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Scripture:Psalm 22:19-28

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To the chief Musician upon Aijeleth Shahar. A Psalm of David

Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PXXII (1742) Scripture: Psalm 22 First Line: My God, my God, wherefore hast thou Lyrics: 1 My God, my God, wherefore hast thou Forsaken me? and why Art thou so far from my help And from words of my cry? 2 My God, I in the day time cry, but me thou dost not hear; Also by night and unto me No quiet rest is there. 3 Nevertheless thou holy art, Who constantly dost dwell, Amongst the thankful praises of Thy people Israel. 4 Our fathers heretofore in thee Have put their confidence, They trusted have, and thou to them Didst give deliverance. 5 They unto thee did cry aloud, And were preserved found, In thee they put their confidence, And nought did them confound. 6 But I a worm and not a man, Of men a very scorn: And I among the people am Despised as forlorn. 7 All they that do upon me look, A scoff at me do make; They with contempt shoot out the lip, The head in scorn they shake. 8 Upon the lord he roll'd himself, Let him now rid him quite; Let him deliver him, because In him he doth delight. 9 But thou art he that me out of The belly didst forth take: When I was on my brother's breasts, To hope thou didst me make. 10 I from the tender womb have been Committed unto thee; Yea from my mother's belly thou Hast been a God to me. [2] 11 Be not thou far away from me; For tribulation Approacheth very near at hand, And helper there is none. 12 Great many bulls on ev'ry side Have me encompassed; The mighty bulls of Bashan have Me round environed. 13 With their wide open'd mouths on me They gaping so appear, As if that each a ravening And roaring lions were. 14 Like waters I am spilt, my bones Disjointed are likewise; Like unto melted wax my heart Amidst my bowels lies. 15 My strength is like a potsherd dry'd, And my tongue cleaveth fast Unto my jaws; and to the dust Of death brought me thou hast. 16 For dogs have compass'd me about, Th' assembly me beset Of wicked ones, they pierced through My hands and eke my feet. 17 My bones I may then number all; They look'd, they did me view. 18 My cloaths among them they did part; Lots for my coat they threw. 19 But thou Lord be not far; my strength Haste thou to succour me. 20 My soul from sword, my darling from The pow'r of dogs set free. 21 Out of the lion's mouth also; Oh, saved that I were! For thou from horns of unicorns Didst me vouchsafe to hear. 22 Thy name I will declare to them That brethren are to me; Amidst the congregation I Will praises give to thee. [3] 23 Ye that do fear the Lord, him praise, All Jacob's seed do ye Him glorify, and dread him all Ye Isra'ls seed that be. 24 For he th' affliction of the poor Loaths not, nor doth despise; Nor hides his face from him, but hears When unto him he cries. 25 Within the congregation great, My praise is of thee still: Before them that in reverence, Perform my vows I will. 26 The meek shall eat and be suffic'd; Jehovah praise shall they That do him seek; your heart shall live Unto perpetual aye. 27 All th' Ends of th' earth remember shall And turn unto the Lord; And thee all heathen families To worship shall accord 28 Because unto Jehovah doth The kingdom appertain; Likewise among the nations he Is ruler sovereign. 29 Earth's fat ones eat, and worship shall All who to dust descend, (Who cannot keep alive his soul) Before his face shall bend. 30 With service a posterity Him shall attend upon, Which to the Lord shall counted be A generation. 31 Come shall they, and his righteousness By them declar'd shall be Unto a people yet unborn, That done this thing hath he. Languages: English
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A Psalm of David: The Sufferings, Prayers, and Praises of CHRIST

Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PXXII (1758) Scripture: Psalm 22 First Line: My God, my God, wherefore hast thou Lyrics: 1 My God, my God, wherefore hast thou forsaken me? and why Art thou so far from helping me, and from my earnest cry? 2 My God, I in the day-time cry, but me thou dost not hear; Also in the night-time, but to me no quiet rest is there. 3 Nevertheless, thou holy art, who constantly dost dwell, Amongst the thankful praises of thy people Israel. 4 Our fathers heretofore in Thee did put their confidence; They trusted Thee, and Thou to them didst give deliverance. 5 To Thee they cry'd out earnestly, and then salvation came; They plac'd their trust in Thee alone, and were not put to shame. 6 But as a worm, and not a man, I'm us'd as one forlorn; I'm the reproach among the high, among the low the scorn. 7 With laughter all the gazing crowd my agonies survey; They shoot the lip, they shake the head, and thus deriding say; 8 'You on JEHOVAH cast your elf, 'that He might you redeem; 'Let him now come and rescue you, 'since you delight in him.' 9 But thou art He who from the womb didst tenderly me take: When I was on my mother's breasts, to hope Thou didst me make. 10 I even from the womb have been entirely cast on Thee; And from my mother's bowels Thou, hast been a God to me. [2 Part] 11 Be not Thou far away from me; now trouble is so near; For there is none to give me help, unless Thou wilt appear. 12 My foes, as bulls on ev'ry side have me encompassed; Like mighty bulls of Bashan have Me round environed. 13 Their mouths they open upon me yea open wide do they; Like lions ravenous who roar when seizing on their prey. 14 Like water I am poured out; my bones disjointed are; My heart amidst my bowels melts, like wax amidst the fire. 15 My strength is like a potsherd dry'd, my parched tongue cleaves fast To my dry mouth; and to the dust of death, me brought Thou hast. 16 Like furious dogs they me surround; in crouds the wicked meet; their rude assembly me enclose, and pierce my hands and feet. 17 Ev'n I may number all my bones; on me they look and stare: 18 For my whole vesture, lots they cast, and they my garments share. 19 But be not far, O LORD, my strength; haste Thou to succour me. 20 My precious soul, both from the sword, and pow'r of dogs set free. 21 O save me from the lion's mouth; as Thou hast answer'd me, When on the horns of unicorns I cry'd aloud to Thee. 22 Then to my brethren I'll declare the glories of thy name; Amidst the congregation I thy praises will proclaim. [3 Part] 23 All ye who fear the LORD, Him praise, all Jacob's seed who are Him glorify; all Israel's seed do ye Him greatly fear. 24 For He th' affliction of the poor, nor loaths, nor does despise; Nor hides his face from him, but hears When loud to Him he cries. 25 Ev'n in the congregation great, my praise is of Thee still: Before them who Him reverence, perform my vows I will. 26 The meek shall feed and be suffic'd; and praise the LORD shall ye Who seek his face; your heart shall live ev'n to eternity. 27 All ends of th' earth remember shall and turn unto the LORD; Thee all the heathen families to worship shall accord: 28 Because to our JEHOVAH does the kingdom appertain; And He among the nations is the ruler sovereign. 29 Earth's rich ones eat, and worship shall all who to dust descend, (For none can keep alive their souls) before his face shall bend. 30 A seed for ever shall Him serve, which to the Lord alone A generation shall be call'd which He will ever own. 31 They shall come forth, and shall declare his glorious righteousness; To generations yet unborn, that He hath done all this.
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My GOD! my GOD! why leav'st thou me

