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Hymnal, Number:lv1898

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Jesus has Died for Me

Author: A. H. A. Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: O to be there, where the songs of glory Lyrics: 1 O to be there, where the songs of glory Float o'er the waves of the bright crystal sea; This the refrain of the wondrous story, "Jesus has died for me." While still I linger in this world below, Waiting till homeward I am called to go, I will repeat o'er and o'er the story, "Jesus has died for me. 2 O for a voice to proclaim the message In ev'ry land and the isles of the sea, "God's only Son is the Friend of sinners, Jesus has died for me." 'Tis but a little that my hands can do For this dear loving One so kind and true, But I can tell to the world the story, "Jesus has died for me." 3 Now that I've tasted thy love, O Jesus, Taken my cross and am following thee, Help me to tell this great truth to others, "Jesus has died for me." O that the world would seek the Father's face, Trust in his mercy and forgiving grace; Then how all hearts would rejoice in singing, "Jesus has died for me." 4 O for a heart that will always love him, Trusting his promise wherever I be; Bearing in mind this sweet truth so precious, "Jesus has died for me." Washed in the blood of Jesus Christ my King, Thro' endless ages I this song shall sing, "Glory to God, everlasting glory, Jesus has died for me." Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [O to be there, where the songs of glory]
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At the Eventide

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: O'er the ocean's foam is a land ahead Refrain First Line: Yes, my sails are spread for the glory land Lyrics: 1 O'er the ocean's foam is a land ahead, When the white-robed throng with their Lord abide; For that peaceful shore all my sails are spread, I will reach that land at the eventide. Chorus: Yes, my sails are spread for the glory land; I shall all the storms of this life outride; When I reach that port on the golden strand, I will anchor there at the eventide. 2 Oft I meet with foes who would turn me back, With the chains of sin, and the snares of pride; They will follow me all along life's track But I'll lose them all at the eventide. [Chorus] 3 We have toil and care all along the way, For the waves are rough, and the ocean wide; But our trials will cease, at the close of day, When we find sweet rest at the eventide. [Chorus] 4 There the loved and lost of the years gone by, Sing the new, new song by their Saviour's side; But we'll part no more, while the ages fly, When we gather home at the eventide. [Chorus] Topics: Heaven; Praise; Revival Used With Tune: [O'er the ocean's foam is a land ahead]
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Heal Me Now

Author: Jesse P. Tompkins Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Saviour give, oh, give me rest Refrain First Line: Saviour heal, oh, heal me now Lyrics: 1 Saviour give, oh, give me rest For this torn and troubled breast; Sin has bound me with its chain, Come thou Lamb for sinners slain. Chorus: Saviour heal, oh, heal me now, As before thy throne I bow; All my tears cannot redeem, Plunge me in the crimson stream. 2 Come, oh, come, with me abide, Let me feel thy blood applied; Humbly at thy feet I bow, In my weakness heal me now. [Chorus] 3 If I aught withhold from thee, Break the bond and set me free; Come and bid all sin depart, Stamp thine image on my heart. [Chorus] 4 Now, just now, I feel the flood, 'Tis the ever precious blood; I am thine, and this is bliss, 'Tis thy reconciling kiss. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [Saviour give, oh, give me rest]
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Seek Him Now

Author: Jesse P. Tomkins Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Are you waiting, only waiting Refrain First Line: Seek him thou, seek him thou Lyrics: 1 Are you waiting, only waiting Till the race of life is run? Are you watching only watching For the setting of the sun? Does the tender voice of mercy Touch no chord within your soul? Will you only heed the warning When you're standing at the goal? Chorus: Seek him thou, seek him thou, For the light is shining now; Ere the cheek has lost its bloom In the shadow of the tomb, Seek him now, seek him now. 2 Are you feeding, only feeding On the husk of worldly joys? Are you playing idly playing With life's brightly gilded toys? Are you laying up no treasure In that land beyond the veil, Where the joys are everlasting, And the pleasures never fail? [Chorus] 3 Are you waiting, only waiting Till your bark shall slowly glide O'er the solemn, silent river To that land beyond the tide? Will you slight the hand of Jesus When your skies are fair and bright, And then seek him, only seek him At the fading of the light? [Chorus] Topics: Invitation Used With Tune: [Are you waiting, only waiting]
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Marching Onward, Christian Band

