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Johann Rudolf Ahle

1625 - 1673 Person Name: Johann R. Ahle Hymnal Number: 275 Composer of "NUREMBERG" in Gloria Johann Rudolph Ahle, b. Mühlhausen, 1625; Ahle studied theology at Erfurt University. Little is known about his musical education, but be became well known as an organist while he was in Erfurt. He returned to Mühlhausen and became an organist at St. Blasius Church, he composed organ music but is know for his sacred choral music. He was the father of Johann Georg, who was also a composer and succeeded his father as organist at St. Blasius Church. Johann Rudolf became mayor of Mühlhausen late in his life and died there in 1673. Dianne Shapiro (from Bach Cantatas Website

Ignaz Pleyel

1757 - 1831 Person Name: Ignace Pleyel Hymnal Number: 16 Composer of "ST. POLYCARP" in Gloria Ignaz Joseph Pleyel; b. Ruppertstahl, near Vienna, 1757; d. Parice France, 1831 Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

Edwin Pond Parker

1836 - 1920 Person Name: Rev. Edwin P. Parker Hymnal Number: 188 Author of "Master, no offering" in Gloria Parker, Edwin Pond, D.D., born at Castine, Maine, Jan. 13, 1836, and educated at Bowdoin College, Maine, and Bangor Theo. Sem., Maine. Entering the Congregational ministry, he became pastor of the Second Church of Christ, Hartford, Conn., Jan. 1860, and has remained there to the present date. Besides editing some Sunday School Hymn and Tune Books, now out of use, he was chief Editor of The Book of Praise . . . (Congregational) . . ., Phila., 1874; and Editor of The Christian Hymnal, Hartford, Conn., 1877, revised ed. 1889. His hymns in common use include:— 1. Blest are they in Christ departed. [Death and Burial.] Dated 1886. In the Christian Hymnal, 1889, and several other collections. 2. Come to Jesus, ye who labour. [Invitation.] Written in 1898, and included in The Pilgrim Hymnal , 1904. 3. Hail, Holy Light, the world rejoices. [Morning.] Dated 1889, and given in The Christian Hymnal, 1889, The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904, and others. 4. I would tell Jesus. [The Soul's Desire.] Written in 1887, and included in The Christian Hymnal, 1889. 5. Lord, as we Thy Name profess. [Sincerity.] Dated 1889, first published in The Christian Hymnal, 1889, and subsequently in several other collections, including The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904. 6. Master, no offering costly and sweet. [Love and Service.] Originally written in 1888, to close a sermon, and first published in The Christian Hymnal, 1889, together with music by the author. It has been adopted, together with the original music, by many compilers. For both words and music see The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904. 7. O Master, Brother, Lord, and Friend. [Christmas.] Written to close a Christmas sermon, 1903; first printed in a local newspaper, and then included in The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904. 8. Thy Name, O Lord, in sweet accord. [Divine Worship.] First published in The Christian Hymnal, 1889, and subsequently in several collections, including The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904. Dr. Parker received his D.D. from Yale University, and is at the present time (1906) Chaplain to the Senate of the State of Connecticut. The above annotations are based upon Dr. Parker's manuscript notes. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Robert Prescott Stewart

1825 - 1894 Person Name: Sir Robert P. Stewart Hymnal Number: 123 Composer of "ST. HELEN'S" in Gloria

James G. Walton

1821 - 1905 Person Name: J. G. Walton Hymnal Number: 254 Alterer of "ST. CATHERINE" in Gloria Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 19, 1821, Clith­er­oe, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land. Died: Sep­tem­ber 1, 1905, Brad­ford, New York. Little is known of Wal­ton’s life. His works in­clude: Plain Song Mu­sic for the Ho­ly Com­mun­ion Of­fice, 1874 (ed­it­or) Music: ST. CATHERINE