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XXII (1767) Scripture: Psalm 22 Lyrics: 1 My GOD! my GOD! why leavst thou me, When I with Anguish call on thee? Why dost thou me neglect, And my loud Pray'r reject? All Day, but all the day in vain, To thee, O LORD, do I complain: All Night have I implor'd Thy Help to me restor'd. 3 Yet thou, O LORD, art ever just, Relieving those, who in thee trust; Therefore shalt Israel raise To thee, continual Praise: On Thee our Ancestors rely'd, And in thy Strength their Foes defy'd; To thee their Pray'rs address'd, And with Success were bless'd. of Innocence oppress'd; 3 Thy sure Deliv'rance, LORD, they found, When Dangers gather'd thickest round; Thine Ears their Cries receiv'd, And they were soon reliev'd; But I, like none of human Birth, Am made the scoffing Rabble's Mirth; Ev'n like a Reptile base, They hold me in Disgrace. Part II 4 My Agonies, the gazing Crowd, Survey with Scorn and Laughter loud, They mock whilst I complain, And thus my Woes disdain: "He boasted, he was Heav'n's Delight, "Let GOD relieve his Favourite; "Let him Assistance send, "His Servant to defend. 5 But thou didst from my Mother's Womb, Make me a living Offspring come; Thy Care thou didst extend, Me helpless to defend: My Youth thou didst from Danger shield, And Guardian-like Protection yield; In thee I will confide, For thou wert still my Guide. 6 Withdraw not then, O GOD, Most high! Thy Aid, when Trouble is so nigh: Do thou that Help extend, On which I still depend. High-pamper'd Bulls, a frowning Throng, From Basan's Forest, fierce and strong, Prepare with growing Rage, Against me to engage. 7 They gape on me, and to my Fears, Each Mouth, a yawning Grave appears; Wide open to devour My Soul, when in their Pow'r: The desart Lion's savage Roar, Could not increase my Horrors more. In Compact close combin'd, They have my Fall design'd. Part III 8 My Joints are rack'd, and out of Frame; My Heart like Wax before the Flame. Within my Bosom glows; My Blood like Water flows: My Strength is parch'd' like Potter's Clay, My fault'ring Tongue forgets to play; My Soul all Hope resigns, And to the Grave declines. 9 Like Blood-hounds, they assembled round, My harmless Hands and Feet they wound; And through my constant Pain, I languish and complain; That all my Bones may well be told; Yet this as Pastime they behold. And still their Pleasure shew, At each Increase of Woe. 10 As Spoil, my Garments they divide: By Lots their Portions they decide; Therefore thy Arm extend, And kind Protection send. From their sharp Sword defend thou me, And let my Life from Danger free; Nor leave my Soul o'erpower'd, By Dogs to be devour'd. 11 To me, O GOD! Assistance send, My Life from Lions fierce defend; As once thy Strength prevail'd, When Unicorns assail'd, Then to my Brethren I'll proclaim The Triumphs of thy holy Name; And to the Saints repair, Thy Glory to declare. 12 "Praise ye the LORD in Songs divine, "Ye num'rous Race of Israel's Line; "To him with Fervour pray, "And low Obeisance pay: "His People he hath ne'er disdain'd, "Or turn'd his Face when they complain'd; "But to their humble Pray'r, "Doth lend a gracious Ear. 13 Thus in thy Courts, thy Name I'll bless, And in loud Songs my Thanks express; And to thy Saints declare, Thy providential Care. The meek Companions of my Grief, Shall at my Table find Relief; And all who seek thy Face, Shall find refreshing Grace. 14 Then shall the World their Homage pay, To GOD, and his Commands obey; His Pow'r they shall confess, And Pray'rs to him address. From Kings Submission to receive, In his supreme Prerogative, Who doth the Worlds sustain; And over all Things reign. 15 The Rich his Bounty must confess, The Poor their gen'rous Patron bless; To him they all resort, For Succour and Support: Then shall a Race exalt his Name, And to their Heirs his Truth proclaim, "Till Heav'n and Earth combin'd, Are all to GOD resign'd. Topics: Prayers When surrounded by Enemies; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Humiliation and Exultation Languages: English Tune Title: [My God! my God! why leav'st thou me]
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A Psalm of David [The Sufferings, Prayers, and Praises of CHRIST]

