Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Father of mercies, heavenly Friend,
We seek Thy gracious throne;
To Thee our faltering prayers ascend,
Our fainting hearts are known!
2 From blasts that chill, from suns that smite,
From every plague that harms;
In camp and march, in siege and fight,
Protect our men-at-arms!
3 Though from our darkened lives they take
What makes our life most dear,
We yield them for their country’s sake
With no relenting tear.
4 Our blood their flowing veins will shed,
Their wounds our breasts will share;
Oh, save us from the woes we dread,
Or grant us strength to bear!
5 Let each unhallowed cause that brings
The stern destroyer cease,
The flaming angel fold his wings,
And seraphs whisper, "Peace!"
6 Thine are the scepter and the sword,
Stretch forth Thy mighty hand—
Reign Thou our kingless nation’s Lord
Rule Thou our throneless land! Used With Tune: DUNDEE Text Sources: Songs in Many Keys, 1861
Father Of Mercies, Heavenly Friend