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Hymnal, Number:ge1905a

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Denis Wortman

1835 - 1922 Person Name: Dennis Wortman Hymnal Number: 266 Author of "Today beneath benignant skies" in Gloria in Excelsis

W. C. Agar

Hymnal Number: 491 Author of "My Savior face to face" in Gloria in Excelsis

Sir Walter Scott

1771 - 1832 Person Name: W. Scott Hymnal Number: 395 Author of "The [That] day of wrath, that dreadful day, When heaven" in Gloria in Excelsis Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh, August 15, 1771. In 1786, he commenced his apprenticeship as writer to the Signet. In 1796, he first appeared before the public in a translation of Burger's "William and Helen." Many poetical works followed, until in 1814, he began the series of "Waverly Novels." He died at Abbotsford, September 21, 1832. It is related that on his death-bed he distinctly repeated portions of the Latin original, upon which "That day of wrath, that dreadful day" is based. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ====================== Scott, Sir Walter, Bart., was born in Edinburgh, Aug. 15, 1771, and died at Abbotsford, Sept. 21, 1832. Although so successful and widely known as a poet, he made no direct contributions to hymnody whatever. His condensed rendering of the “Dies Irae", and his hymn of Rebecca in Ivanhoe, "When Israel of the Lord beloved" (q.v.) were utilized as hymns for congregational use by others, but were never intended for such a purpose by himself. His work and rank as poet, novelist, and historian are fully set forth in his Life by J. G. Lockhart. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mary C. Bishop Gates

1842 - 1905 Person Name: Mary C. Gates Hymnal Number: 362 Author of "Thy love to me, O Christ" in Gloria in Excelsis Gates, Mary Cornelia, née Bishop, daughter of William S. Bishop, of Rochester, N.Y., was married in 1873 to Merrill E. Gates, Secty. to the U. S. Indian Commissioners. Her hymns:— 1. Send Thou, 0 Lord, to every place [Missions], dated 1886; 2. Thy love to me, 0 Christ [Union with Christ, dated 1886, are included in Sursum Corda, 1898. [Rev. L. F. Benson, D.D.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ============= Born: February 14, 1842, Rochester, New York. Died: December 17, 1905. Gates was a descendent of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island; daughter of William S. Bishop of Rochester, New York; and faculty member of Leroy Female Seminary. In 1873, she married Merrill E. Gates, Secretary to the U. S. Indian Commissioners and later president of Rutgers and Amherst Colleges. Mary belonged to the Woman’s Board for Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America (Dutch Reformed), and contributed to numerous periodicals, including The Independent, The Atlantic Monthly, The Christian Intelligencer, and The Youth’s Companion. Her other works include: Hymns of Nature and Songs of the Spirit

Julia Anne Elliott

1809 - 1841 Hymnal Number: 32 Author of "Hail, thou bright and sacred morn" in Gloria in Excelsis Elliott, Julia Anne, née Marshall, daughter of Mr. John Marshall, of Hallsteads, Ullswater, was married to the Rev. H. V. Elliott (q.v.), in 1833, and died Nov. 3, 1841. Her hymns were contributed to her husband's Psalms & Hymns, 1835, anonymously, but in the Index to the "3rd thousand," 1839, her initials were added. These hymns are eleven in all, and concerning them, Miller has justly said (S. & Songs, p. 482), they "show a most refined poetical taste, and a special faculty for appreciating and expressing, appropriately, phases of thought and feeling that are beautiful, and that might have escaped common observation." Of these hymns the best known are, "Hail, thou bright and sacred morn," “On the dewy breath of even,” and "We love Thee, Lord, yet not alone”(q.v.). The rest are:— 1. Father, if that gracious name. Intercession. 2. Great Creator, who this day. Sunday. 3. I would believe; but my weak heart. Len. 4. My God, and can I linger still. Lent. 5. O not when o'er the trembling soul. Lent. 6. O Thou, who didst this rite reveal. Holy Communion. 7. Soon, too soon, the sweet repose. Sunday Evening. 8. Welcome to me the darkest night. Resignation. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Benjamin H. Kennedy

