Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #210b (1752) Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1. Give Thanks to God, for he is good;
His Mercy's ever sure.
2. Let Israel's Tribes now say, his Grace
Forever shall endure.
3. His Clemency forever lasts,
Let A'ron's House now say.
4. Let them that fear the Lord declare
His Mercy'11 ne'er decay.
5. In my Distress I call'd on God,
Whose Answer set me free.
6. The Lord's with me, and I'll not fear
What Man can do to me.
7. The Lord himself doth take my Part,
With those my Cause espouse;
And I shall see a just Reward
O'ertake my envious Foes.
Second Part
8. 'Tis better far to trust in God,
Than upon Man rely.
9. 'Tis safer trusting in the Lord,
Than Princes, e'er so high.
10. Ail Nations compass me about:
11. Yea oft beset me round;
But in Jehovah's Name, and Help,
I smote them to the Ground.
12. Like Swarms of Bees, they buz'd about;
And rag'd, like crackling Fire
Of Thorns; but aided by my God,
They're quench'd, and soon expire.
13. They press'd me hard, to cause my Fall;
But God did Succour bring.
14. From God, my Strength, & Safety, flows;
And I'll his Praises sing.
15. The just Man's Tent is fill'd with Joy
And safe in God's Right-hand.
16. The Lord's Right-hand on high is rais'd.
And Vict'ry doth command.
17. I shall not die, but live to praise,
God's Wonders, with my Breath.
18. The Lord hath sorely chasten'd mel
But gave me not to Death.
Third Part
19. Open the Gates of Righteousness,
And I will enter in;
That I may sing Jehovah's Praise
Who hath my Saviour been.
20. This Gate's the Lord's; whither the Just
Shall enter, on set Days.
21. Since thou hast heard, and set me safe,
I'll give to thee the Praise.
22. That Stone which Builders did reject,
Chief Corner-Stone now lyes.
23. This Work is from the Lord alone;
'Tis wondrous in our Eyes.
24 This is the Day the Lord hath made;
We'll it with Joy attend.
25. Save now, O Lord, I Thee beseech
Prosperity now send.
26. Hosannah! bless'd is he that comes,
In great Jehovah's Name;
A Blessing, from God's holy House,
To you, we loud proclaim.
27. God is Jehovah; who to us,
Light graciously affords;
Bind to the sacred Altar's Horns,
The Sacrifice with Cords.
28. Thou art my God, and I'll thee praise;
My God, I'll spread thy Fame.
29. O bless the Lord, for he is good;
His Mercy's still the same.
Languages: English
Give Thanks to God, for he is good