Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: O praise the LORD! His grace is sure Lyrics: 1 O praise the LORD! His grace is sure,
And mercy ever doth endure;
Let Isra'l still with praises say,
In the LORD's mercy is our stay!
2 Now let the house of Aaron own,
That still His mercy hath been shown;
Let all who fear the LORD confess,
His mercies have been numberless.
3 The LORD in my distress I sought;
He heard, and me from bondage brought;
The LORD doth on my side appear,
What man can do I will not fear.
4 Lo, leagued with those who me befriend,
God will Himself my part defend;
So shall I see my wishes crown'd
On all mine enemies around.
5 'Tis better in the LORD to trust,
Than lean on any child of dust;
Better to make the LORD our stay,
Than kings, on whom the moth will prey.
6 All nations round about me came,
But I destroyed them in His Name;
They compass'd me on every side,
But in His Name I quell'd their pride.
7 Like bees they swarm'd,– but in His Name
I quench'd them, as a short-liv'd flame
From the dry thorns, which quickly dies,
Nor will they more against me rise.
8 Sore for my downfall was thy thrust,
But God was my unfailing trust;
God is my strength and song! and He
Shall now my sure salvation be.
9 The voice of joy and health restored,
Sounds in each holy home, O LORD;
Mighty the deeds, in wisdom wrought,
Which Thy right hand to pass has brought.
10 Yea, Thy right hand, our sure defense,
O'er all hath the pre-eminence;
Mighty the deeds, in wisdom wrought,
Which Thy right hand to pass has brought!
11 I shall not die, but live, and tell
What God has wrought for Israel;
To death He did not give me o'er,
When all His chastisements I bore.
12 The LORD's own gates unto me raise,
That I may enter and give praise
This is the gate of righteousness,
By which His people have access!
13 LORD, I will thank Thee, Who hast heard
My pray'r in trouble sore preferred;
And when no other aid was near,
For my salvation didst appear.
14 The stone the builders did reject
Is now the corner-stone elect;
This is Jehovah's work of might,
And it is wondrous in our sight!
15 This is the day the LORD hath made,
To-day glad offerings shall be paid;
Save us now, LORD, who Thee adore,
To us prosperity restore.
16 Blessed be He (let all proclaim)
Who cometh in Jehovah's Name!
You have we bless'd, who are indeed
Of the LORD's house, His holy seed.
17 God is the LORD, Whose word of might
Has spoken been, to give us light;
The sacrifice, His wrath to stay,
Bind to the altar's horns and slay!
18 Thou art my God,–I bow the knee!
Thou art my God,–I worship Thee!
O praise the LORD, whose grace is sure!
And mercy ever doth endure!
Text Sources: English Metrical Psalter, 1875
O Praise the LORD!