Harriet Auber

1773 - 1862 Hymnal Number: 26 Author of "Sweet is the work, O Lord" in Gloria Auber, Harriet, daughter of Mr. James Auber, b. in London, Oct. 4, 1773. During the greater part of her quiet and secluded life she resided at Broxbourne and Hoddesdon, Herts, and died at the latter place on the 20th Jan., 1862. Miss Auber wrote devotional and other poetry, but only a portion of the former was published in her Spirit of the Psalms, in 1829. This collection is mainly her work, and from it some useful versions of the Psalms have been taken and included in modern hymn-books, about 20 appearing in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. Miss Auber's name is widely known, but it is principally through her exquisite lyric, "Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed," and the Epiphany hymn, "Bright was the guiding star that led." (For criticism of her work, see English Psalters, §. 17.) In addition to these and other hymns by Miss Auber, which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are also in C. V., but principally in America:— 1.  Arise, ye people, and adore.   Easter. 2.  As Thy chosen people, Lord.   Ps. lxciii. 3.  Can guilty man indeed believe?   Ps. xciv. 4.  Delightful is the task to sing.   Ps. cxlvii. 5.  Father of Spirits, Nature's God.   Ps. cxxxi. 6.  Hail, gracious Source of every good.   Ps. Ixv. 7.  Hasten, Lord, the glorious time.   Ps. lxxii. 8.  Jehovah reigns, O earth, rejoice.   Ps. xccii. 9.  Join, all ye servants of the Lord.   H. Scriptures. 10.  Jesus, Lord, to Thee we sing.   Ps. cx. 11.  O all ye lands, rejoice in God.   Ps. lxvi. 12.  O God our Strength, to Thee the song.   Ps. lIxxxi. 13.  O praise our great and gracious Lord.   Ps. lxxviii. 14.  On thy church, O power divine.   Ps. lxvii. 15.  Sweet is the work, O Lord.   Sunday. 16.  That Thou, O Lord, art ever nigh.   Ps. lxxv. 17.  The Lord, Who hath redeemed our souls.   Ps. xxxi. 18.  When all bespeaks a Father's love.   Ps. set. 19.  When dangers press and fears invade.   Ps. lxii. 20.  Who, O Lord, when life is o'er.   Ps. xv. 21.  Whom have we   Lord,  in  heaven, but Thee.   Ps. lxxiii. 22.  Wide, ye heavenly gates, unfold.   Ascension. 23.  With hearts in love abounding.   Ps. xlv. 24.  With joy we hail the sacred day.   Sunday. 25.  Vainly through the night the ranger.   Ps. cxvii. All these psalm-versions and hymns are from her Spirit of the Psalms,   London, 1829. - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ========================= Auber, Harriet, p. 90, ii. The following versions of psalms from her Spirit of the Psalms, 1829, are also in common use:- 1. Great God, wert Thou extreme to mark. Ps. cxxx. "Thy servants in the temple watched," begins with stanza ii. of this. 2. How blest are they who daily prove. Ps. xli. 3. How blest the children of the Lord. Altered from Ps. cxii. 4. Jehovah, great and awful name. Part of Ps. Ixxviii. 5. 0 Thou Whom heaven's bright host revere. Ps. Ixxxiv. 6. Praise the Lord, our mighty King. Ps. cxxxv. 7. Spirit of peace, Who as a [celestial] Dove. Ps. cxxxiii. 8. Thou by Whose strength the mountains stand. Ps. Ixv. 9. To heaven our longing eyes we raise. Ps. cxxi. 10. Vainly through night's weary hours. Ps. cxxvii. Sometimes "Vainly through the night the ranger." 11. While all the golden harps above. Easter. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) See also in:Hymn Writers of the Church

