Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #344 (1828) Meter: Irregular Lyrics: 1 O thou God of my salvation,
My Redeemer from all sin,
Mov'd to this by great compassion,
Yearning bowels from within;
I will praise thee:
Where shall I thy praise begin?
2 While the angel-choirs are crying
Glory to the great I AM;
I with them will still be vying.,
Glory, glory, to the Lamb!
O how precious
Is the sound of Jesus’ name!
3 Now I see, with joy and wonder,
Whence the healing streams arose:
Angels-minds are lost to ponder
Dying love's mysterious cause;
Yet the blessing,
Down to all, to me it flows.
4 Though unseen, I love the Saviour,
He almighty grace hath shown;
Pardon'd guilt, and purchas'd favor!
This he makes to mortals known,
Give him glory,
Glory, glory is his own.
5 Angels now are hov'ring round us,
Unperceiv'd they mix the throng,
Wond'ring at the love that crown'd us,
Glad to sing the holy song:
Love and praise to Christ belong. Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ Addresses to Christ and gratitude for redeeming love
O thou God of my salvation