Author: R. B. F Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Marching onward, Christian band, See the hosts from ev'ry land; See the tempted and the tried, Martyred throngs on ev'ry side; Strong in faith, they know not fear, Tho' the hoards of sin appear. 2 Hosts on hosts, he has decreed, Shall from Satan yet be free; Ye have then great work to do, Up! brave Christians, ever true; Christ the watchword still shall be, With it gain the victory. 3 Onward, then, brave Christian band, Tho' temptation ye must stand; Thro' the night of darkness, soon Ye shall see the morning's bloom Christ the Sun shall reappear, Tho' the night be e'er so drear. Topics: Missionary Used With Tune: [Marching onward, Christian band]
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Author: G. N. Allen Appears in 1,208 hymnals First Line: Must Jesus bear the cross alone Lyrics: 1 Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free? No; there's a cross for ev'ry one, And there's a cross for me. 2 The consecrated cross I'll bear Till death shall set me free; And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. 3 O precious cross! O glorious crown! O resurrection day! Ye angels from the stars come down, And bear my soul away.
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For God, for Home, and Every Land

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Today all o'er the world one sees Refrain First Line: O raise the banner up on high Lyrics: 1 Today all o'er the world one sees, A banner floating on the breeze; Upon it this incription grand, "For God, and home, and ev'ry land." Chorus: O raise the banner up on high, O'er ev'ry country may it fly; Till all men ev'ry where may stand, "For God, and home, and ev'ry land." 2 While license rules where Christians dwell, While rum shops send our boys to hell; While Virtue trembles we will band, "For God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus] 3 Not with artillery do we come, Nor screaming fife, nor beating drum; He fights for us who has command, "For God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus] 4 Not in our feeble strength we fight, The Lord of Hosts will arm the right; But in His blessed name we stand, "For God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus] 5 Faith tells us we will win the day, Hope hovers o'er us while we pray; Love points us with her golden wand, To "God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus] Topics: Work Used With Tune: [Today all o'er the world one sees]
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I Know that Jesus Keeps

Author: Rev. W. J. Stuart, A. M. Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: Amid the storm that sweeps Refrain First Line: He keeps, He keeps, I know He does Lyrics: 1 Amid the storm that sweeps, Like billows o'er the soul; I know that Jesus keeps, That He has full control. Chorus: He keeps, He keeps, I know He does, He holds by His pow'r; He keeps, He saves, I know He does, He's with me ev'ry hour. 2 I will not fear the deeps Of darkness nor of pain; I know that Jesus keeps, I shall see light again. [Chorus] 3 There's for the eye that weeps, A rest both sure and sweet; I know that Jesus keeps, I've found a safe retreat. [Chorus] 4 The death that onward creeps, Has lost its sting for me; I know that Jesus keeps, His face at last I'll see. [Chorus] 5 And when I've climb'd the steeps Of heaven's bright domain; I'll sing that Jesus keeps, With all the spotless train. [Chorus] Topics: The Saviour Used With Tune: [Amid the storm that sweeps]
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Just As Seemeth Good to Thee

Author: Ida L. Reed Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Choose my path, O blessed Saviour Lyrics: 1 Choose my path, O blessed Saviour, Let me, trusting, lean on thee; Order thou life's joys and duties, Just as seemeth good to thee. Chorus: Just as seemeth good to thee, Just as seemeth good to thee; Order thou my steps, dear Saviour, Just as seemeth good to thee. 2 Let thy wisdom guide me ever, For I dare not trust my own; Lead thou me in tender mercy, Leave me not to walk alone. [Chorus] 3 Life is full of cares perplexing, And alone, I lose the way; Keep me near to thee, dear Saviour, Choose for me the path, I pray. [Chorus] Topics: Devotional Used With Tune: [Choose my path, O blessed Saviour]
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When the Fire Came Down

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Elijah once stood praying Refrain First Line: It fell upon the altar Lyrics: 1 Elijah once stood praying, Elijah once stood praying; That God would send an answer, When the fire came down. Chorus: It fell upon the altar, It fell upon the altar; Consuming ev'ry portion, When the fire came down. 2 Great fear fell on the people, Great fear fell on the people; They gave to God the glory, When the fire came down. [Chorus] 3 I took my sins to Jesus, I took my sins to Jesus; I laid them on the altar, When the fire came down. [Chorus] 4 For fuller consecration, For fuller consecration; Once more I sought the altar, When the fire came down. [Chorus] 5 Great glory fill'd the temple, Great glory fill'd the temple; I caught a sight of heaven, When the fire came down. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [Elijah once stood praying]


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