Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XXXI (1767) Scripture: Lyrics: 1 From Shame and Insult set me free,
For still, O LORD, I trust in thee;
Once more your kind Assistance lend,
Once more thy Servant's Cause defend:
As just and righteous is thy Name,
So let me now thy Favour claim.
2 Bow down, O LORD! thy gracious Ear,
Do thou my stedfast Rock appear;
To me some speedy Succour send,
My Soul for Danger to defend:
Hear thou my Voice, when I complain,
And still my righteous Cause maintain.
3 Since thou'rt my Rock, and Foes oppress,
Oh lead me out of this Distress,
Thy wonted Help, my GOD, impart,
For thou, my Strength and Fortress art:
To thee alone I look for Aid,
To shun the Snares, my Foes have laid.
4 Thou GOD of Mercy, Love and Truth!
Who hast preserv'dst me from my Youth;
My Life, my Soul, and all that's mine,
To thee I willingly resign:
To thee my Soul for Succour flies,
For those I hate, who trust in Lies.
Part II
5 Thy Name, Oh GOD! I'll ever bless,
And still in chearful Songs express,
The Mercies thou to me hast shewn;
For Thou hast seen my straits, and known
What gloomy Sorrows gather round,
What rising Fears my Soul confund.
6 Whene'er thou saw'st my watchful Foes,
Did in their Wiles my Strength enclose,
Thou gav'st my Feet a larger Space,
To fly from all their treach'rous Race;
And shun the secret hidden Snare,
Which for my Soul, they did prepare.
7 Thy Mercy, LORD, again display,
For both my Soul and Flesh decay,
Attend, O GOD, the just Complaint,
Which I, with Grief and Hunger faint,
With feeble Voice to thee address:
Oh hear the Cries of my Distress!
8 Sad Thoughts my drooping Life oppress,
My Sins have made my Strength decrease;
My Years are spent in wasting Groans;
Which e'en consume away my Bones;
My foul Offences, to my View,
Are ever rising fresh and new.
Part III
9 My Foes at all my Suff'rings mock'd,
My Friends at Sight of me were shock'd;
My Neighbours chiefly did upbraid,
They look'd at me as Men dismay'd;
And when they did my Anguish see,
With one Consent they fled from me.
1o Forsook by all my Friends am I,
As one that's dead and out of mind;
And like a shatter'd Vessel lie,
Whose broken Parts can ne'er be join'd;
No one to comfrt me appears,
To ease my Grief or sooth my Cares.
11 Against me sland'rous Words they speak,
Whilst they together Counsel take;
They strive my guiltless Blood to shed,
And yet they seem my Pow'r to dread;
But still my Soul thy Goodness knows,
And will her Hopes on thee repose.
12 Whatever strange Events betide,
Thy Wisdom , LORD! will time them all;
Thy Servant then in Safety hide
From those who daily seek his Fall:
O render all their Malice vain,
Nor let my Foes their Will obtain.
13 The Brightness of thy glorious Face,
To me, O righteous GOD, disclose,
And as thy mercies still increase,
Preserve me from my cruel Foes;
Do thou in Mercy set me free
From those who strive to ruin me.
Part IV
14 Thy Servant from Dishonour save,
Who still hath plac'd his Trust in thee;
Let that, and Silence in the Grave,
The Sinner's wretched Portion be:
Do thou their lying Lips restrain;
Who treat the Just with proud Disdain.
15 How great thy tender Mercies are
To such as fear thy holy Name;
Which, LORD, thou dost for them prepare,
Who spread abroad thy glorious Fame:
The Sons of Men thy Love shalt see,
To those who put their Trust in thee.
16 Thou keep'st them ever in thy Sight,
From all their proud Oppressors free;
From Tongues that do in Strife delight,
They are preserv'd still by thee;
Thy Saints shall find thy Friendship sure,
And in thy Temple rest secure.
17 With Glory and with great Renown.
God's holy Name be ever bless'd;
Whose Love is Keilab's well-fenc'd Town,
To me was wond'rously express'd;
For he was then my Strength and Tow'r,
To guard me from assailing Pow'r.
18 Dismay'd with Fear, in hasty Flight,
I said, "I'm banish'd from thine Eyes;"
Yet still thou keptst me in thy Sight,
And didst accept my earnest Cries;
In Mercy thou didst bend thine Ear,
And listen to my humble Pray'r.
19 O then, let all the Saints, the LORD
With never-ending Love pursue,
Who to the Just will Help afford,
And surely give the Proud their Due:
Courageously on God rely,
Who will your Hearts with Strength supply.
Topics: Prayers When percecuted; Thanksgivings For Deliverances and Wonders, particular Languages: English Tune Title: [From shame and insult set me free]
From Shame and Insult set me free