Henry F. Chorley

1808 - 1872 Person Name: H. F. Chorley Hymnal Number: 255 Translator of "God, the All merciful! earth has forsaken" in Gloria Chorley, Henry Fothergill, was born at Blackleyhurst, Lancashire, Dec. 15, 1808, and educated at the Royal Institution, Liverpool. In 1834 he was engaged as a member of the staff of the London Athenaeum. This connection he retained for 35 years. He died Feb. 15, 1872. He published some novels and a large number of songs. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ============ Born: De­cem­ber 15, 1808, Black­ley Hurst, near Bil­linge, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land. Pseudonym: Paul Dell. Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 16, 1872, Lon­don, Eng­land. Buried: Bromp­ton Cem­e­te­ry, Lon­don, Eng­land. Son of an ir­on work­er and lock mak­er, Chor­ley moved with his fam­i­ly to Li­ver­pool af­ter his fa­ther’s death in 1816. He was ed­u­cat­ed by pri­vate tu­tors in Li­ver­pool and at the school of the Roy­al In­sti­tu­tion. His youth was shaped part­ly by time spent in the house­hold of the wealthy and in­tel­lect­u­al Mrs. Ben­son Rath­bone of Green Bank, and he be­came a close friend of her son Ben­son, who died in an ac­ci­dent in 1834. Chorley be­gan writ­ing for the Lon­don Athen­æ­um in 1830, and was the pa­per’s mu­sic critic and lit­er­a­ry re­view­er un­til 1868. He al­so be­came mus­ic crit­ic for the Lon­don Times and wrote, for these and other jour­nals, re­views and mu­sic­al gos­sip col­umns, dis­cuss­ing com­pose­rs and per­form­ers in Bri­tain and on the Eur­o­pean con­ti­nent. He was quite con­ser­va­tive, and was a per­sist­ent op­po­nent of in­no­va­tion, but was a live­ly chron­ic­ler of Lon­don life. In the Athen­æ­um and else­where, Chor­ley oft­en cri­ti­cized the mu­sic of Schu­mann and Wag­ner for what he called "de­ca­dence." In 1850 and 1851, Chor­ley ed­it­ed the La­dies’ Com­pan­ion, which co­vered fa­shion and do­mes­tic wo­men’s is­sues. Chorley was al­so a jour­nal­ist, no­vel­ist, play­wright, and po­et, and op­era li­bret­tist. One of his best known piec­es was his obit­u­ary of Tur­ge­nev, mis­tak­en­ly writ­ten while the Russ­ian was still ve­ry much alive. Tur­ge­nev was not of­fend­ed by the er­ror near­ly as much as he was by the cri­tic­al opin­ions of his work Chorley gave in the obit­u­a­ry. Chorley was con­sid­ered ec­cen­tric and abras­ive, but was re­spect­ed for his in­te­gri­ty and kind­ness. He en­thus­i­as­tic­al­ly gave and at­tend­ed din­ner par­ties, and cul­ti­vat­ed friend­ships with Eliz­a­beth Bar­rett, Fe­lix Men­dels­sohn, Charles Dick­ens, Ar­thur Sul­li­van and Charles Sant­ley. Af­ter the death of his bro­ther, John Rut­ter Chor­ley (1806–1867), Hen­ry in­her­it­ed enough mo­ney to re­tire from the Athen­æ­um, though he con­tin­ued to con­trib­ute ar­ti­cles for that pa­per and for The Or­ches­tra. In spite of Chorley’s ef­forts to pro­mote the mu­sic of Charles Gou­nod in Eng­land, the com­poser dis­liked Chor­ley in­tense­ly. When Gou­nod lived in Eng­land in the ear­ly 1870’s, he wrote a satir­i­cal pi­a­no piece in­tende­d to be a par­o­dy of Chor­ley’s per­son­al­i­ty. It great­ly amused Gou­nod’s Eng­lish pa­tron, Geor­gi­na Weld­on, who de­scribed Chor­ley as hav­ing a "thin, sour, high-pitched so­pran­ish voice" and mov­ing like a "stuffed red-haired mon­key." Gou­nod in­tend­ed to pub­lish the piece with a ded­i­ca­tion to Chor­ley, but died be­fore this was pos­si­ble. Wel­don then in­vent­ed a new pro­gram for the piece, which was re-titled Fun­er­al March of a Mar­i­onette. It be­came pop­u­lar as a con­cert piece, and in the 1950s, its open­ing phras­es be­came well known as the theme mu­sic for the tel­e­vi­sion pro­gram Al­fred Hitch­cock Pre­sents. Chorley’s works in­clude: Music and Man­ners in France and Ger­ma­ny, 1841 Pomfret, 1845 Roccabella, 1859 The Pro­di­gy, 1866

Robert Jackson

1840 - 1914 Hymnal Number: 43 Composer of "CRESSBROOK" in Gloria After receiving his musical training at the Royal Academy of Music, Robert Jackson (b, Oldham, Lancashire, England, 1840; d. Oldham, 1914) worked briefly as organist at St. Mark's Church, Grosvenor Square, in London. But he spent most of his life as organist at St. Peter's Church in Oldham (1868-1914), where his father had previously been organist for forty-eight years. A composer of hymn tunes, Jackson was also the conductor of the Oldham Music Society and Werneth Vocal Society. Bert Polman

