Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P139a (1766) Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me thro';
Thine Eye commands with piercing View
My rising and my resting Hours,
My Heart and Flesh, with all their Pow'rs.
2 My Thoughts, before they are my own,
Are to my GOD distinctly known;
He knows the Words I mean to speak
Ere from my op'ning Lips they break.
3 Within thy circling Pow'r I stand,
On every Side I find thy Hand:
Awake, asleep, at home, abroad,
I am surrounded still with GOD.
4 Amazing Knowledge, vast and great!
What large Extent! What lofty Height!
My Soul, with all the Pow'rs I boast,
Is in the boundless Prospect lost.
5 O may these Thoughts possess my Breast,
Where'er I rove, where'er I rest!
Nor let my weaker Passions dare
Consent to sin, for GOD is there.
Pause I.
6 Could I so false, so faithless prove,
To quit thy Service, and thy Love,
Where, Lord, could I thy Presence shun,
Or from thy dreadful Glory run?
7 If up to Heav'n I take my Flight,
'Tis there thou dwell'st enthron'd in Light;
Or dive to Hell, there Vengeance reigns,
And Satan groans beneath thy Chains.
8 If, mounted on a Morning-Ray,
I fly beyond the Western Sea,
Thy swifter Hand would first arrive,
And there arrest thy Fugitive.
9 Or should I try to shun thy Sight,
Beneath the spreading Veil of Night,
One Glance of thine, one piercing Ray,
Would kindle Darkness into Day.
10 O may these Thoughts possess my Breast,
Where'er I rove, where'er I rest!
Nor let my weaker Passions dare
Consent to sin, for GOD is there.
Pause II
11 The Veil of Night is no Disguise,
No Screen from thy All-searching Eyes;
Thy Hand can search thy Foes as soon
Through Midnight Shades as blazing Noon.
12 Midnight and Noon in this agree,
Great GOD, they're both alike to Thee:
Not Death can hide what GOD will spy,
And Hell lies naked to his Eye.
13 O may these Thoughts possess my Breast,
Where'er I rove, where'er I rest!
Nor let my weaker Passions dare
Consent to sin, for GOD is there.
Topics: Appeal to God concerning our sincerity; Daily Devotion; Evening Psalm; Evidence of Sincerity; Examination, or Evidences of Graces; God All-seeing; God Heart searching; God his Wisdomin his Works; Grace and providence; Heart known to God; Holiness protest; Humility and Submission; Infants; Man wonderful formation; Mercies innumerable; Midnight thoughts; Nature of man; Obedience sincere; Profession of Sincerity and Repentance; Sincerity; Trial of our hearts Scripture: Psalm 139 Languages: English
Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me thro'