1804 - 1889 Person Name: Benjamin Hall Kennedy Hymnal Number: 311 Author of "Who trusts in God, a strong abode" in Gloria in Excelsis Kennedy, Benjamin Hall, D.D., son of the Rev. Raun Kennedy, sometime Incumbent of St. Paul's, Birmingham, and editor of A Church of England Psalm-Book, &c, 1821 (12th ed. 1848), was born at Summer Hill, near Birmingham, Nov. 6, 1804, and educated at King Edward's School, Birmingham; Shrewsbury School; and St. John's College, Cambridge. He graduated B.A. in 1827 (First Class Classical Tripos and First Chancellor's Medallist). He was Fellow of his College 1828-36; Head Master of Shrewsbury School, 1836-66; and Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge and Canon of Ely , 1867. Dr. Kennedy took Holy Orders in 1829, and was for some time Prebendaiy in Lichfield Cathedral and Rector of West Felton, Salop. He was elected Hon. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1880. Besides his Public School Latin Grammar, Palaestra Latina, Palaestra Stili Latini, &c, his editions of some of the Classics, and University Sermons, Dr. Kennedy published the following:— (1) The Psalter, or the Psalms of David, in English Verse. By a Member of the University of Cambridge, 1860; (2) Hymnologia Christiana, or Psalms & Hymns Selected and Arranged in the Order of the Christian Seasons (quoted in this Dictionary as Kennedy), 1863. i. From these two works many psalms and hymns have passed into other collections. The following versions of the Psalms first appeared in The Psalter, 1860, and again in the Hymnologia Christiana 1863. In many instances they have undergone considerable alteration in the latter work, and those of great length are broken into parts:— 1. All ye people, come and clap, &c. Ps. xlvii. 2. Arise, 0 Lord, with healing rod. Ps. x. 3. As pants the hind for cooling streams. Ps. xlii. 4. As Thy mercy lasts for ever. Ps. cix. 5. Be merciful to me, 0 God. Ps. lvii. 6. Be Thou my Judge, and I will strive. Ps. xvii. 7. Bless ye the Lord, His solemn praise record. Ps. cxxxiv. 8. Bow down Thine ear, and hear my cry. Ps. lxxxvi. 9. Come, ye children, list to me. Ps. xxxiv. 10. Ever, O my God and King. Ps. cxlv. 11. Ever will I bless the Lord. Ps. xxxiv. 12. Every king shall bow before Him. Ps. lxxii. 13. Full oft my chafing thoughts, &c. Ps. lxxiii. 14. God, avert the deadly blow. Ps. lix. 15. God, in Judah's homes is known. Ps. lxxvi. 16. God of my righteousness. Ps. iv. 17. Hear Thou my prayer, O Lord. Ps. cxliii. 18. Help us, O Lord, the good decay. Ps. xii. 19. How blest are they who flee, &c. Ps. cxix. 20. How blest the man, who fears to stray. Ps. i. 21. How blest the man whose errors, &c. Ps. xxxii. 22. How good it is to praise the Lord. Ps. xcii. 23. How long art silent, Lord? how long. Ps. xxxv. 24. How long forgotten, Lord, by Thee. Ps. xiii. 25. How long wilt Thou conceal Thy face. Ps. lxxxix. 26. I lift mine eyes unto the hills. Ps. cxxi. 27. I love the Lord, for He is nigh. Ps. cxvi. 28. I muse upon Thine ancient praise. Ps. lxxvii. 29. I praise Thee, Lord, who o'er my foes. Ps. xxx. 30. I trod the path of life, my strength. Ps. cii. 31. In trouble to the Lord I prayed. Ps. cxx. 32. Jehovah reigns, arrayed in light. Ps. xciii. 33. Judge me, O God; maintain my cause. Ps. xliii. 34. Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry. Ps. cii. 35. Lord, I am not lofty-minded. Ps. cxxxi. 36. Lord, I lift my soul to Thee. Ps. xxv. 37. Lord, my Rock. I cry to Thee. Ps. xxviii. 38. Lord, save me from the foeman's wrath. Ps. cxl. 39. Lord, Thou wilt guard with faithful love. Ps. xxxvii. 40. Lord, Thy love and truth I praise. Ps. ci. 41. My God, my God, to Thee I cry, Ah! why hast Thou, &c. Ps. xxii. 42. My heart is fain, O God, my heart. Ps. cviii. 