Author: George Rise Seltzer, b.1902 Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, all ye people, come away,
Come to our glad and festal day;
Tell of the deeds that God hath wrought
Beyond desert or power of thought.
2 In this fair land our feet are set
Where men of every clime have met;
Almighty God, with his dear hand
Hath kindly led the pilgrim band. A-men.
3 Throughout our life his truth and light
Have been our beacon in the night;
Know we in war and peace his care
Of loved ones far away and near.
4 O God, to thee we bring the meed
Of praise, for help in time of need,
For mercies given by thy Son,
For joys which make our cup o'er-run.
5 Grant us, throughout our earthly day,
To love and serve thee all the way;
To labor for thy Kingdom's spread,
For Christ our Lord, for Christ our Head!
6 Father and Son and Spirit blest,
To thee be every prayer addressed,
Who art in threefold Name adored,
From age to age, the only Lord.
Topics: The Church The House of God Used With Tune: MELCOMBE
Come, all ye people, come away