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Hymnal, Number:dwi21790

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Praise for Temporal Blessings; or, common and special Mercies

Hymnal: DWI21790 #118a (1790) First Line: We bless the Lord, the just, the good Lyrics: 1 We bless the Lord, the just, the good, Who fills our hearts with heavenly food; Who pours his blessings from the skies, And loads our days with rich supplies. 2 He sends his sun his circuit round, To cheer the fruits, to warm the ground; He bids the clouds with plenteous rain Refresh the thirsty earth again. 3 'Tis to his care we owe our breath, And all our near escapes from death: Safety and health to God belong; He heals the weak, and guards the strong. 4 He makes the saint and sinner prove The common blessings of his love; But the wide difference that remains Is endless joy or endless pains. 5 The Lord that bruis'd the serpent's head, On all the serpent's seed shall tread, The stubborn sinner's hope confound, And smite him with a lasting wound. 6 But his right hand his saints shall raise, From the deep earth, or deeper seas, And bring them to his courts above; There shall they taste his special love. Topics: Ascension of Christ; Christ His ascension; God his power and majesty; God his vengeance and compassion; God great and good; Jehovah; Judgement and Mercy; Majesty of God; Mercies common and special; Praise for temporal blessings; Prayer heard; Spirit given at Christ's ascension; Ascension of Christ; Christ His ascension; God his power and majesty; God his vengeance and compassion; God great and good; Jehovah; Judgement and Mercy; Majesty of God; Mercies common and special; Praise for temporal blessings; Prayer heard; Spirit given at Christ's ascension Scripture: Psalm 68:9 Languages: English
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The Sufferings of CHRIST for our Salvation

Hymnal: DWI21790 #118b (1790) First Line: Save me, O God, the swelling floods Lyrics: 1 "Save me, O God, the swelling floods "Break in upon my soul; "I sink and sorrows o'er my head "Like mighty waters roll. 2 "I cry till all my voice be gone, "In tears I waste the day: "My God, behold my longing eyes, "And shorten thy delay. 3 "They hate my soul without a cause, "And still their number grows "More than the hairs around my head, "And mighty are my foes. 4 "'Twas then I paid that dreadful debt "That men could never pay, "And gave those honours to thy law "Which sinners took away. 5 "Thus in the great Messiah's name, "The royal prophet mourns; "Thus he awakes our hearts to grief, "And gives us joy by turns. 6 "Now shall the saints rejoice and find "Salvation in my name, "For I have borne their heavy load "Of sorrow, pain, and shame. 7 "Grief like a garment cloth'd me round, "And sackcloth was my dress, "While I procured for naked souls "A robe of righteousness. 8 "Among my brethren and the Jews, "I like a stranger stood, "And bore their vile reproach to bring "The Gentiles near to God. 9 "I came in sinful mortals stead "To do my father's will; "Yet when I cleans'd my father's house, "They scandaliz'd my zeal. 10 "My fastings and my holy groans "Were made the drunkard's song; "But God from his celestial throne "Heard my complaining tongue. 11 "He sav'd me from the dreadful deep, "Where fears beset me round; "He rais'd and fix'd my sinking feet "On well-establish'd ground. 12 "'Twas in a most accepted hour, "My prayer arose on high, "And for my sake my God shall hear "The dying sinner's cry." Topics: Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ Scripture: Psalm 69:1-14 Languages: English
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The Passion and Exaltation of Christ

Hymnal: DWI21790 #120 (1790) First Line: Now let our lips with holy fear Lyrics: 1 Now let our lips with holy fear And mournful pleasure sing The sufferings of our great High-Priest, The sorrows of our King. 2 He sinks in floods of deep distress; How high the waters rise! While to his heavenly Father's ear He sends perpetual cries. 3 "Hear me, O Lord, and save thy Son, "Nor hide thy shining face; "Why should thy favourite look like one "Forsaken of thy grace? 4 "With rage they persecute the man "That groans beneath thy wound, "While for a sacrifice I pour "My life upon the ground. 5 "They tread my honour to the dust, "And laugh when I complain; "Their sharp insulting slanders add "Fresh anguish to my pain. 6 "All my reproach is known to thee, "The scandal and the shame; "Reproach has broke my bleeding heart, "And lies defil'd my name. 7 "I look'd for pity, but in vain; "My kindred are my grief: "I ask my friends for comfort round, "But meet with no relief. 8 "With vinegar they mock my thirst, "They give me gall for food; "And sporting with my dying groans, "They triumph in my blood. 9 "Shine into my distressed soul, "Let thy compassion save; "And though my flesh sink down to death, "Redeem it from the grave. 10 "I shall arise to praise thy name, "Shall reign in worlds unknown; "And thy salvation, O my God, Shall seat me on thy throne." Topics: Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ Scripture: Psalm 69:14-21 Languages: English
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Christ's Obedience and Death; or, God glorified and Sinner's saaved

