Author: George W. Kitchin ; Michael R. Newbolt Hymnal: LUYH2013 #264 (2013) First Line: Come, Christians, follow where our Savior trod Refrain First Line: Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim Lyrics: Refrain:
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim
till all the world adore his sacred name.
1 Come, Christians, follow where our Savior trod,
the Lamb victorious, Christ, the Son of God. [Refrain]
2 All newborn servants of the Crucified
bear on their brows the seal of him who died. [Refrain]
3 From north and south, from east and west we raise
in growing unison our song of praise. [Refrain]
4 O Lord, once lifted on the tree of pain,
draw all the world to seek you once again. [Refrain]
5 Let every race and every language tell
of him who saves our lives from death and hell. [Refrain]
6 Set up your throne, that earth's despair may cease
beneath the shadow of its healing peace. [Refrain]
7 So shall our song of triumph ever be:
praise to the Crucified for victory! [Refrain] Topics: Call to Discples; The Church; Church Year Christ the King; The Cross; Jesus Christ Confidence in; Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Lamb; Jesus Christ Love; Jesus Christ Son of God; Unity in Christ; Elements of Worship Baptism Scripture: Matthew 16:24 Languages: English Tune Title: CRUCIFER
Lift High the Cross