43. My portion is the living Lord. Ps. cxix. 44. My Saviour is the living Lord. Ps. xi. 45. My Shepherd is the Lord, no care. Ps. xxiii. 46. My trust is in Thy holy Name. Ps. lxxi. 47. My voice to God ascends on high. Ps. lxxvii. 48. Not in envy, not in anger. Ps. xxxvii. 49. Not in Thy fury, Lord, reprove. Ps. xxxviii. 50. O grant us, God of love. Ps. lxvii. 51. O God, be merciful to me. Ps. li. 52. 0 God of hosts, a vine. Ps. lxxx. 53. 0 God, subdue the power of sin. Ps. vii. 54. O Lord, in Thine accepted day. Ps. lxix. 55. 0 Lord our King, how bright Thy fame. Ps. viii. 56. O Lord, the God of my salvation. Ps. lxxxviii. 57. 0 praise ye the Lord, Praise Him in His shrine. Ps. cl. 58. O rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord. Ps. xxxiii. 59. Oft, as to scatter kings. Ps. lxviii. 60. Out of the depths to Thee I cry. Ps. cxxx. 61. Praise, O my soul, the Lord and all. Ps. ciii. 62. Praise, 0 my soul, the Lord; how great. Ps. civ. 63. Praise the Lord, for good is He. Ps. cxxxvi. 64. Praise the Lord, for it is wise. Ps. cxlvii. 65. Praise the Lord from heaven on high. Ps. cxlviii. 66. Praise the Lord, His people; raise. Ps. cxlvi. 67. Praise ye the Lord, all nations. Ps. cxvii. 68. Praise ye the Lord, for good is He. Ps. cxviii. 69. Praise ye the Lord, for very good. Ps. cvii. 70. Praised be the Lord, my Rock of might. Ps. cxliv. 71. Save me, O God, the dangerous, &c. Ps. lxix. 72. Save me through Thy name, 0 God. Ps. liv. 73. Seek we Jehovah's house, they said. Ps. cxxii. 74. Sing a new song unto the Lord. Ps. xcvi. 75. Sing the Lord, ye sons of heaven. Ps. xxix. 76. Sing unto the Lord with mirth. Ps. c. 77. Take note, O Lord, of all my fears. Ps. lvi. 78. The heavens declare Thy wondrous fame. Ps. lxxxix. 79. The heavens, O God, Thy glory tell. Ps. xxx. 80. The king, 0 Lord, with hymns of praise. Ps. xxi. 81. The life of man is like the grass. Ps. ciii. 82. The Lord in thy distressful day. Ps. xx. 83. The Lord is King; glad earth, and ye. Ps. xcvii. 84. There is no God, so saith the fool. Ps. xiv. 85. Thou searchest all my secret ways. Ps. cxxxix. 86. To Thee I call. O Lord, be swift. Ps. cxli. 87. 'Twas dream-like, when the Lord's decree. Ps. cxxvi. 88. Unless the Lord with us had wrought. Ps. cxxiv. 89. Unto my feet a lantern shines Thy word. Ps. cxix. 90. Unto the Lord I make my moan. Ps. cxlii. 91. We sat and wept by Babel's stream. Ps. cxxxvii. 92. When Israel came from Egypt's strand. Ps. cxiv. 93. When through the dismal waste. Ps. lxviii. 94. Who rules his life by God's behest. Ps. cxxviii. 95. Whoe'er his secret home has made. Ps. xci. 96. With weary care brought low. Ps. lxix. 97. With my whole heart I will praise Thee. Ps. cxxxviii. 98. Within Thy tabernacle, Lord. Ps. xv. 99. Ye Judges of the earth, be still. Ps. lxxxii. ii. The following also appeared in The Psalter, 1860, and again in Hymnologia Christiana 1863, mostly altered, and based upon the corresponding Psalms by George Sandys (q.v.), published in his Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David, 1636:— 100. Blest he whose timely mercies heed. Ps. xli. 101. Hide not, 0 Lord, Thy cheering face. Ps. xl. 102. I waited for a gentle word. Ps. xl. 103. Israel of God, be Christ your Guide. Ps. cxv. 104. Who in the Lord securely lay. Ps. cxxv. iii. To the Rev. A. T. Russell's Psalms & Hymns, 1851, Dr. Kennedy was indebted to a limited extent in preparing his Psalter, 1860. In his Preface he says, p. viii.," Mr. Russell's metres, and occasionally his words, have been adopted in the following Psalms: 2, 24, 39, 45, 46, 50, 84, 85, 90, 110, 111, 113." Of these the following, sometimes with alterations of the 1860 text, were given in the

