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Hymnal, Number:shbb1858

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George Burgess

1809 - 1866 Hymnal Number: d1225 Author of "While o'er the deep thy servants sail" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Burgess, George, D.D. Bishop Burgess was born at Providence, Rhode Island, Oct. 31, 1809, and graduated at Brown University, 1826, where he was for some time a tutor. After studying for two years in Germany, he took Holy Orders, and in 1834 became Rector of Christ Church, Hartford. In 1847 he was consecrated Bishop of Maine, and also entered upon the Rectory of Christ Church, Gardiner. He died in Haiti, April 3, 1866. His Life was published by bis brother in 18G9. His works include The Book of Psalms translated into English Verse, 1839; The American Metrical Psalter, N. Y., 1864; and Poems, Hartford, 1868. His Psalms and Hymns in use are;—- 1. Lord, in Thy Name we spread the sail, Sailor’s Hymn. This hymn is included in his Poems, 1868, p. 268, but is of unknown date and origin. The hymn, "While o'er the deep Thy servants sail," is an altered form of this hymn to be sung on behalf of sailors. It was apparently rewritten for the Connecticut Psalms and Hymns, 1845. 2. The harvest dawn is near. Ps. cxxvi. From his version of Ps. cxxvi., Book of Psalms, &c, 1839, beginning with st. v. Also his American Metrical Psalter, p. 250. It is widely used. 3. The floods, 0 Lord, lift up their voice. From Ps. xciii. in his Book of Psalms, 1839, stanza iii., found in his American Metrical Psalter, p. 179. 4. When forth from Egypt's trembling strand. Ps. cxiv. From his Book of Psalms, 1839, and Psalter, 1864. It has been included in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. Of these hymns Nos. 1 and 2 are found in almost every recent American collection but that of the Protestant Episcopal Church. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Heinrich S. Oswald

1751 - 1834 Person Name: H. S. Oswald Hymnal Number: d767 Author of "O let him whose sorrow" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Oswald, Heinrich Siegmund, son of Johann Heinrich Oswald or Osswald, of Nimmersatt, near Liegnitz, in Silesia, was born at Nimmersatt, June 30, 1751. After passing through the school at Schmiedeberg he was for seven years clerk in a public office at Breslau. In 1773 he became Secretary to the Landrath von Prittwitz at Glatz, with whom he remained two years, and was thereafter in business at Hamburg and at Breslau. Through J. D. Hermes, Oberconsistorialrath at Potsdam, whose daughter he married, he became acquainted with King Friedrich Wilhelm II. of Prussia, and in 1791 was appointed reader to the king. He accordingly removed to Potsdam, and was in 1791 appointed also Geheimrath. After the king's death, on Nov. 16, 1797, Oswald received a pension, and retired first to Hirschberg, and then to Breslau, where he died Sept. 8, 1834. (Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxiv. 528; Miller's Singers & Songs, 1869, p. 303; extracts from the Breslauer Zeitung, Sept. 12, 1834, and the Schlesische Provinzialblätter, 1835, p. 289, kindly communicated by Dr. Markgraf of the Breslau Stadt Bibliothek, &c.) Oswald's hymns, over 100 in all, appeared principally in his (1) Unterhaltungen für gläubige Seelen, Berlin, 1792. (2) Gedichte und Lieder fürs Herz, Berlin, 1793. (3) Letzten Mittheilungen meiner der Wahrheit und Religion geweihter Muse, Breslau, 1826. (4) Schwanengesänge, Breslau, n.d. (preface Aug. 1827). Three or four of Oswald's hymns have passed into German hymnbooks. One has been translated into English, viz.:— Wem in Leidenstagen. For Mourners. In his Letzte Mittheilungen, 1826, p. 42, in 14 stanza of 4 lines, and entitled "An exhortation to Tranquillity. To the Suffering. Psalm 50, v. 15." Bunsen, in his Versuch, 1833, No. 813 (Allgemeine Gesangbuche, 1846, No. 333), selects st. i.-iii., x., xii.-xir. The singing of this beautiful hymn (in Miss Cox's version) formed an impressive part of the service in the church at Edensor at the funeral of Lord Frederick Cavendish, May 11, 1882. Translated as:— 1. 0! Let him whose sorrow. A very good translation from Bunsen's text, by Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841… included in Alford's Psalms & Hymns, 1844, and others…. Another translation is: "When in thine hours of grief," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 71. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Sarah Bache