Hymnal: DWI21790 #121a (1790) First Line: Father, I sing thy wondrous grace Lyrics: 1 Father, I sing thy wondrous grace, I bless my Saviour's name, He bought salvation for the poor, And bore the sinner's shame. 2 His deep distress has rais'd us high, His duty and his zeal Fulfill'd the law which mortals broke, And finish'd all thy will. 3 His dying groans, his living songs Shall better please my God, Than harp or trumpet's solemn sound, Than goat's or bullock's blood. 4 This shall his humble followers see, And set their hearts at rest; They by his death draw near to thee, And live forever blest. 5 Let heaven and all that dwell on high To God their voices raise, While lands and seas assist the sky, And join t'advance his praise. 6 Zion is thine, most holy God, Thy Son shall bless her gates; And glory purchas'd by his blood For thine own Israel waits. Topics: Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ Scripture: Psalm 69 Languages: English
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Christ's Passion and Sinners Salvation

Hymnal: DWI21790 #121b (1790) First Line: Deep in our hearts let us record Lyrics: 1 Deep in our hearts let us record The deeper sorrows of our Lord; Behold the rising billows roll To overwhelm his holy soul. 2 In long complaints he spends his breath, While hosts of hell, and pow'rs of death, And all the sons of malice join To execute their curst design. 3 Yet, gracious God, thy power and love Has made the curse a blessing prove; Those dreadful sufferings of thy Son Aton'd for crimes which we had done. 4 The pangs of our expiring Lord The honours of thy law restor'd: His sorrows made thy justice known And paid for follies not his own. 7 Oh for his sake our guilt forgive, And let the mourning sinner live: The Lord will hear us in his name, Nor shall our hope be turn'd to shame. Topics: Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ Scripture: Psalm 69 Languages: English
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Christ's Sufferings and Zeal

Hymnal: DWI21790 #122 (1790) First Line: 'Twas for our sake, eternal God Lyrics: 1 'Twas for thy sake, eternal God, Thy Son sustain'd that heavy load Of base reproach and sore disgrace, While shame defil'd his sacred face. 2 The Jews his brethren and his kin, Abus'd the man that check'd their sin; While he fulfill'd thy holy laws, They hate him, but without a cause. 3 [My Father's house, said he, was made A place for worship, not for trade. Then scattering all their gold and brass, He scourg'd the merchants from the place.] 4 [Zeal for the temple of his God Consum'd his life, expos'd his blood: Reproaches at thy glory thrown He felt, and mourn'd them as his own.] 5 [His friends forsook, his followers fled, While foes and arms surround his head; They curse him with a slanderous tongue, And the false judge maintains the wrong.] 6 His life they load with hateful lies, And charge his lips with blasphemies: They nail him to the shameful tree; There hung the man that dy'd for me. 7 But God beheld, and from his throne Marks out the men that hate his son; The hand that rais'd him from the dead, Shall pour the vengeance on their head. Topics: Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ; Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin; Christ his death and resurrection; Christ his obedience and death; Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Death and resurrection of Christ; Death and sufferings of Christ; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Glory of God in our salvation; God Glorified and Sinners saved; Sacrifice; Saints by Christ; Suffering and Kingdom of Christ Scripture: Psalm 69:7-36 Languages: English
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Protection against Personal Enemies