George B. Ide

1804 - 1872 Hymnal Number: 252 Author of "Vouchsafe, O Lord, thy presence now" in Gloria in Excelsis Ide, George Barton, D.D., Baptist Minister, was born at Coventry, Vermont, in 1806; educated at Middlebury College, Vermont; was pastor successively at Boston, Philadelphia, and Springfield, Massachusetts, and died in 1872. He edited the Baptist Harp, Philadelphia, 1849. To that work he contributed 9 hymns. Of these, "Son of God, our glorious Head" (On behalf of ministers) is still in common use. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ========================== Ide, George Barton, D.D., p. 561, i. Dr. Burrage gives in his Baptist Hymn Writers, 1888, p. 308, a list of Dr. Ide's hymns, and states that he was born Sep. 17, 1804. This date must be substituted for 1806 on p. 561, i. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Anne Houlditch Shepherd

1809 - 1857 Hymnal Number: 455 Author of "Singing glory, glory" in Gloria in Excelsis Shepherd, Anne, née Houlditch, daughter of the Rev. E. H. Houlditch, sometime Rector of Speen, Berkshire, was born at Cowes, Isle of Wight, Sept. 11, 1809; married to Mr. S. Saville Shepherd in 1843; and died at Blackheath, Kent, Jan. 7, 1857. Her Hymns adapted to the Comprehension of Young Minds were published (3rd ed. 1847 5th ed. 1855), and contained 64 hymns. Of these the following have come into common use:— 1. Around the throne of God in heaven. 2. Glory to Jesus, glory. Praise. 3. Here's a message of love. Invitation. 4. I have read of the Saviour's love. The Love of Christ. 5. See where the gentle Jesus reigns. Jesus, the Children's Friend. Of these hymns the first has by far the widest acceptance, and is found in a large number of children's hymn-books. Her religious novels, Ellen Seymour, 1848; and Reality, 1852, attracted some attention. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Sidney Dyer

