Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: O Lord, thou dost me search and know Lyrics: 1 O Lord, Thou dost me search and know:
2 Thou know'st my sitting down;
My rising up, and all my tho'ts,
to Thee far off are known.
3 Thou compassest my path and bed,
and knowest all my ways:
4 And ev'ry word that moves my tongue,
O LORD, thine eye surveys.
5 Thou hast best me round about,
and on me laid thy hand.
6 Such knowledge wondrous is to me,
too high to understand.
7 Where shall I from thy spirit go;
or from thy presence fly?
8 If heav'n I climb, lo Thou art There;
There if in hell I lie.
9 If morning wings I take, and dwell
where utmost sea coasts are;
10 Ev'n there thy hand shall lead me on,
and thy right hand me bear.
11 Or if I say, the darkness shall
conceal me from thy sight;
The darkest night shall then to Thee,
around me, all be light.
12 For darkness darkens not to Thee;
but night as day shines clear:
Thick darkness and the shining light
to Thee alike appear.
[2 Part]
13 Because thou hast possest my reigns,
and safely cover'd me
Within my tender mother's womb;
14 my praise shall be of Thee;
For fearfully and wondrously,
Thou didst my frame compose;
Thy works in me are marvellous;
and that my soul well knows.
15 When first I was in secret made,
my substance Thou didst know;
while I most curiously was wrought,
as in dark caves below.
16 Thine eyes my shapeless substance saw
and written in thy book
Were all my members tho' not made,
which after fashion took.
17 How precious also to my soul
are thy sweet thoughts become?
O God, how numerous they grow,
how vast their growing sum?
18 If I should number them, their sum
more than the sand would be:
And still whenever I awake
I present am with Thee.
[3 Part]
19 O God, Thou surely wilt them slay,
who wicked persons are:
And therefore all ye men of blood,
depart from me afar.
20 For they against Thee wickedly
speak out with tongues profane:
And they who are thine enemies,
take thy great name in vain.
21 JEHOVAH! hate I not all those,
who hatred show to Thee?
And those who up against The rise,
am I not griev'd to see?
22 Yea I abhor them utterly,
who up against Thee rise;
And all who show themselves thy foes,
I count mine enemies.
23 O gracious God, I beg Thee make
a thorough search of me;
And know my heart, me strictly try,
my thoughts within me see.
24 And see if any way of sin
in me indulged be;
And in thy way to endless bliss
for ever lead Thou me.
Scripture: Psalm 139
A Psalm of David