Hymnal: DWI21790 #123a (1790) First Line: In haste, O God, attend my call Lyrics: 1 In haste, O God, attend my call, Nor hear my cries in vain; Oh let thy speed prevent may fall, And still my hope sustain. 2 When foes insidious wound my name, And tempt my soul astray, Then let them fall with lasting shame, To their own plots a prey. 3 While all that love thy name rejoice, And glory in thy word, In thy salvation raise their voice, And magnify the Lord. 4 O thou my help in time of need, Behold my sore dismay; In pity hasten to my aid, Nor let thy grace delay. Scripture: Psalm 70 Languages: English
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The aged Saint's Reflection and Hope

Hymnal: DWI21790 #123b (1790) First Line: My God, my everlasting hope Lyrics: 1 My God, my everlasting hope, I live upon thy truth; Thine hands have held my childhood up, And strengthen'd all my youth. 2 My flesh was fashion'd by thy power With all these limbs of mine: And from my mother's painful hour I've been entirely thine. 3 Still has my life new wonders seen Repeated every year; Behold my days that yet remain, I trust them to thy care. 4 Cast me not off when strength declines, When hoary hairs arise; And round me let thy glory shine, When e'er thy servant dies. 5 Then in the history of my age, When men review my days, They'll read your love in every page, In every line thy praise. Topics: Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Courage in death; Death and the resurrection; Hope of resurrection; Psalm and Old Age; Resurrection of the saints; Resurrection and death; Righteousness from Christ; Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Courage in death; Death and the resurrection; Hope of resurrection; Psalm and Old Age; Resurrection of the saints; Resurrection and death; Righteousness from Christ Scripture: Psalm 71:5-9 Languages: English
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Christ our Strength and Righteousness

Hymnal: DWI21790 #124 (1790) First Line: My Saviour, my almighty Friend Lyrics: 1 My Saviour, my almighty Friend, When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end, The numbers of thy grace? 2 Thou art my everlasting trust, Thy goodness I adore And since I knew thy graces first, I speak thy glories more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road, And march with courage in thy strength To see my father God. 4 When I am fill'd with sore distress For some surprising sin, I'll plead thy perfect righteousness, And mention none but thine. 5 How will my lips rejoice to tell The victories of my king! My soul, redeem'd from sin and hell, Shall thy salvation sing. 6 [My tongue shall all the day proclaim My Saviour and my God; His death has brought my foes to shame, And sav'd me by his blood. 7 Awake, awake, my tuneful powers; With this delightful song I'll entertain the darkest hours, Nor think the season long.] Topics: Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Courage in death; Death and the resurrection; Hope of resurrection; Psalm and Old Age; Resurrection of the saints; Resurrection and death; Righteousness from Christ; Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Courage in death; Death and the resurrection; Hope of resurrection; Psalm and Old Age; Resurrection of the saints; Resurrection and death; Righteousness from Christ Scripture: Psalm 71:22-24 Languages: English
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The aged Christian's Prayer and Song; or, old Age, Death, and the Resurrection

Hymnal: DWI21790 #125 (1790) First Line: God of my childhood, and my youth Lyrics: 1 God of my childhood, and my youth, The guide of all my days, I have declar'd thy heavenly truth, And told thy wondrous ways. 2 Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs, And leave my fainting heart; Who shall sustain my sinking years If God my strength depart? 3 Let me thy power and truth proclaim Before the rising age, And leave a savour of thy name When I shall quit the stage. 4 The land of silence and of death Attends my next remove; Oh may these poor remains of breath Teach the wide world thy love! Pause. 5 Thy righteousness is deep and high, Unsearchable thy deeds; Thy glory spreads beyond the sky, And all my praise exceeds. 6 Oft have I heard thy threatenings roar, And oft endur'd the grief: But when thy hand has prest me sore, Thy grace was my relief. 7 By long experience have I known Thy sovereign power to save; At thy command I venture down Securely to the grave. 8 When I lie buried deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care; These wither'd limbs with thee I trust To raise them strong and fair. Topics: Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Courage in death; Death and the resurrection; Hope of resurrection; Psalm and Old Age; Resurrection of the saints; Resurrection and death; Righteousness from Christ; Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Courage in death; Death and the resurrection; Hope of resurrection; Psalm and Old Age; Resurrection of the saints; Resurrection and death; Righteousness from Christ Scripture: Psalm 71:17-21 Languages: English


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