Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 118:29 First Line: Hail, mighty, true, and living God Lyrics: 1 Hail, mighty, true and living God,
Ancient of everlasting days;
Saviour of man, who shed'st thy blood,
O teach us, worthily to praise.
2 Cloth'd with salvation—clad in zeal—
Arm'd with the vengeance of a God;
That power which long had brius'd the heel,
Beneath thy pierced feet was trod:
3 Spoil'd of his goods—the goods he held
In chains of darkness, guile and fraud;
The nature which by him rebell'd,
Now forms thy great, thy just reward.
4 Who shall hold back the Saviour's prey?
Or keep the captives of his blood?
Not earth, nor hell. More strong than they,
Christ conquers as the mighty God.
MIghty God