1771 - 1844 Hymnal Number: d912 Author of "See how he loved, exclaimed the Jews" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Bache, Sarah, 1771-1844, kept a school for many years in Birmingham. Her hymn, "'See how he loved,' exclaimed the Jews," Love of Christ, was contributed to the Exeter Collection, 1812. It is in Martineau’s Hymns for the Christian Church and Home and Belfast Collection, and most of the early books after its appearance. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Enfield

1741 - 1797 Person Name: W. Enfield Hymnal Number: d85 Author of "Behold, where in a mortal form" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Enfield, William , LL.D., born at Sudbury, Suffolk, March 29, 1741, of poor parents. Through the assistance of Mr. Hextall, the local Dissenting Minister, at 17 he entered the Daventry Academy under Dr. Ashworth. His first pastorate was of the congregation at Benn's Garden, Liverpool, to which he ministered from 1763 to 1770. In conjunction with Rev. J. Brekell of Key St. chapel, he edited A New Collection of Psalms proper for Christian Worship, in three parts. I. Psalms of David, &c. II. Psalms of Praise to God. III. Psalms on various Subjects. Liverpool. Printed in the year 1764. Known as the Liverpool Old Collection; Later eds., 1767, 1770, 1787. In this last, 60 more hymns are added to the 3rd part. From 1770 to 1785 Enfield was at Warrington, as minister to the Old Presbyterian congregation, and as teacher of Belles-lettres and other subjects, in the Dissenting Academy founded there in 1757. He published in 1774, The Speaker; 1783, Institutes of Natural Philosophy, and other works, including:— Hymns for Public Worship: selected from Various Authors, and intended as a supplement to Dr. Watts’s Psalms. Warrington. Printed for the Editor, 1772. 3rd ed. 1789. London. Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Churchyard, and W. Kyres, Warrington. Contains 160 hymns, rather more than half being the same as in the Liverpool Collection. In this Collection some of Mrs. Barbauld’s hymns appeared for the first time. From Warrington he proceeded to Norwich as pastor of the Octagon chapel, and died there Nov. 3, 1797. In 1791 he published an abridgment of Brucker's History of Philosophy , and at the time of his death was engaged with Dr. J. Aikin, son of his late colleague at the Warrington Academy, in bringing out a General Biographical Dictionar , vol. i. 1796. He also published A Selection of Hymns for Social Worship. Norwich. Printed by J. March for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church¬yard, London, 1795. 2nd ed., 1797 ; 3rd ed., 1802. Lon-don, J. Johnson. Printed by W. Eyres, Horse Market, Warrington. Contains 232 hymns, more than half by Watts, and of the rest 93 were retained from the Warrington Collection. In this Collection Enfield's own hymns first appeared, “Behold where in a mortal form" (Example of Christ); "Wherefore should man, frail child of clay" (Humility); and "O Thou, through all thy works adored" (God the Ruler of Nature). They are characteristic of the "moral preacher" and the Unitarian, and in taste are unexceptionable. Dr. Enfield received his degree from Edinburgh University. On his death Johnson brought out 3 volumes of his Sermons "on Practical Subjects,” with a Memoir by Dr. Aikin. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

W. Wrangham

Hymnal Number: d789 Author of "O praise the Lord, for he is good, In him we rest obtain" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Wrangham, W., p. 930. ii., 223. From his New Metrical Version of the Psalms, 1829, the following are in common use in America:— (1) "Eternal God, celestial King," Psalms Ivii; (2) "Praise the Lord, His power confess," Psalms cl.; (3) “To Thee, my righteous King and Lord," Psalms ciii. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Mary Anne Roscoe Jevons