William Channing Gannett

1840 - 1923 Person Name: Rev. William C. Gannett Hymnal Number: 280 Author of "Praise to God and thanks we bring" in Gloria Gannett, William Channing, M.A., s. of Dr. Ezra Stiles Gannett, was b. at Boston, March 13, 1840, and educated at Harvard College, 1860, and the Divinity School, Cambridge. Entered the Unitarian Ministry in 1868, and after filling several pastorates he became Pastor of the Unitarian Church at Rochester, N.Y., 1889. Mr. Gannett's hymns, mainly written for special occasions, were included in great part in The Thought of God in Hymns and Poems, Boston, 1st Series 1885,2nd Series 1894, the combined production of F. L. Hosmer (q.v.) and himself. Of Mr. Gannett's hymns the following are in common use:— 1. Bring, 0 morn, thy music [God Everlasting.] Written in 1893, and printed in A Chorus of Faith, being an account and resume of the Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago, 1893. Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and again in several hymnals. 2. Clear in memory's silent reaches. [Memory.] Written in 1877 for a Free Religious Assoc. Festival, and published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 3. Prom heart to heart, from creed to creed. [Faith.] Written in 1875 for the 150th anniversary of the First Religious Society in Newburyport, and given in The Thought of God, 1ist Series, 1885. Usually st. ii. is omitted. 4. He hides within the lily. [Divine Providence.] "Consider the lilies, how they grow." Written in 1873, and printed for use at the Free Religious Assoc. Festival, May 30th, 1873. Published in The Thought of God, &c, 1st Series, 1885, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. The most widely used of the author's hymns. 5. I hear it often in the dark. [The Voice of God.] Written at Milwaukee, in 1870, and published in The Thought of God, &c, 1st Series, 1885. Sometimes it begins with st. iii., "0 God within, so close to me," as in Hymns for Church and Home, Boston, 1895. 6. Praise to God and thanksgiving. [ Harvest.] Written in 1872 for a Harvest Festival at St. Paul's, Minn., of which he was then Pastor, and included in The Thought of God &c, 1st Series, 1885. in the Boston Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904, it begins "Praise to God, and thanks we bring." 7. Sleep, my little Jesus. [ Christmas Carol.] Written for the Sunday School, St. Paul's, Minn., in 1882, and given in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, as "Mary's Manger Song." 8. The Lord is in His holy place. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] Written for the Dedication of the Rev. C. W. Wendte's Church, Chicago, April 24, 1873, and pub. in The Thought of God, &c, 1st Series, 1885. It is one of the most popular and widely used of the author's hymns. 9. The morning hangs its signal. [Morning.] This is dated by the author "Chicago, July 30, 1886," and printed in Love to God and Love to Man, being No. 28 ot the Chicago "Unity Mission" series of hymns (N.D.). Also included in The Thought of God, &c, 2nd Series, 1894. Although in some sense a Morning hymn, it is adapted for use in Advent. It is usually known as “The Crowning Day." 10. The Truth is the Voice of God. In the "Unity Mission" Series, No. 28 (see above), this is given as No. 33, with the title "Truth and Righteousness and Love," in 4 stanzas of 4 lines and a refrain of 4 lines. These annotations are based upon manuscript notes kindly supplied by the author. The use made of Mr. Gannett's hymns shows that their poetic beauty and loving sympathy with all things beautiful and pure, are widely appreciated in America and to a limited extent in Great Britain also. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

