Author: Carl P. Daw, Jr. 1944- Hymnal: Worship and Rejoice #381 (2003) Meter: Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 Lyrics: 1 Restore in us, O God,
the splendor of your love;
renew your image in our hearts,
and all our sins remove.
2 O Spirit, wake in us
the wonder of your power;
from fruitless fear unfurl our lives
like springtime bud and flower.
3 Bring us, O Christ, to share
the fullness of your joy;
baptize us in the risen life
that death cannot destroy.
4 Three-personed God, fulfill
the promise of your grace,
that we, when all our searching ends,
may see you face to face. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. MICHAEL
Restore in Us, O God