Hymnal: New Version of the Psalms of David #CXVIII (1756) Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 Our sov'reign Lord, the great Jehovah praise,
Ye tribes, of Abr'ham the distinguish'd race;
Blest Aaron's sons, that at his altar bow;
Ye just, whose souls with heav'nly fervour glow;
Sing, sing our sov'reign Lord in loftiest strains,
And own, his clemency for ever reigns.
5 To him in dire calamity I pray'd;
My voice he heard, and gave a speedy aid.
6 And he my help, while he my cause sustains,
My soul the threats of haughty man disdains;
7 And he my help, I'll on that help rely,
While direful ruin strikes the enemy.
8 'Tis safer far in his strong arm to trust,
Than in the boasted strength of feeble dust;
9 On our great God 'tis safer to depend,
Than have earth's mightiest monarch for our friend.
10 Me tho' the nations all around assail,
I'll in th' assistance of his hand prevail;
11 Let them e'en with their utmost force assail;
--His mercy aids--his David must prevail;
12 Tho' round me their broad banners they display,
And swarm like bees upon a summer's day,
By him supported, on their ranks I'll fly,
And, spite of numbers, snatch the victory.
13 All your attempts, ye wicked, are in vain;
The mighty God his servant will sustain;
14 He is my strength, the subject of my lay,
My great salvation he, my prop, my stay;
15 The righteous all in my success rejoice,
And to Jehovah's glory tune the voice;
16 Sing his strong arm, and his resistless hand,
His arm, that crouded ranks in vain withstand;
His valiant hand, that strikes the deadly blow,
And pours severe destruction on the foe.
17 Fruitless thy infults, death;--thy shafts I dare;
Long mall I live, and heav'n's high pow'r declare;
18 True; long his sad afflicting hand I bore;
Yet still he sav'd me from thy ruthless pow'r.
19 Ope wide, ye holy priests, his temple-gate,
That I may there his wond'rous works relate;
20 The gate by him belov'd, where wait the just,
To shew in him their confidence and trust.
21 Thee, gracious God, I'll praise, for in my grief
My voice thou heard'st, and gav'st a quick relief,
22 Me from the rageful foe didst thou protect;
The stone which late the builders did reject,
'High in the lofty fabric now is plac'd,
And shines conspicuous, far above the rest:
23 So wills th' almighty Lord; and what he wills,
Our souls with wonder and with rapture fills.
24 Hail, happy day! hail, bright refulgent morn!
That to the joy of all the earth wilt dawn!
25 Still favour, Lord, the king thou hast ordain'd;
Bring all his efforts to a glorious end:
26 Thrice happy he, whom thou shalt send, to bless
Thy favour'd people with eternal peace!
Success attend him!--this the pray'r of all,
That 'fore thy altar reverently fall.
27 For thou art God, the only pow'r divine;
Thou bid'st thy glory on thy tribes to shine;
Hear this, ye righteous, and loud anthems sing;
And to his hallow'd dome your victims bring.
28 With heart, with voice, my God, will we adore
Thy name, and sing thy praise, till time's no more:
29 Praise all Jehovah in sublimest strains;
To all eternity his mercy reigns. Languages: English
Our sov'reign Lord, the great Jehovah praise