1795 - 1845 Person Name: Mary A. Jevons Hymnal Number: d1072 Author of "Thou must go forth alone, my soul" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Roscoe, Mary Ann, daughter of William Roscoe, was born in 1795, married to Thomas Jevons, 1825, and died in 1845. She edited Poems for Youth, by a Family Circle, Lond., 1820, to which her brothers and sister contributed. From 1831 she also edited The Sacred Offering, an Annual of original and selected poetry (Liverpool, D. Marple & Co.). Her 7 hymns were published in her Sonnets and other Poems, chiefly Devotional, in 1845. Of her hymns three are still in common use:— 1. [Now] O let your mingling voices rise. Christmas. 2. Thou must go forth alone, my soul. Death Anticipated. 3. When human hopes and joys depart. In Trouble and Affliction. Of these No. 3 was first published in her Poems for Youth, &c, 1820. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jane Cotterill

1790 - 1825 Hymnal Number: d814 Author of "O thou who hast at thy command" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Cotterill, Jane, née Boak, daughter of Rev. John Boak, and mother of the Right Rev. Henry Cotterill, Bishop of Edinburgh; born in 1790, married 1811 to the Rev. Joseph Cotterill; died 1825. Mrs. Cotterill contributed to the Appendix to the 6th ed. of Cotterill’s Selection, 1815, the following hymns:— 1. "O! from the world's vile slavery," (For Holiness). 2. "O Thou! Who hast at Thy command," (For Resignation). These hymns were repeated in Montgomery's Christian Psalmist, 1825, and Mrs. Cotterill's name was appended thereto for the first time. Their use is not extensive. The first, "O! from the world's," &c, is found in Kennedy, 1863, No. 521, as, "From this enslaving world's control," the alterations being by Dr. Kennedy. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

David M. Moir

Hymnal Number: d828 Author of "O who is it like the mighty one" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Moir, David Macbeth, was born at Musselburgh, Jan. 5, 1798. After attending the medical classes in the University of Edinburgh, he settled down as a doctor in his native place. In June, 1851, he went to Dumfries to recruit, but died there, July 6, and was buried at Inveresk, Musselburgh, July 10, 1851. His poems, selected and edited, with a memoir, by Thomas Aird, were published in 1852, in 2 vols., as The Poetical Works of David Macbeth Moir. He marked his graver contributions to Blackwood's Magazine with the signature "Delta" or Δ and in the number for August, 1832, there appeared "Devotional Melodies by Delta." These were three in number:— 1. Return, once more return, O wanderer. 2. O who is like the Mighty One. 3. How pleasant is the opening year. and seem to have been the only hymns suited for public worship that he ever wrote. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Hawkesworth

1715 - 1773 Person Name: J. Hawkesworth Hymnal Number: d473 Author of "In sleep's serene oblivion laid" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Hawkesworth, John, LL.D. (b. 1715, and d. Nov. 1773), a writer in the Gentleman's Magazine, proprietor and editor of the Adventurer, and friend of Johnson, Warton, and other literary men of note, published, in 1760, Poems and Translations, and was the author of the well-known Morning hymn "In sleep's serene oblivion laid." This hymn was composed in 1773, "about a month before his death, in a wakeful hour of the night, and dictated to his wife on rising. It appeared in the Universal Theological Magazine for March, 1802." (Miller's Singers & Songs, &c, p. 210.) It was given in Collyer's Selection, 1812; the Leeds Hymn Book, 1853; and others; and is in somewhat extensive use in America. It sometimes begins, as in the American Unitarian Hymns for the Church of Christ, 1853, with stanza ii., "Newborn, I bless the waking hour." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

A. Phelps

1820 - 1890 Person Name: Austin Phelps Hymnal Number: d230 Author of "Father, if I may call thee so, Regard my fearful heart's desire" in The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. Phelps, Austin, D.D., born at West Brookfield, Mass., Jan. 7, 1820, was Professor of Sacred Rhetoric at Andover, 1848-1879, and one of the editors of the Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858, d. at Bar Harbour, Maine, Oct. 13, 1890, aged 70. He is the author of "Father! if I may call Thee so" (Eternal Punishment) in the Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858, No. 1289. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


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