William H. Burleigh

1812 - 1871 Hymnal Number: 170 Author of "Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace" in Gloria Burleigh, William Henry, an active reformer and member of the Unitarian body, was born at Woodstock, Connecticut, Feb. 12, 1812, and brought up on a farm at Stainfield in the same state. In 1837 he went to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where, having been previously apprenticed to the printing trade, he published the Christian Witness and Temperance Banner. In 1843 he undertook the duties of editor of the Christian Freeman, at Hartford. From 1849 to 1855 he was agent of the New York State Temperance Society; and from 1855 to 1870 Harbour Master at New York. Died at Brooklyn, March 18, 1871. His poetical pieces and hymns were contributed to various periodicals and journals. Many of these were collected and published as Poems, Phila. in 1841. This volume was enlarged by additional pieces, and republished by his widow, in 1871. The dates of these hymns and poems are most difficult to determine. Where possible they are given in detail. It is somewhat curious that Burleigh's hymns are generally more extensively used in England than at home. The introduction of some of his best compositions into the English collections is due to the Lyra Sacra Americana, whence they were mostly taken by the compilers. Those in use in Great Britain and America are:— 1. Fades from the west the farewell nigh. Night . This poem, entitled “A Psalm of Night," is given in his Poems, N. Y., 1871, pp. 275-6. Although not in the 1st edition of his Poems, 1841, it was in common use as early as 1844. It is in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. From it the following centos have come into common use:— (1) “Day unto day uttereth speech." This is composed of stanzas iii.-v., and was given in the Christian Hymns of the Cheshire Pastoral Association (Amer. Unitarian), 1844, as an "Evening Hymn." (2) "O Holy Father, mid the calm." This cento In Longfellow and Johnson's Book of Hymns, 1846, and their Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, &c, is composed of stanzas iv.-v. (3) "Not only doth the voiceful day," No. 324 in Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, is composed of st. ii.-iii. Another arrangement beginning with the same stanza is in the Lyra Sacra Americana, p. 41. (4) “The brightening dawn and voiceful day." In the Hymnary (Lond.), 1872, is, altered from the Lyra Sacra Americana as above, with the addition of a doxology. In and through these various forms, the use of this hymn is very extensive. 2. Father, beneath Thy sheltering wing. Trust and Peace. Appeared in Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, No. 471, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. It is given in many American collections, and in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, Horder's Cong. Hymns , 1884, and others in Great Britain. Orig. text in Lyra Sacra Americana, p. 39, with "that" for "which” in st. ii. line 4. 3. For the dear love that kept us through the night. Morning. From Poems, 1871, into Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884. 4. From profoundest depths of tribulation. Lent. This appeared in the Supplement to Hedge and Huntington's Hymns, &c. (Unitarian), 1853, No 843. 5. Lead us, 0 Father, in the paths of peace. Divine Guidance. No. 32 of the Lyra Sacra Americana, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, being "A Prayer for Guidance." With English compilers this hymn ranks amongst Burleigh’s productions next in popularity to No. 8, and is found in most of the collections there named. 6. Not in vain I poured my supplication . Lent. This is a continuation of the same thought as No. 4 preceding, and follows it in the same Supplement. 7. O deem not that earth's crowning bliss. Mourning. This, passed from the Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868, into the Eng. Bap. Hymnal , 1879; Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884, and others. It is in his Poems, 1i871, p. 258. The hymn, "From lips divine, like healing balm," in the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, N. Y., 1878, is a cento from this hymn. 8. Still will we trust though earth seems dark and dreary. Faith. Appeared in the Lyra Sac. Amer., 1868, pp. 43-44, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. This is the most widely adopted of this author's hymns by the English compilers. It is given in some of the best collections, as the New Congregational Hymn Book, Thring, Horder, the Baptist Hymnal, Allon, &c. 9. There is a beautiful land by the spoiler untrod. Heaven. Dr. Cleveland Lyra Sac. Americana, 1868, p. 298) says, "This piece was first published in the Independent, Jan. 18, 1866." 10. They who have kept their spirit's virgin whiteness. Purity. In Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868, p. 46. 11. Thou Who look'st with pitying eye. Lent. In Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868, p. 47. 12. Through the changes of the day. Evening. From his Poems, 1841. It is given in the Lyra Sac. Amer., p. 50, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Psalms. and Hymns, 1852, Thring's Collection, and others. 13. We ask not that our path be always bright. Trust in God. From the Lyra Sac. Amer, 1868, into Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884. 14. When gladness gilds our prosperous day. Good in all. Also from Lyra Sacra Americana into Horder's Cong. Hymns, 1884. It has been already noted that Burleigh's hymns have a more extended use in Great Britain, than in his own country. The foregoing notes will also show that his productions are more widely known and used outside of his own denomination than by his own people. Concerning the hymns included in the Lyra Sac. Amer., Dr. Cleveland, the editor, says, "Most of these beautiful hymns of Mr. Burleigh's were given to me in manuscript by the author," but he does not indicate what was new and what was old. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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