Author: John Needham Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of Adam join
Throughout the spacious earth
In cheerful songs to hail
The great Redeemer’s birth;
Let your all hearts in concert move,
And every tongue be tuned by love.
2 The lofty heav’ns He bowed,
To earth the Savior came;
With joy th’angelic hosts
His royal birth proclaim;
For you, O men, is born, they sing
A mighty Savior, and a king.
3 ’Twas men He came to save,
And mortal flesh He wore;
Ye men with angels sing,
And in their strains adore;
Let your glad hearts and tongues combine
To praise the love, the grace divine.
4 Glory to God on high!
For great Emmanuel’s birth
Declares to men good will,
And brings down peace to earth;
Thus angels sang, and we’ll repeat
Their strains still new and ever sweet.
5 Abr’am the patriarch led
By faith’s unerring ray,
Abr’am the friend of God
Beheld this glorious day;
Distant his view, but yet so bright
He died o’erjoyed at this blest sight.
6 We see the ancient types,
The prophecies fulfilled;
With eastern sages we
Adore this wondrous Child;
God’s only Son, who came to bless
The earth with peace and righteousness.
7 Glory to God on high!
For great Emmanuel’s birth
Declares to men good will,
And brings down peace to earth;
Thus angels sang, and we repeat
Their songs still new and ever sweet. Used With Tune: ARTHUR'S SEAT Text Sources: Hymns Devotional and Moral on Various Subjects (Bristol, England: S. Farley, 1768)
Ye Sons Of Adam Join