Hymnal: The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre #PXXII (1773) Scripture: Psalm 22 First Line: My God, my God, wherefore hast thou Lyrics: 1 My God, my God, wherefore hast thou forsaken me? and why Art thou so far from helping me, and from my earnest cry? 2 My God, I in the day-time cry, but me thou dost not hear; Also in the night-time, but to me no quiet rest is there. 3 Nevertheless, thou holy art, who constantly dost dwell, Amongst the thankful praises of thy people Israel. 4 Our fathers heretofore in Thee did put their confidence; They trusted Thee, and Thou to them didst give deliverance. 5 To Thee they cry'd out earnestly, and then salvation came; They plac'd their trust in Thee alone, and were not put to shame. 6 But as a worm, and not a man, I'm us'd as one forlorn; I'm the reproach among the high, among the low the scorn. 7 With laughter all the gazing crowd my agonies survey; They shoot the lip, they shake the head, and thus deriding say; 8 'You on JEHOVAH cast your self, 'that He might you redeem; 'Let him now come and rescue you, 'since you delight in him.' 9 But thou art He who from the womb didst tenderly me take: When I was on my mother's breasts to hope Thou didst me make. 10 I even from the womb have been entirely cast on Thee; And from my mother's bowels Thou, hast been a God to me. [2 Part] 11 Be not Thou far away from me, now trouble is so near; For there is none to give me help, unless Thou wilt appear. 12 My foes, as bulls on ev'ry side have me encompassed; Like mighty bulls of Bashan have Me round environed. 13 Their mouths they open upon me, yea open wide do they; Like lions ravenous who roar when seizing on their prey. 14 Like water I am poured out; my bones disjointed are; My heart amidst my bowels melts, like wax amidst the fire. 15 My strength is like a potsherd dry'd, my parched tongue cleaves fast To my dry mouth, and to the dust of death, me brought Thou hast. 16 Like furious dogs they me surround; in crouds the wicked meet; their rude assembly me enclose, and pierce my hands and feet. 17 Ev'n I may number all my bones; on me they look and stare: 18 For my whole vesture, lots they cast, and they my garments share. 19 But be not far, O LORD, my strength; haste Thou to succour me. 20 My precious soul, both from the sword, and pow'r of dogs set free. 21 O save me from the lion's mouth; as Thou hast answer'd me, When on the horns of unicorns I cry'd aloud to Thee. 22 Then to my brethren I'll declare the glories of thy name; Amidst the congregation I thy praises will proclaim. [3 Part] 23 All ye who fear the LORD, Him praise, all Jacob's seed who are Him glorify; all Israel's seed do ye Him greatly fear. 24 For He th' affliction of the poor, nor loaths, nor does despise; Nor hides his face from him, but hears When loud to Him he cries. 25 Ev'n in the congregation great, my praise is of Thee still: Before them who Him reverence perform my vows I will. 26 The meek shall feed and be suffic'd: and praise the LORD shall ye Who seek his face; your heart shall live ev'n to eternity. 27 All ends of th' earth remember shall, and turn unto the LORD; Thee all the heathen families to worship shall accord: 28 Because to our JEHOVAH does the kingdom appertain; And He among the nations is the ruler sovereign. 29 Earth's rich ones eat, and worship shall, all who to dust descend (For none can keep alive their souls) before his face shall bend. 30 A seed for ever shall Him serve, which to the Lord alone A generation shall be call'd which He will ever own. 31 They shall come forth, and shall declare his glorious righteousness; To generations yet unborn, that he hath done all this. Languages: English
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Thus, in thy sacred courts, will I

Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #XXII.IV (1793) Scripture: Psalm 22

Én Istenem, én erős Istenem

Hymnal: Református énekes-könyv #12b (1918) Scripture: Psalm 22 Languages: Hungarian
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Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear

Hymnal: The Presbyterian Book of Praise #P13 (1897) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 22:23-28 Languages: English Tune Title: WINCHESTER OLD
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Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear

Hymnal: The Presbyterian Book of Praise #P13 (1915) Scripture: Psalm 22
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My God! my God! why leav'st thou me