1814 - 1898 Hymnal Number: 225 Author of "Go preach the blest salvation" in Gloria in Excelsis Dyer, Sidney, who served in the U. S. Army from 1831 to c. 1840, is a native of White Creek, Washington County, New York, where he was born in 1814. On leaving the army he was ordained a Baptist Minister in 1842, and acted first as a Missionary to the Choctaws, then as Pastor in Indianapolis, Indiana (1852), and as Secretary to the Baptist Publication Society, Phila. (1859). He has published sundry works, and in the Southwestern Psalmist, 1851, 16 of his hymns are found. The following are later and undated:— 1. Go, preach the blest salvation. Missions. In the Baptist Praise Book, 1871, and The Baptist Hymn & Tune Book, 1871. 2. Great Framer [Maker] of unnumbered worlds. National Humiliation. In the Boston Unitarian Hymn [and Tune] Book, 1868, and others. 3. When faint and weary toiling. Work whilst it is day. In the Baptist Praise Book, 1871. 4. Work, for the night is coming. Duty. This hymn is in wider use than the foregoing, but though often ascribed to Dyer, is really by Miss Anna L. Walker, of Canada, who published a volume of Poems, 1868. S. Dyer, in 1854, wrote a hymn on the same subject for a Sunday-school in Indianapolis, and hence the confusion between the two. In 1882 a cento beginning with the same stanza was given in Whiting's (English) Hymns for the Church Catholic, No. 366. Of this cento, stanzas i., ii. are by Miss Walker; and stanzas iii., iv. by Miss Whiting, daughter of the editor of that collection. [Rev.F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Dyer, S., p. 317, ii. Additional hymns by Dr. Dyer are given in the Baptist Sursum Corda, Phila., 1898, with the following dates :— 1. Enter, Jesus bids thee welcome. Invitation. 1883. 2. No more with horrors veil the tomb. Burial. 1897. Dr. Dyer d. in 1898. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ================= Dyer, Sidney. (White Creek, New York, February 11, 1814--December 22, 1898, Philadelphia). Baptist. Indiana State University, honorary A.M. ; Bucknell University, honorary Ph.D. Missionary to the Choctaws early in his career. Pastorates at Brownsville, New York, 1842; Indianapolis, 1852-1859. District secretary of the American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1859-1885. Author of eight religious books designed for children, two volumes of verse: Voices of Nature (Louisville, 1849), and Songs and Ballads (Indianapolis, 1857). Wrote a large number of hymns in Sunday School as well as church collections. In 1851, he published The South Western Psalmist (Louisville), which became known as Dyer's Psalmist. Of 467 hymns, 16 are by Dyer. Also wrote a prize-winning hymn "O wondrous land! thy onward march sublime" for the Jubilee of the American Baptist Home Mission Society which was help in New York in 1882. This 66-stanza hymn may be found in Baptist Home Missions in North America: Including a Full Report of the Proceedings and Address of the Jubilee Meeting . . . (New York: Baptist Home Mission Rooms, 1883). "Work, for the night is coming," written by Annie L. (Walker) Coghill, was sometimes ascribed to Dyer. The confusion arose when, in 1854, Dyer wrote a text on the same subject for a Sunday School in Indianapolis. --Deborah Carlton Loftis, DNAH Archives

Henry Downton

1818 - 1885 Hymnal Number: 439 Author of "For thy mercy and thy grace" in Gloria in Excelsis Downton, Henry, M.A, son of Mr. John Downton, Sub-Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge, was born at Pulverbatch, Shropshire, Feb. 12, 1818, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. 1840, and M.A. 1843. Taking Holy Orders in 1843, he became Curate of Bembridge, Isle of Wight, 1843, and of Holy Trinity, Cambridge, 1847. In 1849 he was preferred to the Incumbency of St. John's, Chatham. He went to Geneva as English Chaplain in 1857; and was appointed Rector of Hopton in 1873. He was also for some time Domestic Chaplain to the late Lord Monson. He died at Hopton, June 8, 1885. Mr. Downton published a translation of Professor Ernest Naville's Lectures on Modern Atheism, 1865; and Holy Scripture and the Temperance Question, 1878. His hymns were chiefly contributed to the Church of England Magazine; A. T. Russell's Psalms & Hymns, 1851; Barry's Psalms & Hymns, 1862; and the Sunday Magazine. In 1873 he collected these and published them as Hymns and Verses. His translations from the French of Alexandre Vinet are also in the volume. His best known hymns are "Another year, another year" (given anonymously in the Harrow School Hymns, 1855); "For Thy mercy, and Thy grace"; and " Harp awake, tell out the story." These have attained to great popularity, and are in extensive use. - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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