by,And call me by my name:Surely now my pain he sees,And I shall quickly be released:Jesus, Master, seal my peace,And take me to thy breast.5 Worldly good I do not want,Be that to others given,Only for thy love I pant,My all in earth and heaven;This the crown I fain would seize,The good wherewith I would be blest:Jesus, Master, seal my peace,And take me to thy breast.6 This delight I fain would prove,And then resign my breath,Join the happy few, whose loveWas mightier than death.Let it not my Lord displease,That I would die to be thy guest;Jesus, Master, seal my peace,And take me to thy breast. Languages: English
Lamb of GOD for Sinners Slain