Author: N. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 116 First Line: I love the Lord, because my voice Lyrics: 1 I love the Lord, because my voice
and prayer heard hath he:
2 When in my daies I cald on him,
he bowed his eare to me.
3 Even when the snares of cruell death
about beset me round:
When pains of hell me caught and when
I wo and sorrow found.
4 Upon the Name of God my Lord
then did I call and say:
Deliver thou my soul, O Lord,
I do thee humbly pray.
5 The Lord is very mercifull,
and just he is also:
And in our God compassion
doth plentifully show.
6 The Lord in safety doth preserve
all those that simple be
I was in wofull misery,
and he delivered me.
7 And now my soul sith thouart safe,
return unto thy rest:
For largely, lo, the Lord to thee
his bounty hath exprest.
8 Because thou hast delivered
my soul from deadly thrall:
My moistned eyes from mournfull teares,
my sliding feet from fall.
9 Before the Lord I in the land
of life will walk therefore:
10 I did believe therefore I spake,
for I was troubled sore.
The second Part:
11 I said in my distresse and feare,
that all men lyars be:
12 What shall I pay the Lord for all
his benefits to me?
13 The wholesome cup of saving health
I thankfully will take:
And on the Lord's Name I will call,
when I my prayers make.
14 I to the Lord will pay the vowes
that I to him behight:
Yet even at this present time,
in all his peoples sight.
15 Right deare and precious in his sight
the Lord doth aye esteem
The death of all his holy ones,
what ever men do deem.
16 Thy servant Lord, thy servant lo,
I do my selfe confesse,
Sonne of thy hand-maid, thou hast broke
the bonds of my distresse.
17 And I will offer up to thee
a sacrifice of praise:
And I will call upon the Name
of God the Lord alwaies.
18 I to the Lord will pay the vowes
that I have him behight:
Yea even at this present time,
in all his peoples sight.
19 Yea in the courts of Gods own house,
and in the midst of thee,
O thou Jerusalem, I say:
wherefore the Lord praise ye.
Dilexi quoniam