Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Oh Thou all holy, wise and just,
Whom Heav’n and earth obey;
Thou only object of my trust,
Whose word can sink me into dust,
Or raise my feeble clay.
2 Yielding to what Thou shalt propose,
Behold, Thy creature lies;
Resigned to dwell along with those,
who in the silent rave repose,
Or to new health arise.
3 If now the last decisive day
Of my frail life draw near,
My soul while fainting with dismay,
From rising crimes in dread array,
Do Thou with mercy cheer.
4 Or if my past iniquity,
My dying hour molest,
Yet oh then save me when I die,
Nor to my parting soul deny,
An entrance into rest.
5 But if Thy boundless grace should spare
My fleeting life again;
Let sin no more my soul ensnare,
But love and warm devotion there,
In blissful union reign.
6 This for the honor of Thy name,
And through the Savior’s blood,
Not as desert, but grace I claim,
And in the most submissive frame,
Implore of Thee, my God. Used With Tune: REST Text Sources: Hymns Adapted to Public Worship (London: Burton & Briggs, 1818)
Oh Thou All Holy, Wise And Just