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #22 (1789) Scripture: Psalm 22 Lyrics: 1 My GOD! my GOD! why leav'st thou me, When I in anguish call on thee? Why dost thou me neglect, And my loud pray'r reject? All day, but all the day in vain, To thee, O Lord, do I complain; All bight have I implor'd Thy help to me restor'd. 2 Yet thou, O Lord, art ever just, Relieving those, who in thee trust; Therefore shalt Israel raise To thee, continual praise: On thee our ancestors rely'd, And in thy strength their foes defy'd; To thee their pray'rs address'd, And with success were bless'd. 3 Thy sure deliv'rance, Lord, they found, When dangers gather'd thickest round; Thine ear their cries receiv'd, And they were soon reliev'd; But I, like none of human birth, Am made the scoffing rabble's mirth; Ev'n like a reptile base, They hold me in disgrace. Part II. 4 My agonies, the gazing crow'd, Survey with scorn and laughter loud; They mock whilst I complain, And thus my woes disdain: "He boasted, he was Heav'n's delight, "Let God relieve his favorite; "Let him assistance send, "His servant to defend. 5 But thou didst from my mother's womb, Make me a living offspring come; Thy care thou didst extend, Me helpless to defend: My youth thou didst from dangers shield, And guardian-like protection yield; In thee I will confide, For thou art still my guide. 6 Withdraw not then, O God, Most High! Thy aid when trouble is so nigh: Do thou that help extend, On which I still depend. High pampered bulls, a frowning throng, From Basan's forest, fierce and strong, Prepare with growing rage, Against me to engage. 7 They gape on me, and to my fears, Each mouth a yawning grave appears; Wide open to devour My woul, when in their pow'r: The desart lion's savage roar, Could not increase my horrors more. In compact close combin'd, They have my fall design'd. Part III. 8 My joints are rack'd, and out of frame; My heart like wax before the flame. Within my bosom glows; My blood like water flows: My strength is parch'd' like potter's clay, My fault'ring tongue forgets to play; My soul all hope resigns, And to the grave declines. 9 Like blood-hounds, they assembled round, My harmless hands and feet they wound; And through my constant pain, I languish and complain; That all my bones may well be told; Yet this as pastime they behold, And still their pleasure shew, At each increase of woe. 10 As spoil, my garments they divide: By lots their portions they decide; Therefore thy arm extend, And kind protection send. From their sharp sword defend thou me, And let my life from danger free; Nor leave my soul o'erpower'd, By dogs to be devour'd. 11 To me, O God! assistance send, My life from lions fierce defend; As once thy strength prevail'd, When unicorns assail'd, Then to my brethren I'll proclaim The triumphs of thy holy name; And to the Ssaints repair, Thy glory to declare. 12 "Praise ye the Lord in songs divine, "Ye num'rous race of Isr'el's line; "To him with fervour pray, "And low obeisance pay: "His people he hath ne'er disdain'd, "Or turn'd his face when they complain'd; "But to their humble pray'r, "Doth lend a gracious ear." Part IV. 13 Thus in thy courts, thy name I'll bless, And in loud songs my thanks express; And to thy saints declare, Thy providential care. The meek companions of my grief, Shall at my table find relief; And all who seek thy face, Shall find refreshing grace. 14 Then shall the world their homage pay, To God, and his commands obey; His pow'r they shall confess, And pray'rs to him address. From kings submission to receive, In his supreme prerogative, Who doth the worlds sustain; And over all things reign. 15 The rich his bounty must confess, The poor their gen'rous patron bless; To him they all resort, For succour and support: Then shall a race exalt his name, And to their heirs his truth proclaim, 'Till heav'n and earth combin'd, Are all to God resign'd. Languages: English

O What a Conquest Jesus Won

Author: Henry F. Lyte, 1793-1847 Hymnal: Psalms of Grace #22a (2022) Scripture: Psalm 22 Languages: English


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